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OT: Trey Lyles

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This is so odd lol.

@UKCoachCalipari: Has anyone in Lexington seen Trey? If anyone sees him, please let us know. #WhereIsTrey

This is actually concerning. Cal is a professional, grown, adult man. You don't imply to the 1.3 million people who follow you that your 18 year old student may be missing as a joke.

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This is actually concerning. Cal is a professional, grown, adult man. You don't imply to the hundred something thousand people who follow you that your 18 year old student may be missing as a joke.

Agreed unless he's sitting next to you after being late for the flight. Would be one hell of a punishment lol

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Agreed unless he's sitting next to you after being late for the flight. Would be one hell of a punishment lol

Well hopefully he let some administrators and parents know. I'd be ready to can him if he was pulling a prank like that on the plane without telling anyone.

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    Come on guys. Lighten up on the poor fellow. He's just having a little fun.

With his professional team having such a mundane task as competing in whats left of the collegiate setting he's bored.

    He's really misunderstood.Everything he does is for the players .Being such a humanitarian is a thankless job.

  This is just his way to be noticed.

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I really don't get the joke. I laugh at things that go way past the line, but clearly there is something I'm missing that would have made this funny.

he's teasing the fans, like us, that hang on every word or every tweet and try to make something of it. It worked. It's funny for him and the people on the "inside" of the joke. Just proves again he is the puppet master. Damn him all to heck.

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Looks like Cal was trolling, he's a real yuckster.

Seems like the type of guy that would squeeze the bottom of the bag when you asked him to pass the Doritos.

heheh i chuckled

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