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Pray for Coach Woodson

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1 hour ago, Herotime said:

First, I want change as much as anyone. HOWEVER when it comes to the things we LOVE the MOST it’s really easy to criticize and complain about those who we feel are letting us down. So, I’ve felt convicted.

CMW has a tough job. Many of the miscues are of his own doing, BUT I suspect there are LOTS factors that have been out of his control. Perhaps he prideful (many high-achievers are). Maybe he’s out of his depth (I’ve been there before). Maybe he needs wisdom… we all do.

With that said I’d encourage you to pray for CMW. I don’t think that means you have to want him to continue being the coach, but I do think that keeps things in perspective.  He is a professional and he hasn’t produced the way he should. BUT he’s also a man, and all of us could use the prayer— especially him.

Not only that— praying for HIM will keep US from falling prey to the arrogance and pride that some have sensed in him.

No need to reply. Just food for thought from one Hoosier to the rest.

I agree. My kids and I have started daily prayer lists of things and people we want to pray for at night. I’ll add Woody, the staff, and their families to the list. 

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