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Fire Coach Woodson Thread

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8 minutes ago, Stuhoo said:

15 seconds that you didn’t appreciate led to judge the entirety of the guy?

Dang, that would be a helluva tough standard to meet with people that you encounter regularly. I would imagine that you regularly treat people with grace and kindness, even after they get under your skin for a minute. Maybe try that with Mike Woodson?

People that I encounter on a daily basis don’t make millions of dollars and are in a very visible leadership role.  What he said and did on senior night was totally uncalled for, childish, and very unprofessional 

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18 minutes ago, Certified Sunshine Pumper said:

Why would I say any of that? 

Bob Knight was fired when I was 9. 

But yet you accused me the exact same way I accused you!  

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11 hours ago, IUFAN1976 said:

But yet you accused me the exact same way I accused you!  

I didnt accuse you of anything. 

12 hours ago, IUFAN1976 said:

People that I encounter on a daily basis don’t make millions of dollars and are in a very visible leadership role.  What he said and did on senior night was totally uncalled for, childish, and very unprofessional 

The million dollar thing always makes me laugh. Still talking about SR day months later? Get over it. 

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People that I encounter on a daily basis don’t make millions of dollars and are in a very visible leadership role.  What he said and did on senior night was totally uncalled for, childish, and very unprofessional 
True fans don't boo their team. Twist it any which way your little mind desires to make you feel better, but any reasonable person knew what CMW "true fans" comment was about. Go boo your boss in a staff meeting and see what happens.

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23 minutes ago, Schreckbagger said:

True fans don't boo their team. Twist it any which way your little mind desires to make you feel better, but any reasonable person knew what CMW "true fans" comment was about. Go boo your boss in a staff meeting and see what happens.

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This is a terrible analogy lmao. Mike Woodson is not our boss. A much better comparison would be to go boo your customers for complaining about a terrible product that you put out. And then hire a social media campaign to dump all over said customers. I’m sure that would go over well! 

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The irony of calling people simple minded while missing the point in post after post, month after month. 
And by the way, slander is spoken, not written. 
Where's your receipts??? And yes, I'll call out anyone who lies.

Who gives a flying puck if it's slander or libel or defamation. It's slimy, by slimy fans, to boo your team.

So, answer the question....or should I post it again and again and again. Or, maybe I need to just post it slower for upstanding purpose?

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Amazing phrase. Please... define "woke" for us. Would love to hear it...
And how does it possibly fit into this thread? Lmao. Who let their grandpa get on the internet unmonitored again? 
Someone who knows the truth, but believes the lies because they can't accept the truth.

Should I write slower for you?

Fortunately, Grandpa's live in reality.

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We have some people in this thread mad about booing last year. We have others mad about comments from Sr night months ago. 
Classic July for IUBB. November can't get here soon enough. 
And, you've got some people that flat out LIE to push an agenda.

There, I fixed your post for you.

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12 minutes ago, WayneFleekHoosier said:

Lol. Burners have infiltrated with illogic reasoning.

I don’t love the Boo’ing personally. But it’s a professional sports thing. And Indiana Basketball is a professional sport. If the Coach, program, and players aren’t putting the energy, effort, and performance out that is necessary, you are probably gonna hear some boos.

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I think maybe a true fan would voice some displeasure to the person next to themselves or under their breath say a few choice words, but to offer up a chorus of boos down to a team full of youngsters is pretty low brow IMO.  And I also don’t believe they need to grow a thicker skin. :)

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32 minutes ago, WayneFleekHoosier said:

Lol. Burners have infiltrated with illogic reasoning.

I don’t love the Boo’ing personally. But it’s a professional sports thing. And Indiana Basketball is a professional sport. If the Coach, program, and players aren’t putting the energy, effort, and performance out that is necessary, you are probably gonna hear some boos.

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We might need to check the vetting process for BTB soon. Maybe the burners are filtering into the message boards. I'm just kidding so relax everyone. I spoke to someone on staff today, trying to talk him into having the team at my son's dorm on move-in day to help with everything. :-) I thought it was the least he could do for having us sit through that painful season last year. It's been a good offseason so hopefully that continues

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Lol. Burners have infiltrated with illogic reasoning.


I don’t love the Boo’ing personally. But it’s a professional sports thing. And Indiana Basketball is a professional sport. If the Coach, program, and players aren’t putting the energy, effort, and performance out that is necessary, you are probably gonna hear some boos.



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Umm, this burner has been around a long time. Just hasn't fallen for the propaganda displayed here. Alternative opinion is not exactly the same as illogical reasoning. The herd/pack mentality here is interesting to watch when a few critical thinkers break their paradigm and the attack dogs take over.






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1 hour ago, WayneFleekHoosier said:

Lol. Burners have infiltrated with illogic reasoning.

I don’t love the Boo’ing personally. But it’s a professional sports thing. And Indiana Basketball is a professional sport. If the Coach, program, and players aren’t putting the energy, effort, and performance out that is necessary, you are probably gonna hear some boos.

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So any person who shows any kind of support for the coach is using a burner account and a s part of the program.

I didn't mind booing the coaches but not the players but now they are getting paid I have no problem with it. During an intense game fans will get frustrated in the moment and do some stupid things. Lord knows I did plenty of stupid stuff during the season.

What I find amusing is that after 4 months people are still upset about Woodson not being fired. I think to many people took the words of so called insiders as gospel and believed he was going to be fired. When it didn't happen people just have went over board with their hate for Woodson. I didn't take the true fan comment from Woodson personally because a lot of us deserved it.  It wasn't about fans being upset over our play but it was the people who was texting it emailing the administration. It was the podcasters who took things to far like the Hoosier Hysterics. If what I read about those two were true they were telling fans that stop donating money and stop going to the games.

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3 minutes ago, Stuhoo said:

I can tell you for a 100% fact that Shrekbagger and Certified Sunshine Pumper are very much long-time posters here, there, and everywhere.

I am pretty sure CSP just changed his user name to mess with people. I am pretty sure I know who it is and he is also in HSN with his old username 


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Liars? Burners? IMO, nah. 

We just have a huge, passionate fan base. Everyone has their own standards for what is good or acceptable to them and their own temperament in terms of how they respond/form their views over time. To each their own. 

A generally decent rule of thumb that I think applies here no matter where you fall on Woodson … never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. 

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2 hours ago, Home Jersey said:

A generally decent rule of thumb that I think applies here no matter where you fall on Woodson … never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. 

That is a useful rule of thumb for pretty much every aspect of life!

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