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Stan and Troy suspended for failed drug tests..

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Big Ole' Tyler DeVitte. More than a fan.....


Go find your 15 minute elsewhere



Or someone who is no longer with the program but has information.

Or both. He definitely was with the program, but who knows what information he really has or what he really thinks? Here is an interview he did in January.


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Funny how a week ago, I was worried about landing Thomas Bryant, the effectiveness MSB, substitution problems.

Now this!!!

i know right, i wish we could go back to that, it stinks because IU even when they were number one for how many weeks, still didnt seem to get the attention they should have. Now we have some screw ups and now we are blasted on every level, i just wanna talk hoops not drama, with you 100 percent 

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what the hell is going on with these guys? there here to play ball,getting an education.not to get into crap.

some need to sit out and looked up till they learn a lesson. this is Indiana BasketBall. sure wish Bobby would come back i bet none of this crap would go on. we would have a Great Team to be Proud of.im ashamed of iu basketball program.something has to change or iu basketball will be ruined. i don't want to have to cheer on Louisville,or Kentucky to see Great BasketBall. we can't keep players more than 1 yr, that sinks. Bobby Knight will u Please come back and save this basketball program that u built and now its going down hill ever since u was let go. that shouldn't have happened in the first place. U are IU Basket Ball Mr Robert Knight.

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what the hell is going on with these guys? there here to play ball,getting an education.not to get into crap.
some need to sit out and looked up till they learn a lesson. this is Indiana BasketBall. sure wish Bobby would come back i bet none of this crap would go on. we would have a Great Team to be Proud of.im ashamed of iu basketball program.something has to change or iu basketball will be ruined. i don't want to have to cheer on Louisville,or Kentucky to see Great BasketBall. we can't keep players more than 1 yr, that sinks. Bobby Knight will u Please come back and save this basketball program that u built and now its going down hill ever since u was let go. that shouldn't have happened in the first place. U are IU Basket Ball Mr Robert Knight.

1. Not sure why you mentioned cheering on Kentucky..
2. Bob Knight isn't coming back

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To see Great BasketBall. and they keep players more than 1 yr, that doesn't sinks.

Don't you listen? And Bobby Knight has to come back. E is IU BasketBall.

Difference between cheering for a team and recognizing a winning team lol and he's not coming back to "save" this program

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what the hell is going on with these guys? there here to play ball,getting an education.not to get into crap.

some need to sit out and looked up till they learn a lesson. this is Indiana BasketBall. sure wish Bobby would come back i bet none of this crap would go on. we would have a Great Team to be Proud of.im ashamed of iu basketball program.something has to change or iu basketball will be ruined. i don't want to have to cheer on Louisville,or Kentucky to see Great BasketBall. we can't keep players more than 1 yr, that sinks. Bobby Knight will u Please come back and save this basketball program that u built and now its going down hill ever since u was let go. that shouldn't have happened in the first place. U are IU Basket Ball Mr Robert Knight.

Players smoked and drank while Knight was here, the thing is they either cried their way out of punishment or didn't get caught in the first place haha

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Yes they will. I know that Troy will play in the SMU game because the coach personally told. They are counting both exhibition games as 1 game and then the first 2 games. Then he will be playing in the SMU game. I am disappointed in my son. But what can I do besides get on him and stay on him! He wasn't raised like this and I KNOW he knows better. He is sorry for what he did, but sorry isn't enough in my eyes. He has to go prove not only to his family, but to the fans and the kids that look up to him that this WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN! I believe in Troy and I hope you all do also. Give him a chance to make up for what he did, and move on. We can't keep talking about the same thing over and over. That's like beating a child or putting them in "time-out" for the same action. Learn from it, grow from it and make be in on to a bigger and better life for the team, the fans and mainly yourselves. Basketball doesn't start or stop here. Now I hold him to have better standards and better morals
Think FIRST, then react. With decisions cones consequences good and bad. I will continue to pray for my son and for the team. I'm will always support IU. And since this had to happen, I am glad it happened when he is "19" and not "30!" Come on people, we need to grow from this also and realize
They are still kids and that they will make dumb and immature decisions but putting them down
, putting down Coach Crean will not make things better for anyone. We have to chalk it up as a learning lessons, because honestly no one but a few knows the real deal behind why this so-called 2nd chance happened or how it happened but those few. In my opinion and it's juste opinion, it should have BEEN came out instead of right behind another incident. That makes no since to me and I understand it's a hard pill to swallow. But what they need now most of all is their true fans and family to lift them up but at the same time let them know that THESE
THINGS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE and when you do come back, you better go harder then ever and step up as adults. Age is just a number and some of these guys or is the first time away from home it's a lot on their plate trying to step up to values and standards that we think they should have.
Like I said before, even I, at "48" years old took it to another level and let's words regulate my thoughts instead of not responding at all. I thank Yogi for stepping out and speaking as a team leader and as a friend to his teammates. All I ask from everyone is that we give them all a chance "THIS TIME" and let them prove that they are better then what we have seen and heard so far. It's just time for everyone, us included, to move on and grow up from this awful situation. I know I will, but can you? Everyone has their opinion and now I have learned to except what is and what was. I just hope that who I cursed at and called names can forgive me as a woman, a mother and a fan


