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Stan and Troy suspended for failed drug tests..

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It is truly a shame and major "lack of focus" when drug/alcohol use is found among players. Use can be attributed to either entertainment value or escapism. If that's the best you can do for entertainment, you are missing a whole lot of what this world offers and a review of your friends and their influence is in order.

If it is used to escape from the pressures and responsibilities of your work (in this case BB), you had better reevaluate whether you are in over your head or else buckle up to what is required of you and face the task head-on. Granted, it is easier said then done.

Out of curiosity, do you feel the same way about people who drink? Am I missing a whole lot of what this world offers if I cracked open a few Rouge Dead Guy's during the game last night? If not, would it be different if instead of cracking open a beer, I'd smoked a bowl? If so, why? Or is none of it a problem because I'm an adult? Or because I don't play basketball?

Marijuana is used by college students as an experience enhancer. It's not the weed that is entertaining, it's that everything you do after it is a little more fun. Food tastes better, TV is more vivid, Seth Rogan is actually funny, the wind in the trees on a long walk through the Arboretum calms you deep down. And in the case of people who play sports, that dull ache in your legs from practice fades away. It's not a miracle drug like stoners say, but you're acting like they're using heroin not smoking a bowl. 



This is an interesting point. My gut reaction was "yeah, stoners will head to Colorado, Washington and Oregon".


There are restrictions on on marijuana use similar to alcohol use - namely published "standards" for intoxication levels, and age restrictions. But, apparently neither appears to be effective in controlling it’s use by college students, most of whom are in the 18-23 age range - a range that straddles the legal minimum age for consumption/use.


Obviously, we cannot begin to measure this at this point. But it would be an interesting study, for sure.



From what I understand, even in states where marijuana is legal, there are restrictions. That's especially true in states that have "medical marijuana" laws. They have pretty clear guidelines on who can and can't use it legally. How well those guidelines can be enforced is questionable though.

Laz is correct with regards to this. It is exactly the same as in professional sports, they have an agreement with the league (whether it's the NFL, NCAA, NHL, NBA, etc) that certain substances won't be ingested whether legal or not. They then agree on randomized drug testing. Not to mention, Colorado has seen a drop in underage drug use since they've begun their legalization, which makes sense. When I was in high school in NY, it was effortless to get any drug I wanted except alcohol. Alcohol required knowing an adult who wasn't going to rat me out. Now, pot is slowly getting the same treatment. But, there is absolutely no risk at the moment of schools in legal states becoming "havens" for drug using players. 

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I just came around on Jonah HIll because of the Jump Street movies. I'm not ready to turn a corner on Seth Rogen yet. Though, he's still way better than Paul Rudd.

Gahh I like Rudd too. My favorite right now is Jason Bateman though. He's the same person in every movie, but I find him hilarious. Still working on Jonah Hill. Sometimes funny, sometimes not so much.

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Gahh I like Rudd too. My favorite right now is Jason Bateman though. He's the same person in every movie, but I find him hilarious. Still working on Jonah Hill. Sometimes funny, sometimes not so much.

Have you seen 21 and 22 Jump Street? 21 is pretty good, but 22 is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. And I hated Jonah Hill going into it. My wife and I are very particular about our comedies and I literally laughed until I cried at one point in 22.

He still generally isn't good though. His Colbert interview just proved how weird and awkward he is.


The players involved have been called out---publicly embarrassed---and punished.


It's time to move on.

We moved on to discussing various stoner comedians. Rebel, what's your take on Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill, Jason Batemen, and Paul Rudd?

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Have you seen 21 and 22 Jump Street? 21 is pretty good, but 22 is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. And I hated Jonah Hill going into it. My wife and I are very particular about our comedies and I literally laughed until I cried at one point in 22.

He still generally isn't good though. His Colbert interview just proved how weird and awkward he is.


We moved on to discussing various stoner comedians. Rebel, what's your take on Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill, Jason Batemen, and Paul Rudd?


I am not really fans of any of them.  Not my era---as an official old schooler I am pretty tame now----mostly sports, news, weather, and IU BBall for me.  My era was more the vintage SNL and Monty Python. The only stones I am interested in are the kind required to get our team moving in the right direction and to make a change if we don't make the tourney again this year!

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Have you seen 21 and 22 Jump Street? 21 is pretty good, but 22 is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. And I hated Jonah Hill going into it. My wife and I are very particular about our comedies and I literally laughed until I cried at one point in

Saw 21 and loved it but haven't gotten to 22. I really need to.

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Normally I'd yell "GET BACK ON TOPIC"  But I think this turn of direction is healthier for us all.  Carry on.


"Yeah, that's a cultural problem is what it is. You know, your average American male is in a perpetual state of adolescence, you know, arrested development." - Michael Bluth


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