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2016 Iditarod

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Listen up, all you  chechakos! only 9 days left until the "last great race" kicks off. I have posted the website for you to follow along with the mushers. This year has been warm for us, so the trails are going have a vote in who wins.




If you have any questions or want to find out more about what this is all about. let me know!



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Announcement: anyone gonna be in between Edmonton and fairbanks along the Alcan this weekend? If so, PM me. I will be helping my buddy drive up this weekend. Probably stopping in whitehorse. In other words....off the net so pm me asap.

Uh, is that in southern Indiana?

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Just a bit North and West....



Just hoping some other Hoosier would be out and about in the great white north, and meet for some beers. I'm helping a friend drive up the nasty ALCAN and it isn't difficult to meet others since there are only a few places to drink....ie., Whitehorse.

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This long distance dedication goes out to our northern friend Alaska Hoosier:


Couch Slouch: Tuffy tells it like it is on Iditarod Trail

 Norman Chad: 

It’s called “The Last Great Race on Earth” – no, not the Republican presidential quest – and as the arduous Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race treks on, Tuffy the Snow Prince, the outspoken 55-pound Siberian husky on musher Spoons Grabilovitch’s sled team, again agreed to Couch Slouch’s request to keep a daily log.

Here are excerpts of Tuffy’s Iditarod journal:

Day 1: They hauled in snow for the start of the race in Anchorage – what is this, Disneyland? … I swear I saw a musher load his sled with packages from Amazon…. Mushers better unionize before driverless dog sleds become all the rage…. My longtime vet retired, another Obamacare casualty….It’s tough sledding out here for all of us, but I’ll still take the Iditarod Trail over I-95 any day of the week….

The secret to my speed? Maple syrup.

Day 2: Sundays are special: We get kibble mixed with chicken fat, along with a nice piece of fresh Arctic char….To be honest, I just want to stay in the race longer than Jeb Bush….If pee freezes before water does, we’re all going to have some urinary tract problems….Glad there’s PED testing this year – last year I saw a Siberian “Extra Husky,” if you know what I mean….

Shouldn’t we be on Alaska’s commemorative quarter?

Day 3: Yeah, I’m somewhat ashamed to say that “Snow Dogs” is our “Citizen Kane”….I’d kill for a Motel 6 just one night….Truth be told, this might be the most gaseous group I’ve ever worked with…. They say it’s not gambling, but, hey, SledKings and MusherDuel? Gambling…. Trust me, if Ted Cruz had a dog, that puppy would run away from home….

As Mitch Hedberg used to say, dogs are always in push-up position.

Day 4: This race is the equivalent of running from Pennsylvania to Florida, and all we get are these dollar-store booties. Where’s Nike when you need them?….Toughest part of the trail coming up, Rohn to Nikolai – 75 miles without a fire hydrant….My Uncle Scruffy traveled the minor league sled-dog-race circuit back in the ‘90s – “long days, cold nights and no treats,” he told me….

This year, I’m wearing my “Balto” throwback collar.

Day 5: Believe you me, there’s nothing like an Alaskan malamute making a snow angel…. Oscar Robertson thinks sled dogs were tougher in the old days…. Port-a-Potty could make a killing if it doubled its inventory and worked this baby….I tell the young pups the same thing every year and they ignore me: This is a marathon, not a sprint….

A dog team would’ve gotten Leo DiCaprio away from that bear.

Day 6: In an informal poll of dogs here this week, 71 percent said they’d rather live in a rescue shelter than in a Donald Trump property…Hey, dog owners, we know we’re a “good boy,” okay? We get it. Enough….Gotta love the heated turf at the dog park in Nulato….Don’t believe in global warming? Vegas has a team of Portuguese water dogs at 5-2….

I DVR the Westminster dog show every year just so I can delete it.

Day 7: Yo, mushers, if you’re going to use GPS, can you at least make it a dog’s voice?…Plenty of dogs are fast at the combine, but the Iditarod ain’t held in a dome….Make no bones about it – eventually Uber snowmobiles are going to kill off the dog sled business in Fairbanks….We all rubber-neck when we see a pregnant moose along the way….

For the last time – sleds are pulled by dogs, sleighs are pulled by reindeer.

Day 8: The distance from Kaltag to Unalakleet is 85 miles, or three Steph Curry jump shots….Unalakleet is very quaint, but it sure could use an 7-Eleven….I know it’s not P.C. to say this, but I am embarrassed for the Jamaican dog sled team….Open secret of the canine world: We actually hate when people pet us….Hope the spectator dogs don’t storm the trail….

Nice to see a lot of signs for #BlackLabsMatter.

Day 9: Heard this from a local mutt this morning: “Knock-knock.” “Who’s there?” “Juneau.” “Juneau who?” “Juneau who won the Iditarod last year?”

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