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Class of '66 Old Fart

Transfer Portal w IU Interest

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23 minutes ago, Home Jersey said:

Tony Perkins commits to Missouri per Rabby

What's interesting is that it had been two weeks since Perkins had visited Missouri and I don't believe he had taken any visits.  But some of the schools on his cut list have signed point guard commits -- IU signed Rice, UCLA signed Skyy Clark.  Wonder if he was looking for more interest from schools that decided to go a different way.  If not, two weeks after one visit followed by no other ones would seem strange.

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28 minutes ago, str8baller said:

Whether we do it or not, is up to your opinion on Woody (And this isn’t the thread for that). But we’d have to play small to get another starter quality guard off the bench (ie land 2/3 of conwell, hickman, carlyle) any decent min. 

40min a game x 5 starters = 200 total min. 

if your starters all avg 28 mpg your at 140 minutes leaving 60 for the bench. Galloway played 33mpg last year, but let’s say he’s a team player and does 20mpg off the bench this year. 

40mpg left. Your 5star frosh Tucker + table scraps for Cupps/Leal/backup big is probably at least 20mpg. 

20mpg left. That’s the max you can offer a 2nd portal guard and that’s if you stagger Ballo/Reneau perfectly and play 4out or mbako at the 4 half the time.  

There’s no way to play big all game and get 2 more guards the mins they want.

Yep, I’ll stay on topic :)


The minutes point is what the discussion was meant to be about so you nailed it. If we’re bringing in all of these guards, but only play a two guard lineup, then there’s only 80 minutes available but if we go 3 guards that’s 120 minutes available which, given how the roster looks to be shaping up, probably makes more sense.


 This also would allow Tucker, who I assume gets 15+ minutes a game, to spend his time at the 3 instead of possibly at the 2.

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1 minute ago, steubenhoosier said:

All this talk about rosters, minutes, etc.

Is Newton an afterthought, or just being written off?

If he is recovered, I see him competing for guard minutes 

Def he'll have to compete for guard minutes.  He is such a major unknown I don't want going into this upcoming season like we did with Gunn.  Gunn was a major unknown and for him it didn't pan out too well

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1 hour ago, Feathery said:

It’s been a pro league under the table for decades now. IU just didn’t participate in that and has faded to below mediocrity.

I’m not sure why a player making money has any effect on a fan liking a sport. That would be like me not wanting to have anything to do with the business you work for because they pay their employees. 

Oh Feathery, you see the world as it is, I see it as it should be. :) Guess I'm a naieve idealist, but I believe amateur sports can exist. Otherwise, why not give high school kids a piece of the action? How about that $6 Gramma pays for the junior league games at the rec center on saturday morning? I'm not against capitalism, at all. That doesn't equate to everything only being about money all the time. My solution is "if you want to get paid to play basketball, terrific, there are lots of options around the world for that. If you want to play for ____________ University then you aren't a professional, yet and won't get paid."  And yes, I understand that cat is out of the bag already. 

College sports (actually only football & basketball) have been twisted to create the current situation. Too bad no ever told us the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.   

Besides, pro basketball is already established, why should state run universities be running a sports/entertainment business? What do education and pro sports have to do with each other? Just license out the name "Indiana Hoosiers" and let them run the new league like AAA baseball. No reason for the facade of being attached to a school anymore. 

Enough on this derailment- back to transfer portal news. I think if Ballo hasn't committed by tomorrow afternoon, he's not gonna. 

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5 minutes ago, steubenhoosier said:

All this talk about rosters, minutes, etc.

Is Newton an afterthought, or just being written off?

If he is recovered, I see him competing for guard minutes 

If he’s 100% he won’t just compete for minutes, he’ll get’em. But, speaking as probably the #1 Newton fan who’s not a family member, it’s tough to roster build based on that assumption. 

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5 minutes ago, steubenhoosier said:

All this talk about rosters, minutes, etc.

Is Newton an afterthought, or just being written off?

If he is recovered, I see him competing for guard minutes 

I’m personally not counting on him much for this year given his injury and time off but who knows, human performance and recovery is highly variable, especially when you look at young, high level athletes.

Love that he’s sticking with us though, really hoping he’s able to develop alongside Cupps the next couple of years.


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6 minutes ago, Demo said:

If he’s 100% he won’t just compete for minutes, he’ll get’em. But, speaking as probably the #1 Newton fan who’s not a family member, it’s tough to roster build based on that assumption. 

I would assume at this point that Woodson would have some idea regarding what Newton could provide. Didn't he return to practice late last season? He didn't actually have great guards to compete against, but if he showed something, Woody should know at this point.

Of course, Woody was wrong about Gunn, Banks and X, so there's that. 

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5 minutes ago, Demo said:

If he’s 100% he won’t just compete for minutes, he’ll get’em. But, speaking as probably the #1 Newton fan who’s not a family member, it’s tough to roster build based on that assumption. 

Kid's so talented, really hoping he's full go by October

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20 minutes ago, steubenhoosier said:

All this talk about rosters, minutes, etc.

Is Newton an afterthought, or just being written off?

