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Thomas Bryant and Emmitt Holt cited for illegal alcohol posession

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Again, is there an upside to having Tom Crean as Indiana's coach and, if there is, does it outweigh the mediocre results and embarrassment his players have brought on IU? He has given players second chances. How many does he get?

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I was just referring the the media video. Not sure what he might've said to the audience.


In the media interview at about the 4:45 mark, Crean says "Emmitt should have never had my freshMEN in that situation...". So he did not use a number, but did use the plural "freshmen" vs the singular "freshman" and goes on the say that "THEY" just go there (on campus?) and that "THEY" hadn't even started classes - it definitely sounds like there was at least one more freshman besides Bryant "in that situation"... whatever that turns out to mean.


Of course Tommy also says "irregardless", so there's that, too.

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In the media interview at about the 4:45 mark, Crean says "Emmitt should have never had my freshMEN in that situation...". So he did not use a number, but did use the plural "freshmen" vs the singular "freshman" and goes on the say that "THEY" just go there (on campus?) and that "THEY" hadn't even started classes - it definitely sounds like there was at least one more freshman besides Bryant "in that situation"... whatever that turns out to mean.

Of course Tommy also says "irregardless", so there's that, too.

Idk how you can tell the difference between the singular and plural form of "freshman". The whole thing sounded singular to me.

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When people said knock it off then knock it off. If you two want to argue about whose the best lawyer do it in PMs or make your own thread no one has to read. I hid all the recent posts about it. Next step is warning points and a brief vacation (aka a Hovahug)

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Like another poster earlier, I thought the most interesting thing Crean had said was that Emmitt shouldn't have had his freshman in that situation. It's a really great point.

I don't recall what the legal outcome of the Holt/Davis incident was, probably the pre-trial diversion program, but Holt's the one who shouldn't have been in that position. Despite drinking and driving and being at the wheel in an incident in which someone nearly died, here he is back in trouble with alcohol again. He apparently learned nothing, making his contrition back then appear contrived to lessen his punishment.

I have no idea if Holt's on probation for his prior offenses, but this recent incident is well within one year of the earlier ones. Of course, there won't be any serious consequences even if he is because the legal system is just as ugly on the inside as it appears on the outside.

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In the media interview at about the 4:45 mark, Crean says "Emmitt should have never had my freshMEN in that situation...". So he did not use a number, but did use the plural "freshmen" vs the singular "freshman" and goes on the say that "THEY" just go there (on campus?) and that "THEY" hadn't even started classes - it definitely sounds like there was at least one more freshman besides Bryant "in that situation"... whatever that turns out to mean.

Of course Tommy also says "irregardless", so there's that, too.

Regardless and irregardless are both correct

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I wonder if  Crean was so soured by the upper class leaders because they were in the car too?


Otherwise I can't imagine him being so down on Troy and Yogi if they were not involved directly. It is certainly not their fault this happened, but on the other hand, if they were there and just not cited...

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Oh, it's their fault all right. Not entirely, of course, but they had all summer to explain what the expectations are at IU and to drive home the point. That's what leadership is about. Oh, wait, that's right, they're not leaders, they're part of the problem, and arrests and citations for drugs and alcohol are what's expected nowadays.

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I know it's over and hid my reply, but I am a little curious how many lawyers are here besides Stu and I?


How would the peanut gallery here even begin to try to verify that the message board poster who claims to be an attorney is in fact an attorney after all, and not just a random poser in his message board life?


The usual message board poster also claims to be very tall, a prolific lover, good looking, charming, athletic, wise, and intelligent!  Do you blindly believe him when he tells you that too?    :haha:

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