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Stan and Troy suspended for failed drug tests..

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What apology? He said "despite everything. WE still standing"

That's where all of you guys are sorely mistaken. It wasn't an apology, wasn't meant to be an apology and it wasn't in place of an apology. It was a comment directed to the TEAM not the fans. Goodness guys!


And, I imagine it not only referred to Himself and Stan, but Yogi, Hanner, Devin and Emmit, as well as Hartman's Injury, April's injury, Hanner and April missing Canada, etc, etc, etc.

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Please refer to BBall4IU's post on anything Troy related. Unless you're related, I have zero clue how in the world you continue to defend this kid.


If someone does something wrong like he diid, by all means, be mad about it, but when you reach and analyze every comment and action and invent issues and negatives where they don't exist is a little overboard. That's all.


And, all I asked was did you read the entire comment, because I would have thought a reasonable person would be tempered a little if so

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Couldn't tell from TV---for those that went to the game--- did you see Holt ,Stan and Troy on the sidelines?

Didn't see Troy, Stan, or Emmitt. It did look like a recruit with his family behind the bench. I assumed it was Lamar Stevens.

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It's time for Troy--Stan--and Holt-- to face the music---so to speak.


I was hoping that it would occur before the SMU game as it will be deservedly awkward for them---and I was hoping it would occur in a game before one they may actually play in.


I hope Crean does not start them but brings them in off the bench as needed.  The other boys have been doing fine without them and the message needs to continue to be sent that they must straighten up their acts.


But---now that they have served their punishments---it's time for them to earn their playing time back and Hoosier Nation is excited to see what each one of them can add to the team.

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Something that I am really concerned about is team chemistry. I don’t want anyone thinking that I am "piling on", but I have some real concerns about effects of the "substance abuse" issues that currently has one player in the hospital and 3 on suspension. Clearly this was a case of extremely poor judgment in the best case, and it could be even more than that. But with that said, and after only 3 games (2 exhibitions and one cupcake), it seems like there is a chemistry forming. We don’t see the behind the scenes stuff that goes on in practice, so none of us can speak to it with any certainty... but how are the 3 suspended players interacting with their teammates? And maybe more importantly, how are the teammates interacting/responding to them? Hopefully Stan and Troy are smart enough guys to understand how badly they screwed up. And Holt clearly is facing a "teachable moment". So my question really comes down to their attitudes. Did they really learn anything from this, are they demonstrating any sense of remorse for their actions? Or, are they just sorry that they got caught? The distinction is huge - and will go along way towards either giving this team a rallying point or driving a wedge between them, similar to what was going on with Sampson's team.
I guess time will tell, starting with the SMU game on Thursday. But before that, we get Mike Davis and Texas Southern on Monday.

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Something that I am really concerned about is team chemistry. I don’t want anyone thinking that I am "piling on", but I have some real concerns about effects of the "substance abuse" issues that currently has one player in the hospital and 3 on suspension. Clearly this was a case of extremely poor judgment in the best case, and it could be even more than that. But with that said, and after only 3 games (2 exhibitions and one cupcake), it seems like there is a chemistry forming. We don’t see the behind the scenes stuff that goes on in practice, so none of us can speak to it with any certainty... but how are the 3 suspended players interacting with their teammates? And maybe more importantly, how are the teammates interacting/responding to them? Hopefully Stan and Troy are smart enough guys to understand how badly they screwed up. And Holt clearly is facing a "teachable moment". So my question really comes down to their attitudes. Did they really learn anything from this, are they demonstrating any sense of remorse for their actions? Or, are they just sorry that they got caught? The distinction is huge - and will go along way towards either giving this team a rallying point or driving a wedge between them, similar to what was going on with Sampson's team.

I guess time will tell, starting with the SMU game on Thursday. But before that, we get Mike Davis and Texas Southern on Monday.


I wonder if the rest of the team knew about Stan and Troy's suspensions before we did?

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This all come out to the team this summer. It just became public the other week, but the failed tests and suspensions happened in the summer. 


Troy's mom said on here that she's known about this for a while. So I'm sure the team did too. 


I wonder if the rest of the team knew about Stan and Troy's suspensions before we did?

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This all come out to the team this summer. It just became public the other week, but the failed tests and suspensions happened in the summer. 


Troy's mom said on here that she's known about this for a while. So I'm sure the team did too. 

Thanks you!

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Wondering what kind if any treatment plan the University offers. I would assume that they would be required to do some sort of treatment.

The University has OASIS which is a organization on campus for students with substance issues. There is also CAPS as well but I'm not sure how much they deal with substance related issues.

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Someone leaked the failed drug tests now even though they happened months ago----what was their motive?  To hurt Crean and the program?  Or to help Crean and the program get the players' attention by invoking the condemnation of former players and Hoosier Nation on them?


It doesn't matter now---but you have to hope the players have been embarrassed enough to never want to do it again.

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