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The 2015 NCAA Tournament Thread

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you are correct...
they don't have to live in this state...

you just have to want to win more than the air that temporarily resides in your lungs...
or something like that.

The heart seems to go along with kids that take D passionately.

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The heart seems to go along with kids that take D passionately.

yeah...that's a whole different topic...the necessity to play solid D...

both of those squads that we watched tonight took pride in their defense...


and that ND kid that is multi-sport...he's a ball of energy...

I like him.. 

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Looks like Butler improved after IU beat them. IU went in the other direction.

that's a great point...

I totally forgot IU beat this Butler squad...


now I'm depressed again...

good thing I have alcohol to bring me out of my depression!!!

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ohh wow...


Mike Brey lost his mother this morning...an olympic swimmer...

and his team tarries on...as does he...


wow...is all I can say...


Coach has a cool and calm demeanor.  One of ND players gets upset at end of game and his teammates calm him down.  Weird.

There's are other coaches who flip out and are quite spastic.  Their teams are usually spastic and don't close in winning time.

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Coach has a cool and calm demeanor.  One of ND players gets upset at end of game and his teammates calm him down.  Weird.

There's are other coaches who flip out and are quite spastic.  Their teams are usually spastic and don't close in winning time.

I know I come of as sounding like a weirdo on these boards...


there is something about being a Hoosier...right?


would somebody tell me that I'm not crazy for being nostalgic about being from Indiana...

it's contagious...and it permeates our being..


or am I just drunk and horny tonight?

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I've met Hoosiers in more than a handful of different countries.  It's not just you brother.

thank God...

ohh...and by the way...

I'm adding peeps like a mortar forker on my friends page...

for some reason...I feel like friending everybody...

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I can't speak for Butler because I'm not familiar with their roster, but ND only has one regular contributor from Indiana. 


You don't have to be from Indiana. You just have to have a killer mentality. Our team doesn't have it. 


Two, Jackson and Beachem.  And Torres has come along nicely for a kid who only went there because he's friends with Jackson and he got him the offer.

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The heart seems to go along with kids that take D passionately.

Playing good D is all about heart. Most of the kids playing college ball could score the ball well in HS, which is why they are there. But to play good D, you have to want it...you have to want your opponent not to score more than your opponent wants to score. You also need to study your opponent...know their strenghts, weaknesses, and tendencies and you have to force them to do what they don't want to do and make them uncomfortable.

Playing good D will not get you the spot light in the newspaper the next day or on SportsCenter, but winning championships will...and Defense wins championships.

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I get the regional realignment stuff..

but to put all 5 Indiana  schools in the same region really burns my gears...


I love the state of Indiana...in case anybody didn't know.


The committee will deny they look at the seedings in this way, but how else do you have the Matta coaching tree with the possibility of playing each other? Matta & OSU versus Miller & Zona, winner takes on Mack & XU. The teams have to win to make it happen but it is more than a coincidence. 

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