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Fire Coach Woodson Thread

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3 minutes ago, Chris007 said:

Just to clear everything up I was told that if Dolson could get a proven P5 coach to come then we could move on from Woody. Then Sunday I got info that Pearl & IU had agreed to the numbers. So my assumption would be that Woody wouldn't be back because we had Pearl. Little did I know that Buckner is not having any of this. He won't talk about it, he is adamant that Archie got 4 years, Woody gets 4 years. 

No one knows where Whitten is at on all of this. 

Who has final say? Quinn/BoT - or Whitten?

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10 minutes ago, Chris007 said:

Because everyone is scared of him. He is vice president of the Pacers and has the Simons backing him. No one wants to cross QB. He is letting everyone know that Woodson is getting a 4th year. He won't even have a conversation about it. 

Another sad part is if he makes the tournament next year, then he will probably get a 5th year. 

It was mentioned on the Discord that Glass but together a list, then Buckner hired Archie. Do we know who else was on that list? 

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1 minute ago, southernindianahoosier2 said:

It was mentioned on the Discord that Glass but together a list, then Buckner hired Archie. Do we know who else was on that list? 

I do not, I just know that Dolson wanted to go after Stevens. After he said no Buckner made him hire Woodson.

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1 minute ago, Chris007 said:

I do not, I just know that Dolson wanted to go after Stevens. After he said no Buckner made him hire Woodson.

I meant for the Archie hire in like 2017, poster made it seem that Quinn drove the ship on that one and hired a guy from a list Glass put together. I’d be interested in seeing who else was on it 

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4 minutes ago, Chris007 said:

Just to clear everything up I was told that if Dolson could get a proven P5 coach to come then we could move on from Woody. Then Sunday I got info that Pearl & IU had agreed to the numbers. So my assumption would be that Woody wouldn't be back because we had Pearl. Little did I know that Buckner is not having any of this. He won't talk about it, he is adamant that Archie got 4 years, Woody gets 4 years. 

No one knows where Whitten is at on all of this. 

This is so short sighted and shows a complete lack of understanding of where Indiana basketball currently stands. It proves he doesn't care about Indiana basketball, but his friend.  Dolson and Whitten cannot let this man hold this program hostage.  I dont know how it all works, but Dolson and Whitten need to exhaust every resource to go around Buckner.  

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8 hours ago, SamIam said:

I can't believe that the hottest coaching name in the country is literally an IU grad whose dream school is IU and we are going to let him go to another school, a conference rival no less. 

Definition of over-thinking it. 

If it weren’t for this whole BP red herring, most of the fan base would be on board with this 100%. That’s not to say it would work out, but the move is pretty obvious in any conventional sense.  

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Yeah I’m hoping Dolson and Whitten have a plan to make sure Quinn doesn’t get his way. I could see her thinking Dolson is in the right here for sure. There’s gotta be way too many things that point towards Woodson needing to be gone that she ends up seeing and I’d like to think she is gonna definitely want what’s best for the future trajectory of the program. 

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2 minutes ago, Chris007 said:

What the funny thing is Woodson is oblivious to all of this. He doesn't know or think he's on the hot seat. He thinks he is an elite coach. Everyone is afraid to tell him about it. When players will start to leave the light bulb might go off. 

Somebody should probably tell the emperor that he is naked.

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24 minutes ago, Chris007 said:

Because everyone is scared of him. He is vice president of the Pacers and has the Simons backing him. No one wants to cross QB. He is letting everyone know that Woodson is getting a 4th year. He won't even have a conversation about it. 

Another sad part is if he makes the tournament next year, then he will probably get a 5th year. 

He’s gone next year. Let it be weird for a year. Who cares. 

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