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Will 1 more win do it?

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Right now we're either Last 4 In or First 4 Out. I don't see a win over NW changing that. Now a win over NW AND MD then we're dancing.

I think one more win gets us in. Unless teams lose in the conference tourneys that are already locks for the tourney I just think the NCAA wants IU back in the tourney as much as we do.

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I think one more win gets us in. Unless teams lose in the conference tourneys that are already locks for the tourney I just think the NCAA wants IU back in the tourney as much as we do.


Agreed, it's just a matter of how many bids are stolen in the conference tourneys.  I want IU in but I don't see a win over NW solidifying that.

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To me the Northwestern game only negatively impacts our chances of making the Tournament(losing). I do not really think that is the type of team that can make or break someones decision. The overall side of our draw though looks favorable to help us though

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if u had a kid on the team would u want to lose? As a parent and Iu fan that would be a tough stance to take. Im sure you r an Iu fan and must be a hard decision to hope your teams loses. I'm glad I don't have to be in your shoes and root against a team I have loved for 37 years. Good luck with that

It is very hard for me. You have no idea! I starting to catch myself hoping that CTC doesn't have the slightest of success so we can get the ball rolling on a new guy. I hate it for the kids on the team. But the sooner we can get it rolling the better for IU bball. Glass is prolonging the inevitable here.

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Frankly, I hope we don't get in. That's not being mean, and it's not because I don't support IU. It is stating the obvious; we aren't good enough. We aren't good enough by our standards, and only marginally good enough by Purdue's. 

If we get it, with the type of team we have and the type of record we have, it'll have more to do with the candy stripe pants and the "Indiana" insignia emblazoned on the jersey than our play. It does nothing to improve our program. It does nothing to improve the team, and player's don't "deserve" to make it simply because we feel sorry for them if they don't. They deserve to make it when their team is one of the 64 best in the land, (our isn't).

One also has to consider other schools, and their sons who've played their hearts out and their asses off, and sold out to the game far more than what I've seen with this team.

Why screw the "Buffalo's" of the world, or countless others?; So we can feel better about seeing the IU logo on a court?

If one more loss puts even a modicum of additional pressure on Fred Glass to fire Crean, or on Crean to resign, I'm all for it.


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Frankly, I hope we don't get in. That's not being mean, and it's not because I don't support IU. It is stating the obvious; we aren't good enough. We aren't good enough by our standards, and only marginally good enough by Purdue's. 

If we get it, with the type of team we have and the type of record we have, it'll have more to do with the candy stripe pants and the "Indiana" insignia emblazoned on the jersey than our play. It does nothing to improve our program. It does nothing to improve the team, and player's don't "deserve" to make it simply be cause they play ball and practice. They deserve to make it when their team is one of the 64 best in the land, (our isn't).

One also has to consider other schools, and their sons who've played their hearts out and their asses off, and sold out to the game far more than what I've seen with this team.

Why screw the "Buffalo's" of the world, or countless others, so we can feel better about putting the IU logo on a court?

If one more loss puts even a modicum of additional pressure on Fred Glass to fire Crean, or Crean to resign, I'm all for it.




Completely disagree, and here's why:


The decision makers already have, for better or for worse, a complete handle on the abilities, the upside, and the downside of Tom Crean as the Indiana basketball coach going forward. If they don't, then ya might as well give up any semblance of faith in the ability of extremely smart people to make an informed decision. Not to say that doesn't happen now and then, but going through life expecting extremely smart, well-informed people to do the opposite of what is rational is...unhealthy.


Us winning games will only change the mindset of those decision makers if we did the unthinkable; made the tourney with this team, and made to at least the sweet 16 once in.


I don't see anyone saying that a great tournament run would be unacceptable because it would be flattering to Coach Crean.

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Completely disagree, and here's why:


The decision makers already have, for better or for worse, a complete handle on the abilities, the upside, and the downside of Tom Crean as the Indiana basketball coach going forward. If they don't, then ya might as well give up any semblance of faith in the ability of extremely smart people to make an informed decision. Not to say that doesn't happen now and then, but going through life expecting extremely smart, well-informed people to do the opposite of what is rational is...unhealthy.


Us winning games will only change the mindset of those decision makers if we did the unthinkable; made the tourney with this team, and made to at least the sweet 16 once in.


I don't see anyone saying that a great tournament run would be unacceptable because it would be flattering to Coach Crean.

I can appreciate what you're saying Stu, but I'm not questioning the intelligence of those persons in a position of authority. I'm questioning the unseen forces behind their decision making, which often times hasn't a thing to do with their intelligence. Sometimes it's ego, sometimes it money, sometimes it ignorance, (they simply don't understand the whole picture), and sometimes it's nothing more than a pissing match. In the end, elimination of any hope for this coach's future, through continued losses, and fan based denouncements, makes their reluctance to make a change indefensible. I love IU and hate to see upheaval and disappointment for the kids on the team, but I'd rather get the situation corrected now, than have more kids come through our program and receive such sub standard coaching and negative experiences. Delaying a change prolongs the inevitable and serves neither current nor future players, and that is far more important that our getting in to the tournament, possibly getting hot and winning a few games. I've seen way too many average coaches follow this path to mediocrity, and I'd like to think no one at IU enjoys being mediocre.

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And I question where or not the powers that be at the University really give a crap one way or the other about IU sports much less IUBB.  Its been an issue of mine since John Ryan retired!  I don't like them and I don't trust them to do whats right for our sports program.  McRobbie and his cronies are not the school I graduated from!  NO FAITH IN THESE CLOWNS WHAT SO EVER!!


Geez Nips, I think you're starting to warm up to them!  ;)

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I'm looking forward to our guys coming at NW with anger wiping the floor with them. PLAY ANGRY!!!!!



The problem with his is after losing to Northwestern the first time they laid a total egg against Iowa then after losing two in a row at home and two in a row overall they came out and laid a goose egg against MSU besides the final 2 minutes where it still would not have been a game had MSU hit free throws. 

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I don't really know that our administration has the juice for us to win 20 games then dump Crean. If we lose this badly down the stretch, don't hit 20 and lose to NW, it is a lot more justifiable to part ways. 


One more win and I say we are firmly on the bubble and need a good showing against Maryland

A loss and I think no tourney, no Crean

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