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Where do you personally rank the IU-PU rivalry?

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The IU - PU game seems to be bigger for Purdue. I quit going to these rival games because win or lose, the opposing team fans get ugly.  Some schools are better than others.  UK fans are not only bad sports, but they are also not very bright. 


Every team wants to beat IU. I once heard Illinois mention the game with us as a rivalry. I didn't see that except for the game that Gordon played at the fake Assembly Hall. I never considered Illinois a rival more than any other conference school.

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I have to agree with hating the fans more than the teams. Kentucky is 1 for me, with Purdue just a hair behind. I don't see Illinois as a rivalry, Michigan only really in the 90's with the Fab Four. I think Maryland will be a big rivalry going forward but they seem to have better fans. Kentucky and purdue fans are equally clueless in my opinion.

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I think the responses in this thread underscore how sad it is that we are no longer playing UK on an annual basis. The longer we go on without playing them, the more that rivalry will wane in importance as well. That's not a good thing for IU.

I hope the Louisville series takes it's place with significance.

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It's numero uno for me. Growing up you were either an IU or a PU fan. There was black eyes and bruised egos after games (and that is only the fans).

Sure Purdue has seen its ups and down the last decade plus, but let's be honest IU hasn't been the epitome of consistency either. The one constant though has been my hatred towards PU and wanting to pound them (and their insect-like fans) into oblivion!

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Ky - the school not the jelly, although their head coach is just as slippery

MSU - consistently good, close friends that are alum and we make goofy bets

UM - same with MSU recently

pu - like others have mentioned, tradition makes it a rivalry but IU doesn't really get anything from a win

ill - they're just annoying

O$U - there has been some close, good games recently, recruiting

MD - can see this being built up over the next few years into a solid rivalry

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I honestly don't even hate Purdue that much. They have annoying fans and they're the in-state rival but whatever. Kentucky is annoying because of BBN and how much they've been winning, but I find it hard to hate guys that came out of there once they get to the league. (Try telling me Anthony Davis isn't fun to watch and I'll laugh in your face.)

But Illinois....ohhhhh Illinois. I grew up in Illinois. Wore IU gear since I started preschool. I wore a makeshift Sean May jersey the day after UNC beat them in the title game. "Flying Illini", "Orange Crush", "Assembly Hall (yeah freakin right, that place is a spaceship-shaped turd, what a horrible building)", "ILL-INI". Their fans would rather IU lose than their own team win a game. They can name the best player on their team and that usually is about it. They don't know **** about basketball. Believe me, I've been to games in Champaign, it's brutal. The stupid Chief that got taken away from them, they still whine about that. "Durrr we had a Chief, what's a Hoosier durrrr" Thank God I was raised a Hoosier. **** Illinois.

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I honestly don't even hate Purdue that much. They have annoying fans and they're the in-state rival but whatever. Kentucky is annoying because of BBN and how much they've been winning, but I find it hard to hate guys that came out of there once they get to the league. (Try telling me watching Anthony Davis isn't fun to watch and I'll laugh in your face.)

But Illinois....ohhhhh Illinois. I grew up in Illinois. Wore IU gear since I started preschool. I wore a makeshift Sean May jersey the day after UNC beat them in the title game. "Flying Illini", "Orange Crush", "Assembly Hall (yeah freakin right, that place is a spaceship-shaped turd, what a horrible building)", "ILL-INI". Their fans would rather IU lose than their own team win a game. They can name the best player on their team and that usually is about it. They don't know **** about basketball. Believe me, I've been to games in Champaign, it's brutal. The stupid Chief that got taken away from them, they still whine about that. "Durrr we had a Chief, what's a Hoosier durrrr" Thank God I was raised a Hoosier. **** Illinois.

Tell us how you really feel

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I have to agree with hating the fans more than the teams. Kentucky is 1 for me, with Purdue just a hair behind. I don't see Illinois as a rivalry, Michigan only really in the 90's with the Fab Four. I think Maryland will be a big rivalry going forward but they seem to have better fans. Kentucky and purdue fans are equally clueless in my opinion.


Maryland is a great addition for IU in terms of a rivalry, not just in basketball, but in football and soccer as well. The Big10 brought Maryland and Rutgers in to partially appease Penn State, but once PSU gets going again in football, there won't be much a rivalry there, though both schools treated Penn State the way middle-tier big teams treat IU in basketball in the sense they looked to make it a rivalry by being jerks. Outside of that, IU is actually Maryland's closest thing to a rival based on previous history.


