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Stan and Troy suspended for failed drug tests..

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You guys think this is bad? Say goodbye to, potentially our current 2015 recruits, and any chance at top recruits in 2016 and 2017, unless we sign some miracle head coach literally tomorrow.


Exactly. What recruits parents can look at Crean and the cluster***k that is Indiana basketball as possibly think that this is the place for their kid?


Turn out the lights, the party's over.

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Zimmerman's stepmother was tweeting about IU's program falling apart soon after the news came out. Parents are watching and top recruits will not be coming here until we make a complete turn around. That means getting rid of Crean and the bad apples on this team.

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Lighten up you nut. I guess you shouldn't watch any IU basketball this year because despite what you think, Crean won't be gone, and Stan and Troy will still be playing. Go support another team.


The Hoosiers are my team. I don’t want to support another team. But if you think what’s going on in Bloomington is ok, then this is not your team.


These guys are an embarrassment, and sitting them for 2 exhibition games and 2 cupcakes is not a punishment that fits the crime.


I realize that what I want to happen will never happen. But that doesn’t mean that what is happening is right or good by any stretch.

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Zimmerman's stepmother was tweeting about IU's program falling apart soon after the news came out. Parents are watching and top recruits will not be coming here until we make a complete turn around. That means getting rid of Crean and the bad apples on this team.


 I could not agree more. Crean has effectively neutered himself as a recruiter.

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The Hoosiers are my team. I don’t want to support another team. But if you think what’s going on in Bloomington is ok, then this is not your team.


These guys are an embarrassment, and sitting them for 2 exhibition games and 2 cupcakes is not a punishment that fits the crime.


I realize that what I want to happen will never happen. But that doesn’t mean that what is happening is right or good by any stretch.

I never said what was going on is OK.

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Apparently not as Morgan and O.G. -- just last night -- reiterated their commitments to IU.  Morgan's comments, in particular, were promising.  He seems to get what it's all about here...


I hope those commitments hold. But I am more concerned about the others "on the table". Time will tell, but as a parent, I’d certainly have doubts about letting my son go to that mess. 


Let’s see if Crean can sort it all out, but I really have doubts about that. And it really, honestly pains me to even type those words.


This is my school, and my program.


IU '77

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I think the wheels behind the scenes are or will be turning. I am not going to fret over it, as I HOPE we take care of business and make the necessary changes when the TIME is right.

I am in the crowd that believes Crean won't coach at IU next season. I think the people who matter think the same, it's just a matter of how to handle it publicly.

If we WIN big this season the decision is harder, but still needs to happen.

I just HOPE, since we have a year to think about it, that we make the BEST and most seamless choice!

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I think the wheels behind the scenes are or will be turning. I am not going to fret over it, as I HOPE we take care of business and make the necessary changes when the TIME is right.

I am in the crowd that believes Crean won't coach at IU next season. I think the people who matter think the same, it's just a matter of how to handle it publicly.

If we WIN big this season the decision is harder, but still needs to happen.

I just HOPE, since we have a year to think about it, that we make the BEST and most seamless choice!

I find it funny that there were zero issues of this kind for 6 years and now we have had (way too many) a few in 8 months and it's not something that we can recover from? That the 6 years were the anomaly, but the 8 months is the way it is and will be going forward? I think people (of all ages) are too quick to want changes rather than improvements.

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