If he is recovered, I see him competing for guard minutes 

He's not played in over 2 years......no one comes back from that quickly

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I am going to do a dangerous thing and assume a few things (working off of posts by Chris007 and knowledge from others): Carlyle will commit to IU, likely on his visit, Oumar Ballo will commit to IU sometime in the next day or two. That leaves IU with a roster of:

Returning: Cupps, Newton, Galloway, Leal, Reneau, Mgbako 

Arriving: Bryson Tucker, Myles Rice, Kanaan Carlyle, Oumar Ballo

That would be ten scholarships filled with three remaining. I have heard, as have others, IU did not enter the portal season with intentions to fill all 13 scholarships. That could change but I would be surprised if we had more than 12 players on scholarship.

The Connor Hickman versus Ryan Conwell "debate" is somewhat interesting but largely a moot point. It's not a draft and IU has a lot of traction with Hickman while Conwell (who I am 100% sure has been made very aware of IU's very strong interest, plan and offer) is confirmed to be visiting four schools that are not IU. I think very rational arguments can be made that Hickman is way more than just a consolation prize. He is a very good three-point shooter and I think his percentage actually is underappreciated. Bradley was not a shooter friendly system and they played with a ball dominant point guard that didn't set Hickman up. There were not a whole lot of catch and shoot opportunities. I think he could thrive IF (major IF) put into position to succeed as a spot-up shooter in addition to his ability to play as a secondary ball-handler in pick and roll situations with Ballo. I don't have a bunch of inside information but I am told things occasionally, particularly when there are players with strong connections to Indiana high school basketball due to my involvement in it (which feels like a lifetime and a lot of lost athleticism ago)...Connor Hickman has never asked for a promise that he will start. He wants a chance to start, a chance to compete and earn playing time. He wants to know that other guys will not be ahead of them just because the other guys might be promised things. IU has offered him that chance along with, I am sure, a hefty NIL number. Will he choose IU? I hope so. I don't think IU could have done anything differently than what they did to land him. 

If he joins, you have two scholarships left. I am very surprised by this but I do believe there is a somewhat realistic chance IU lands Payne, in addition to Oumar Ballo. I don't know if that's going to happen and I don't know if that is a great thing. Payne is very intriguing and I like watching him and he'd be a REALLY good backup center that could maybe give us a few minutes as a four in a pinch if he was surrounded by like Rice/Hickman/Mgbako as shooters. I would certainly prefer Humrichous but I don't know if he actually is interested in joining IU in a rotation role. If Payne would do that...I think you take him and then hope we stagger the bigs appropriately.

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1 minute ago, btownqb said:

Well.. Myles Rice did and was FOY. :) 

Different reasons......Newton is coming from a major injury that affects athleticism.  Not saying he can't come back in 2 years, but expectations should be tempered. Hoping for him to contribute but his injury was a big one


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The thing I like about some of the guys we have been targeting is 

A) multi-year guys..Myles Rice, possibly Carlyle, Conwell, Payne. I don't want this to be an every year thing where Indiana has to replace it's best players. Obviously things change but Carlyle is seen as a second round pick. Mgbako and Reneau have work to do to get drafted

B) I think while Jakai and Gabe may not see as much playing time next year, they have a chance the following year to step into a role better suited for them. 

C) I think some of the '25 guys would fit right in as well into a good role. 

D) If Mgbako were to go pro Tucker can step in. 

Still will have probably 5-6 scholarships but most of your core will be back unlike this offseason and last year. I hate to say it, but I think that will be the new norm in college basketball. That being said, landing these guys is not only good for 24-25 but for the future. 

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2 hours ago, Hardwood83 said:

Oh Feathery, you see the world as it is, I see it as it should be. :) Guess I'm a naieve idealist, but I believe amateur sports can exist. Otherwise, why not give high school kids a piece of the action? How about that $6 Gramma pays for the junior league games at the rec center on saturday morning? I'm not against capitalism, at all. That doesn't equate to everything only being about money all the time. My solution is "if you want to get paid to play basketball, terrific, there are lots of options around the world for that. If you want to play for ____________ University then you aren't a professional, yet and won't get paid."  And yes, I understand that cat is out of the bag already. 

College sports (actually only football & basketball) have been twisted to create the current situation. Too bad no ever told us the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.   

Besides, pro basketball is already established, why should state run universities be running a sports/entertainment business? What do education and pro sports have to do with each other? Just license out the name "Indiana Hoosiers" and let them run the new league like AAA baseball. No reason for the facade of being attached to a school anymore. 

Enough on this derailment- back to transfer portal news. I think if Ballo hasn't committed by tomorrow afternoon, he's not gonna. 

lol. Yes I’m very much a realist and taking the world as it is. Saying that the world would be a better place if it would just act the way I wanted it to. Haha. 

The idea you have for colleges not being a place for professional sports isn’t bad per se. But the US Supreme Court has already ruled the way the universities governed by way of the NCAA was not actually legal and they were exploiting people.

College sports has always been dirty. Heck even as far back as the early 1900’s schools were paying people to play on their who were not students. Even printed on the NCAA website if you want to look it up. 

Why have local high school sports? They are also state funded. I’m a massive sports fan and love European soccer. Their system is probably way better than ours, but talking to some former euro players who never made it professionally but were viewed as quality players as youths, they think the US system is better bc of the educational aspect.

Rest assured, state funds are not paying for the athletic department at IU. So there isn’t tax payer dollars going to it other than what is willfully given. 

Totally agree that the love of money is the root of evils. But if people are smart money can make their lives so much easier. Saying that as someone who was raised on govt assistance and now living a nice standard of living. Money is just a tool, nothing else. 

back to the topic, I agree we need Ballo commitment soon if it’s going to happen. 

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