Michigan has been a good one in bball the last few years, but it will never fully take off for several reasons. The first being that Michigan is a football school, and second, they will always consider games against MSU and OSU to be more important than against IU, even if it is in basketball. There should be more of a history there between the schools, starting in 76, but it's a great middle-tier rivalry that has gone under the radar.

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I honestly don't even hate Purdue that much. They have annoying fans and they're the in-state rival but whatever. Kentucky is annoying because of BBN and how much they've been winning, but I find it hard to hate guys that came out of there once they get to the league. (Try telling me watching Anthony Davis isn't fun to watch and I'll laugh in your face.)

But Illinois....ohhhhh Illinois. I grew up in Illinois. Wore IU gear since I started preschool. I wore a makeshift Sean May jersey the day after UNC beat them in the title game. "Flying Illini", "Orange Crush", "Assembly Hall (yeah freakin right, that place is a spaceship-shaped turd, what a horrible building)", "ILL-INI". Their fans would rather IU lose than their own team win a game. They can name the best player on their team and that usually is about it. They don't know **** about basketball. Believe me, I've been to games in Champaign, it's brutal. The stupid Chief that got taken away from them, they still whine about that. "Durrr we had a Chief, what's a Hoosier durrrr" Thank God I was raised a Hoosier. **** Illinois.

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Ah, yes, a fun thread...


I grew up in Hoosierland, and for me there will never be a rivalry more bitter than IU-PU. I have more relatives and former classmates that went to PU than IU, so when we win the rivalry games, there are bragging rights involved. As I said in a preseason thread, you don't have to hate Purdue to be an IU fan, but it helps. Perhaps the fact that I lived in Bloomington and worked as a sports writer there for a few years after leaving IU adds to it for me.


Kentucky? Hate 'em.

Wisconsin? Hate the weather and the coach.

Minnesota/Lousyville? Hate 'em. We don't need no stinkin' Pitinos.


I was always a fan of Bruce Weber's coaching (still am and think he'll get it done at K-State one day), but now that he's moved on, I am free to hate Illinois again. During the Lord Voldemort years (I was cautioned never to name any coach with the last name beginning with S on this board), it was really tough NOT to hate Illinois, Weber notwithstanding.


And just for good measure, I hate a lot of those East Coast schools like Villanova, Temple, Georgetown, Seton Hall and that ilk even though we rarely play any of them.


But to me nothing comes close to the rapture involved in IU-Purdue.


Friendly rivalries IMO are Ohio State, Michigan and Michigan State. I cheer for them when they play other B1G foes unless the standings dictate we need a loss on one of them. Maryland could move into that group as well.

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I don't think it's as big as it once was, Tom and Matt just don't seem to be the intense rivals that RMK and GK seemed to be. For me personally it doesn't get any bigger. I've been accused of being dropped on my head as a baby,since my father,stepfather, and two brothers are purdouche bags,having graduated from there. So tonight is a must unless I want to hear how IU is their ***** at every family gathering for the next year.

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1. UK - Winning tradition nationally (although somewhat tarnished) I do believe, however, that Tubby was clean.


2. PU - Distant 2nd. They've only won Big Ten championships. To me they are irrelevant, but I watched them when Weatherford, Ford and Mount played for them.

I love CZ's tweet stating that he is 4-0 against PU!


3. NC - I really liked Dean Smith as a person and how he treated everyone fairly, but I don't care for cheating Roy Williams and the NCAA does nothing to them!

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Honestly, more than hating Purdue's basketball team and everything, I cannot stand the people I know that go there and are so arrogant, while knowing basically nothing about the game of basketball. That is one of the main reasons they are near the top of my list: the fans.


Agreed, I hate programs because of their fans, not the team on the court.  I know a lot of Purdoo fans and Kentucky fans, so those are the ones I hate the most.


Bingo. I can't tell you how many times I heard the old, "I was in Florida and told someone that I went to Purdue. They thought it was an Ivy League school" story. 


I would still put UK at # 1 on my list, but PU isn't far behind for me.


I live in Florida and I had somebody tell me once that they "went to a school called Purdue".  I told them I've never heard of it  :biggrin:

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Agreed, I hate programs because of their fans, not the team on the court. I know a lot of Purdoo fans and Kentucky fans, so those are the ones I hate the most.

I live in Florida and I had somebody tell me once that they "went to a school called Purdue". I told them I've never heard of it :biggrin:

My response is usually "I'm sorry" or "I wouldn't tell people that"

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