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Fire Coach Woodson Thread

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4 minutes ago, Home Jersey said:

I would do unspeakable things to have Bruce Pearl coaching IU next year.

If only I had an extra $30M laying around to help with these buyouts...

We all need to be careful because it wouldn’t surprise me if BP could be using it as a bargaining chip.  Trust me, I would love BP as our coach and he or someone like him is who we exactly need but this administration has already gotten burned before on just this same issue 

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3 minutes ago, Chris007 said:

And just look we've let you be negative over for years without banning. Not sure why I say we I don't have any part in it but we enjoy your negative side. 

I heard you and Stu were the president and vice president, lol ;)

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28 minutes ago, Kentuckysucks said:

Would love Pearl.  Only concern is his age and he's definitely got the beer and burger body.  Plus he's really high strung like Crean on steroids.  Hope he's healthy.  We need 6+ years at least.


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And that's from more than a few years ago. Were he to land at IU he'd be 64 years old.

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22 minutes ago, IUFAN1976 said:

Exactly.  Woodson felt like he doesn’t have to answer to anyone and doesn’t have to explain anything 

Unfortunately that was one of Coach Knights traits too… However he seemed to be able to back it up.

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24 minutes ago, IUFAN1976 said:

That’s what they got to get past.  They are so dead set on not having another BK that they keep us from hiring the right coach.  I can’t remember the last time one of our coaches got a tech in a game.  We need that fiery a$$ coach, because the players take the personality of the coach and that is what us fans have been starving for.  But the administration prevents that.

I was speaking more about NCAA issues, he hasn't been exactly been 1000% clean.

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Pearl is very intriguing but but in an ideal world he wouldn’t be turning 64 in a couple of weeks. Also, is he insistent on his son eventually taking over for him (ie, putting it in writing)? I doubt it’s to that extent but, if it is, I’d say “hell no” to that request.

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I’m pretty torn on Pearl. There is no doubt he’s a winner and we’d be great. But probably only for a few years until he’s 70 and ready to retire. We are dying for stability. I wish we could CGI De-age him a couple years like Harrison Ford.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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12 minutes ago, Loaded Chicken Sandwich said:

Just remember, Woody always points the finger at himself. He totally didn't say Malik Reneau was awful like two games ago in post game conference.

Well, it has been two games. Baby steps

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11 minutes ago, DChoosier said:

Pearl is very intriguing but but in an ideal world he wouldn’t be turning 64 in a couple of weeks. Also, is he insistent on his son eventually taking over for him (ie, putting it in writing)? I doubt it’s to that extent but, if it is, I’d say “hell no” to that request.

Understanding the kind of person Pearl is, I don't think he'd wish the Indiana job for a first time head coach on even his worst enemies, let alone his son. I think taking the Indiana job is in large part to pave the way for his son taking over at Auburn. 

Edited by AH1971

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