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2022 World Cup Final Announced

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@FIFAWorldCup: BREAKING: The 2022 #WorldCup Final in Qatar will be played on 18 December http://t.co/1UF6NKf25i

It's still gonna be a bagillion degrees in Qatar and a bagillion Indian and Korean construction workers will still have died making the bagillion dollars worth of infrastructure. BUT FIFA said they will have the tourney in Qatar, so you bet your bottom dollar this bad boy is being played in Qatar.

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...and there it is...Money talks...it is being reported that FIFA will pay clubs almost 3 times as much cash for releasing players to play in the 2018 and 2022 WC as they did for the 2014 WC.

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...and there it is...Money talks...it is being reported that FIFA will pay clubs almost 3 times as much cash for releasing players to play in the 2018 and 2022 WC as they did for the 2014 WC.

All the cash is probably coming from the under-the-table gifts from Qatar and Russia to get the WC in the first place.

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All the cash is probably coming from the under-the-table gifts from Qatar and Russia to get the WC in the first place.

I believe that this is just all part of a bigger conspiricy by FIFA (and probably UEFA) to try to keep soccer down in the US. 


The US dominiates in almost all other sports, except soccer, so can you imagine if it really caught on here and the US was able to compete on the world stage.  

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I believe that this is just all part of a bigger conspiricy by FIFA (and probably UEFA) to try to keep soccer down in the US.

The US dominiates in almost all other sports, except soccer, so can you imagine if it really caught on here and the US was able to compete on the world stage.

Idk...I think that would be better for soccer as a whole. Look at the market that a country of our size could bring. Even half the fanbase that the NFL has could pump in an unreal amount of money to the sport.

But it is FIFA...so there HAS to be some type of conspiracy at all times.

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I believe that this is just all part of a bigger conspiricy by FIFA (and probably UEFA) to try to keep soccer down in the US. 


The US dominiates in almost all other sports, except soccer, so can you imagine if it really caught on here and the US was able to compete on the world stage.  

That would be dumb from a financial standpoint. As popular as soccer is worldwide, the sport is a relative blip on the radar in the 3 most populated nations(China, India, USA).

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"US dominates in almost all other sports."  I see and hear that a lot.  usa is undoubtedly a sports powerhouse but that statement is just far from accurate, grossly narrow-minded and encapsulates why american sports and its fans are generally despised internationally.  we're dominant in one, good to great in many, average or below average in even more and hardly competitive in cricket, field hockey and rugby, the former being the world's second most popular sport and the latter two widely considered in the top 10.  there are only a few sports out there that are dominated by a particular country.  seems americans see us at the top or near the top of most olympic medal counts every two years and our big 4 leagues of nba, mlb, nfl and mlb as the premiere leagues in their respective sports and conclude that usa owns the sports world and is unrivaled on the global stage.  those people are giving us a bad name and need to educate themselves on the vast topic of sports outside the united states.

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wouldnt be so sure of that, though you might be right.  fifa is nothing without uefa, which is strongly pushing for postponement of the election and throwing a ton of shade at 'em.  i've read the majority of europe and usa back prince ali, the only person still challenging blatter for fifa president.  also of note, a substantial portion of fifa's income comes from usa-based sponsors like visa, mcdonalds, coca-cola, etc.  if some of those corps opt to sever their relationship, in addition to inevitable progressively stronger intimidation tactics by uefa, what fifa would then feel with blatter at the helm would make its current condition feel orgasmic.  fifa would clealry see their power is not as large as it thinks it is if certain leaders, organizations and corporations united against them.


it's a criminal case now.  the us government has said it wont be involved in the russia and qatar world cup investigation, however the swiss and other countries that want a piece are/will be all over it.  none of this might not have even manifested if they didnt take the qatar related bribes.  rewarding a world cup to a place like qatar is the stupidest and biggest red flag in the history of everything.  everyone and their dog knew that was dirty.  fifa ought to be brought to its knees for something so foolish.


there's little doubt blatter is the most hated man in sports now.  he recently dubbed himself "the godfather of womens soccer in fifa" despite his history of misogny and sexism.  a while ago, when asked what could make womens soccer more popular, he actually answered shorter shorts.  he apparently thought it'd be funny.  furthermore, when abby wambach and alex morgan, two of the most prolific players in womens soccer, met him at their respective fifa ballon d'or (world poy) galas, he genuinely didnt recognize them.  wambach said blatter thought her wife was marta, a brazilian who has been considered the best female player in the world for the past several years.  and we cant forget the upcoming world cup being played on turf for the first time ever, something that would never come close to happening on the mens side.


i cant wait to hear jon oliver's take on all of this.

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thats a big step.  a lot more needs to be done to clean and restructure fifa.  the system for bidding, voting, etc is so susceptible to corruption.  talkin bruce to caitlyn kinda makeover.  stay tuned, much more to come, eg qatar 2022 stay or go, us vs russia, blatter's specific criminal activity...

wonder what the final straw was... swiss officials, fbi, garcia report, uefa, sponsors were all shootin flamethrowers at him.

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