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About southernindianahoosier2

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    New York

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  1. southernindianahoosier2


    I saw online that Crean was asked if the fan base was toxic and his response was that "It was nothing compared to what I faced behind the scenes with the administration"... Has that been discussed on here yet? Do we have any indication what he was specifically referring to?
  2. southernindianahoosier2


    I was in Vegas this weekend and sat at a table with 3 IU grads of 88.. me 2013…. They aren’t message board guys but they are in lock step with everything said on these boards. IU is in some serious doo doo….
  3. southernindianahoosier2


    Man oh Man… it appears that Dusty had his choice of Michigan or Louisville… I said that I would be a fan wherever Dusty went, which will still be true, and I might watch some Michigan games this year. But man, this stings. Stings because this is like the 4th time this has happened as IU retained multiple coaches for too long and the candidate the fanbase wants goes elsewhere and will likely have success.
  4. southernindianahoosier2


    Sorry to keep bumping this, but did anyone ever explain what the Woody was a Bridge comment meant? Bridge to a specific plan or coach, what the heck was their strategy when they hired him?
  5. southernindianahoosier2


    Lots of wild reports for Louisville.
  6. southernindianahoosier2


    The board is moving so fast that I can't keep up. One point to what Jerry said... Woodson being a bridge... I assume that means the athletic department had a plan in place post Woodson. Was it shared what the initial plan was?
  7. southernindianahoosier2


    When’s the Jerry Bomb happening ?
  8. southernindianahoosier2


    I can’t share my source or provide more detail, but the differnece in discipline off the court is night and day with the basketball team compared to the football team. There are systemic issues that cannot change under Woodson
  9. southernindianahoosier2


    Did that Tuesday meeting ever happen?
  10. southernindianahoosier2


    Can anyone summarize the inside scoops post the woody returning / Liam decommitting a while back? Board added a couple hundred pages and I can’t keep up
  11. southernindianahoosier2


    I watched Mgbacko, pass up a wide open 3, somehow CH got a hold of the ball and took a long contested 2. No other player movement on offense happened.there is no strategy. There is no philosophy
  12. southernindianahoosier2


    I could pick anyone (excluding some sunshine pumpers) and they would have a better basketball track record than Fred Glass and Dolson so far. It’s not rocket science. When your fan base knows more than your coaches and admin, things get nasty.
  13. southernindianahoosier2


    This was very bad
  14. southernindianahoosier2


    A person in staff that can handle the full kinetic chain with a gait analysis would go a long way.
  15. southernindianahoosier2


    Galloway has been in an out of injuries for a couple of years now, he’s wearing a knee brace today, the assumption here is he needs to work on his ankles or hips. The back for him has been an issue so again it’s his ankle or hips. I’m not saying you can prevent all injuries, what I’m saying is I don’t believe they’ve identified the imbalances in his kinetic chain.