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IU Hoosier41

James Blackmon Rumors

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Not gonna lie, I have been texting people all day trying to find out where in the hell this late shift came from.  I have heard non-stop JB2 to UK since before he decommitted and now people are optimistic that weren't.  Something happened on that UK visit for this big of a change.  I am in a I will believe it when I see it mood, but this is a kid we are still talking about.  Nothing would surprise me anymore if he commits to IU. 



Keep workin' it bro...guys like me and Nipples are down in South Florida and can't contribute diddlysquat (other than charm and good looks). You've got to make up for us!

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He's pulled a stunt like this before.  If he's confident he'll be wrong, he has no reason to switch in the first place.

Exactly.  That makes no sense.  He doesn't want 20 people to follow his lead.  He wants to be the one who is right.  He has raised his stock over the last year getting a lot of those right.  A year ago, Evan Daniels, Goodman, or Brian Snow have no idea who he is.  Now that he has got most (not all) right, they want him as a resource.  Honestly, I will believe UK until hear otherwise, but I won't dismiss what he is saying.  Dude is locked into this class and has been for a while.  Very close with JL and the Indiana AAU scene.

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Exactly.  That makes no sense.  He doesn't want 20 people to follow his lead.  He wants to be the one who is right.  He has raised his stock over the last year getting a lot of those right.  A year ago, Evan Daniels, Goodman, or Brian Snow have no idea who he is.  Now that he has got most (not all) right, they want him as a resource.  Honestly, I will believe UK until hear otherwise, but I won't dismiss what he is saying.  Dude is locked into this class and has been for a while.  Very close with JL and the Indiana AAU scene.

I'm still saying pUKe, but I would love to be wrong just for how often in the last year+ I've read "done deal".  I did get a text last night from a friend, it was a screenshot of a thread started on Peegs premie that sounded good for IU but I didn't/don't believe it.

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I'm still saying pUKe, but I would love to be wrong just for how often in the last year+ I've read "done deal".  I did get a text last night from a friend, it was a screenshot of a thread started on Peegs premie that sounded good for IU but I didn't/don't believe it.


Pretty sure I've heard the same rumor.  Does it involve a phone call being overheard?  I stopped paying attention to that one after that haha.  That being said, the winds are definitely blowing Indiana's direction now...

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Hope he knows how much HOOSIER NATION wants him! CTC has stayed loyal 2 him before uk was even looking at him. He commits 2 us and he'll wrap up Mr Basketball before he even plays a game this season!#iubb


At IU he will be loved by all.  At UK, he's just another body to fill a uniform for just a short while.  IU is the place to be!!! :)

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Pretty sure I've heard the same rumor.  Does it involve a phone call being overheard?  I stopped paying attention to that one after that haha.  That being said, the winds are definitely blowing Indiana's direction now...

Yes.  I dismiss because I don't believe the call actually happened.

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I'm still saying pUKe, but I would love to be wrong just for how often in the last year+ I've read "done deal".  I did get a text last night from a friend, it was a screenshot of a thread started on Peegs premie that sounded good for IU but I didn't/don't believe it.


Yeah, I think we all heard the rumblings of him not feeling like he wanted to/thought he would after BBM.  Not sure if there is more to it than that.  I would think there would have to be other questions or issues beyond that. 

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The one that surprises me going into this and the reason I still feel like it COULD be IU is because Trey Lyles has not posted one thing about JB2 decision.  Everyone else has.  They went on that visit together.  That is why I am holding on to the slimmest bit of hope.  I know what kind of player he will be.  I have seen him play many times.  If he comes to IU, we are going to be good, very good next year. 

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At IU he will be loved by all.  At UK, he's just another body to fill a uniform for just a short while.  IU is the place to be!!! :)

I want him to don the Candy Stripes badly but your UK comment is off base.  His father was an All-American at UK.  My Wildcat buddies all still love his dad, he wouldn't just fill a uniform there.  With that being said, he'd look and shoot a helluva lot better in Assembly Hall  :nyam:

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How awesome would it be if UK got spurned by both Booker and JBJ?!

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I would be tempted to go to the "great" state of Kentucky, and laugh at every UK fan I can find.


That won't happen though.  I think there's a better chance they land both than whiff totally.

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I want him to don the Candy Stripes badly but your UK comment is off base.  His father was an All-American at UK.  My Wildcat buddies all still love his dad, he wouldn't just fill a uniform there.  With that being said, he'd look and shoot a helluva lot better in Assembly Hall  :nyam:

They would know he's a legacy, but I imagine a lot of UK fans would forget who he is the moment his time at UK is done.

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