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DraftExpress Rankings: Top 100 Prospects

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Can't believe Blackmon at #37 currently. Invert Troy and James maybe. And 88 for yogi?

I'm shocked.

I see it at

Troy 30-40
Yogi 50
Blackmon 60

Yogi's height kills him. Blackmon's strength kills him.


Yogi's height is the only thing holding him back on this list. 
I disagree on Troy and JBJ though. Everyone needs shooting in the NBA. The NBA has reverted back to a shooter's league in the last couple of years. Everyone is spending big bucks on shooting. Troy's athleticism are amazing, but players like him are a dime a dozen. He can dunk it but he doesn't defend well and can't shoot the ball. Don't get me wrong I love having Troy on our team, but as far as potential goes I think a shooter like Blackmon Jr  means more to an NBA squad. 

I can't say that I agree with this list though, there are some really odd rankings. They have Cliff Alexander ranked int he top 20 and the kid has really done nothing for Kansas this year. 

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Yogi's height is the only thing holding him back on this list. 
I disagree on Troy and JBJ though. Everyone needs shooting in the NBA. The NBA has reverted back to a shooter's league in the last couple of years. Everyone is spending big bucks on shooting. Troy's athleticism are amazing, but players like him are a dime a dozen. He can dunk it but he doesn't defend well and can't shoot the ball. Don't get me wrong I love having Troy on our team, but as far as potential goes I think a shooter like Blackmon Jr  means more to an NBA squad. 

I can't say that I agree with this list though, there are some really odd rankings. They have Cliff Alexander ranked int he top 20 and the kid has really done nothing for Kansas this year. 


Not disagreeing with you on this but a little something more to add.  It is noticeable Troy worked on his handles over the summer and is slowly making better decisions.  I'm certain shooting will be at the top of his skills to improve over this summer.  If that comes together he will be an All B1G player and pushing for an All America spot before declaring to go pro.  Those versatile athletes that match their athleticism with basketball skill are not a dime a dozen in the NBA.

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Not disagreeing with you on this but a little something more to add.  It is noticeable Troy worked on his handles over the summer and is slowly making better decisions.  I'm certain shooting will be at the top of his skills to improve over this summer.  If that comes together he will be an All B1G player and pushing for an All America spot before declaring to go pro.  Those versatile athletes that match their athleticism with basketball skill are not a dime a dozen in the NBA.

But honestly all we heard about this summer was him working on his shot and it was hyped up that he hit like 10,000 3s this year. So if this is how he shoots after a whole summer of working on his shot, I'm not sure what that says. I don't doubt he can still improve but I don't think he will ever be a good 3 point shooter. 

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But honestly all we heard about this summer was him working on his shot and it was hyped up that he hit like 10,000 3s this year. So if this is how he shoots after a whole summer of working on his shot, I'm not sure what that says. I don't doubt he can still improve but I don't think he will ever be a good 3 point shooter.

Seriously I had déjà vu to Victor with this comment. This was seriously the same thing said repeatedly his sophomore year.

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Seriously I had déjà vu to Victor with this comment. This was seriously the same thing said repeatedly his sophomore year.

I hope he can turn out that way. I wasn't around during Victor's sophomore year…was deep in the jungles of Perú then haha.

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But honestly all we heard about this summer was him working on his shot and it was hyped up that he hit like 10,000 3s this year. So if this is how he shoots after a whole summer of working on his shot, I'm not sure what that says. I don't doubt he can still improve but I don't think he will ever be a good 3 point shooter.

I don't think we have enough of a sample size to determine whether his jumper has improved. He's had to have taken less than 10 perimeter jumpers this season. It might mean he hasn't improved, but I don't think we can say definitively.

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I don't think we have enough of a sample size to determine whether his jumper has improved. He's had to have taken less than 10 perimeter jumpers this season. It might mean he hasn't improved, but I don't think we can say definitively.

You're right, but I think there is a reason he isn't shooting 3s this year. Most of the IU insiders explained to fans that even though Troy had worked on his shot, he wouldn't be a threat from deep this year.

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Troy will get there.  He hasn't taken many jumpers this season but his form isn't broken.  I think he fades a little too much to be consistent.  I don't think he'll ever be a sniper from long range but if he can be a consistent ~40% deep shooter that will open up the lanes for him to drive.

I don't see him ever being a 40% shooter. I see him as a low 30s guy but that will be all we need from him if we continue to add shooters like we have. Not every player has to be a complete package. Certain players are brought in for specific skills.

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Good thing is, he doesn't need to shoot 3s very much this year. With the weapons we already have, we're all best served by him not taking the snipe. Would be a great tool to spread the floor even more if he could though obviously.

Loving what his game has turned into so far

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I don't think we have enough of a sample size to determine whether his jumper has improved. He's had to have taken less than 10 perimeter jumpers this season. It might mean he hasn't improved, but I don't think we can say definitively.

Yeah but from that small sample size I say keep slashing in games and shooting in practice.

That's been some butt ugly shots.

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Troy Williams = Shawn Marion. I think Troy has a prettier shot than Shawn, but throughout his career he has had some 35-40% 3 pt shooting seasons. I also think the athleticism is comparable. I think Troy will be a decent Pro, but let's hope it is not for another year or two!!

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Troy Williams = Shawn Marion. I think Troy has a prettier shot than Shawn, but throughout his career he has had some 35-40% 3 pt shooting seasons. I also think the athleticism is comparable. I think Troy will be a decent Pro, but let's hope it is not for another year or two!!

I see where they could be comparable. Both are known for freakish athleticism, but there are also some big discrepancies.Marion's shot IS ugly, but he was respected for his range and had an amazing mid range game as well. Plus Marion was known for his defense. Could be a goal to work towards but Troy doesn't have the respected shot or the D right now. Currently I see him as more comparable to Gerald Green or James White. Both are dunkers and great athletes who never really have fit into a system in the NBA. James White was a fringe NBA player who was a highlight reel dunker. Neither one shot it that great, although Green's shot has improved the last few years, and neither are known for their D. If Troy leaves too early he is going to be added to the list of guys like Gerald Green and James White (amongst a million other athletic 6'7'' dunkers)

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