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Iu vs eastern Illinois post game thread

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After sleeping on this---I feel even better about our win and our play.


1) We stayed healthy---no injuries coming out of this one I am aware of.


2) We played a lot of guys which is important to stay fresh as we have 6 games in like 12 days counting Maui.


3) We played well and showed an inside game and rebounding dominance which is going to be important. We already know our guards rock but TB and Max look to be solid inside and Troy has improved--especially his rebounding.


4)We built our lead and did not pull a Wisconsin or UCLA and let an inferior team beat us at home.


5) I have to admit having a big man inside like TB with a tude and passion brings a smile to my face.  I don't want to see him get too cocky--but I am so tired of people eating our lunch inside and it's great to see an intimidator in the middle.  His personality is infectious and will spark this team to better things.


Lots to build on here. Go Hoosiers!

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If you go to the Big Ten Network channel on YouTube and scroll through their videos it's on there, the whole thing. They barely showed it on the highlights from IU.

Could you please put the link in here? I still can't find it

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I know I am in the minority here, but I prefer no showtime after great plays.



He is a Freshman so he will learn, But I love the fact that he has so much passion, other players in the couple of year acted like the could give a crap....

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I know I am in the minority here, but I prefer no showtime after great plays.



He is a Freshman so he will learn, But I love the fact that he has so much passion, other players in the couple of year acted like the could give a crap....


Just because a person is reserved doesn't they don't have passion or a lot of it, and what Bryant did was excessive and 100% deserving of a T.  I would've called it too.  Having passion is one thing, being a showboat is another and that was the latter.

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Reserved doesn't mean no passion I agree, however we have had some guys lately that I would put in the no passion group vs the reserved group.. Especially when it comes to IU basketball team, they have passion for themselves and maybe even the game, but not for IU.
also being noticeably passionate and excited is good for the team as a whole.
I'm not saying stare a guy down every single dunk or block but I'm all for it from time to time ... Even if it results in a T

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Reserved doesn't mean no passion I agree, however we have had some guys lately that I would put in the no passion group vs the reserved group.. Especially when it comes to IU basketball team, they have passion for themselves and maybe even the game, but not for IU.
also being noticeably passionate and excited is good for the team as a whole.
I'm not saying stare a guy down every single dunk or block but I'm all for it from time to time ... Even if it results in a T


See Sheehey, William.


And it's a-okay by me.

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I liked it from Bryant. That can give teams a huge boost, an outburst like that. As long as it's not after every good play, I'm all for it. It brings a mean streak and an attitude that this team needs. Guys pick themselves up when they're hyped. How many times did we complain last year that the team was soft?

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I liked it from Bryant. That can give teams a huge boost, an outburst like that. As long as it's not after every good play, I'm all for it. It brings a mean streak and an attitude that this team needs. Guys pick themselves up when they're hyped. How many times did we complain last year that the team was soft?

A hype man like that can make a difference in a big game. Bryant pulls something like that in a tight game against Wisco and the place explodes. An excited crowd who gets set-off with a totally sweet showboating move can turn a tide.

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Most of us on here have coached at some level and while I always wanted my youth teams to have great character and great sportsmanship---I always also wanted at least one tough kid who played with passion who could fire up and rally the rest of the team.  It always made a difference when we were down or needed to rally.  Oladipo did the same thing without being as obvious. I am sure Crean is working on TB and I see him filling a much-needed role for us this year. It is great to see us have a tough inside guy with some FIRE for a change.

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I did not see the game, but looking at the Box Score, the most concerning stat is the 16 TOs.  Let's hope that it is an anomaly...otherwise, better teams are going take advantage. 

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