I'm with you here.  Most deserve a chance to redeem themselves.  We've all made mistakes and probably done the same things at that age.  I did.  The only difference, and the BIG difference, is when I made my mistakes, the "entire world" didn't know about it.  This is where they need to learn the difference.  Know your situation, who and what you represent, and be mindful of it.

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Wow. Wow...no words.

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Who is your friend? Why didn't he step up? This is too funny for me to even get mad about? Hahaha. YOU GUYS ARE WAYYY TOO FUNNY!? Lord, JESUS, forgive them cause they know not what the truth is and please everyone involved with this blatant lie, just repent. God does forgive. A living witness. But on the real, when you make ACCUSATIONS LIKE THAT, their are consequences that come with your actions also. I SINCERELY WILL PRAY FOR JESUS TO FORGIVE YPY for such an "OUTRIGHT" lie as this one you just said. W-O-W......

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what the hell is going on with these guys? there here to play ball,getting an education.not to get into crap.

some need to sit out and looked up till they learn a lesson. this is Indiana BasketBall. sure wish Bobby would come back i bet none of this crap would go on. we would have a Great Team to be Proud of.im ashamed of iu basketball program.something has to change or iu basketball will be ruined. i don't want to have to cheer on Louisville,or Kentucky to see Great BasketBall. we can't keep players more than 1 yr, that sinks. Bobby Knight will u Please come back and save this basketball program that u built and now its going down hill ever since u was let go. that shouldn't have happened in the first place. U are IU Basket Ball Mr Robert Knight.


We will not miss you. If this is what it takes to make you abandon your team then please don't come back

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HAHAHAHAHAHA. Who is your friend? Why didn't he step up? This is too funny for me to even get mad about? Hahaha. YOU GUYS ARE WAYYY TOO FUNNY!? Lord, JESUS, forgive them cause they know not what the truth is and please everyone involved with this blatant lie, just repent. God does forgive. A living witness. But on the real, when you make ACCUSATIONS LIKE THAT, their are consequences that come with your actions also. I SINCERELY WILL PRAY FOR JESUS TO FORGIVE YPY for such an "OUTRIGHT" lie as this one you just said. W-O-W......

I don't know if that story is true or not and like everything else we hear in life we shall take with a grain of salt. Please don't get too upset over what a few say on here or elsewhere and look at the masses that while disappointed in a lot of players and coaches, we look forward to them becoming better people and players and cheering them on this year.

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The irresponsibility of these players is going to cost Crean his job and I feel bad for him because there's only so much the man can do. Maybe give Stan and Troy stiff penalties even if it means losing games? at this point I don't know what would teach these players a lesson.


Troy needs to sit for a long time. Stanford needs to find a new home. Crean continues to slap their wrists, and Fred Glass just sits there nodding and saying "Tom's the guy". Maybe it’s time to clean house. Big time.


I am so disgusted with this bunch and with their attitude. My real concern is that they trotted Yogi out there to fall on his sword. But deep down, I can’t help but feel that they are only sorry because the got caught.


Does anyone remember the time when Indiana was different - when we were a team that won games and did it the right way? Or am I just an old codger with clouded memory?

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Alex Bozich @insidethehall  ·  5m 
According to IU student athlete bill of rights, a second failed drug test in men's basketball results in a three-game suspension. #iubb



That may be all well and good, except both Troy and Stan only got 2 games. No one could realistically count the exhibition games.

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To give Coach a little credit(its pretty tough right now), he's doing the radio show tonight in spite of all this and isn't hiding behind an IU publicist.


He’s letting Fischer act like the white house press secretary - screening the calls and ducking the hard ones - like why Crean still deserves to have a job. More disgusting behavior. You want to take questions? Then answer them. IMO, it’s a legitimate question in many people's minds.

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