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About DLG3

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    Bench Mob

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  1. DLG3


    I think you mean C.H.I.L.L. Sent from my iPhone using BtownBanners mobile app
  2. DLG3

    College Bball Thread

    Part of me wants to give credit where it’s due and credit them. The other part of me sees a 33-11 FT discrepancy and that they won by only 6 despite that and say screw giving them credit. I mean, okay, I can buy that they draw a lot of fouls, even that Edey gets fouled a lot. But how many games this year has it been 3 times as many or close? Ridiculous Sent from my iPhone using BtownBanners
  3. DLG3


    Look, I don’t begrudge anyone being happy that MM or any of the other guys are returning. But IU has been “winning the off-season” since I’ve been alive, and I’m not falling for it again this year. So many IU fans get all pumped when we come off of a very disappointing season, and those same players announce they are returning. If they improve, we’ll be better, you say. Well, obviously…but to me, we lost Ware who single-handedly dragged us to 3-4 more wins this season, TJD the season before that. What significant improvement in guard play have we seen the last 3 seasons? If we do add some shooters (which I’m wondering what shooter in their right mind would come to IU), will they even shoot well on this antiquated system? Where’s the coaching changes or GM, that was going to make us better where we were lacking? As Chris said, this fan base quickly forgets how putrid the coaching was, when we haven’t seen it in a couple of weeks. So nah, I’m not gonna get all pumped. Good for MM, and the other guys getting a raise. Now go actually do something on the floor. Fire/retire Mike Woodson. Sent from my iPhone using BtownBanners
  4. Proud of that team. I don’t watch every women’s game, but every time I have this year, I’ve found myself thinking that that’s what Indiana basketball should be. Sent from my iPhone using BtownBanners
  5. DLG3

    College Bball Thread

    Someone explain to me how Courtney Green is allowed to officiate this Illinois game. He’s horrible, and I think everyone agrees on that. Officiating must be a bigger boys club than the IU admin. Sent from my iPhone using BtownBanners
  6. DLG3

    College Bball Thread

    I thought Brownell out-coached Lloyd in that game. I’m probably the only one here that didn’t know he was born in Evansville. I guess I never paid attention to his history. Pretty cool for him/them! Sent from my iPhone using BtownBanners
  7. DLG3

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    I have committed to BTB over Indiana. Sent from my iPhone using BtownBanners
  8. DLG3


    Completely agree. I’m a Dusty homer, but my gut says IU will regret it big time. Sent from my iPhone using BtownBanners mobile app
  9. DLG3


    Serious question…do you guys think if this coming season goes south that the next IU head coaching search will be as embarrassing as Louisville’s? Kelsey may turn out great, I don’t know. But the optics on the whole thing have been brutal for them. We all just want to think that anyone (Pearl, etc) would leave for the IU job, but my confidence in that gets lower by the day and by each failed season. Sent from my iPhone using BtownBanners
  10. DLG3


    I keep seeing people say this about IU luring him away, but I don’t see it. Maybe it is too big of a risk now like people are saying, but I think he’s gonna crush it at UofL, where when things are rolling, they can print money. If he succeeds, I don’t think he’ll leave. Anyone banking on him walking to IU later just isn’t realistic. Sent from my iPhone using BtownBanners mobile app
  11. DLG3


    Yes and Dusty to IU. We have it all decided. Sent from my iPhone using BtownBanners mobile app
  12. DLG3

    College Bball Thread

    Other than actually finishing and beating UK, would there be anything better than being the guy to go on an absolute heater against a team like UK? Sent from my iPhone using BtownBanners
  13. DLG3


    I came here to post the article, then saw you already had. Great read! A lot of nostalgia for me, having played at EG. I’m still going through the grieving process that Dusty will be at UL. I wouldn’t do this for anyone else, but I’ll be pulling for them because of him. Mark my words: IU will live to regret it. Side note, but I thought I would be over Woodson coming back by now, but I’m not. I refuse to enter the acceptance part of grief and am stuck in the anger stage. First time I can remember feeling this negative towards IU basketball. I’ve never just transferred my fandom away, even through so many thin years. But I’m right there right now. I guess what I’m saying is…Fire Woodson!!! Sent from my iPhone using BtownBanners mobile app
  14. DLG3


    Hey Jerry, thanks so much for taking the time and for the detail. Are you personally a fan of Dolson and have trust that he will get this next hire right? Your update gives me some hope that he knows what he’s doing, but is perhaps handcuffed by admin/donors. Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using BtownBanners mobile app
  15. DLG3


    They’ve finally made us apathetic. Sent from my iPhone using BtownBanners mobile app