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Who do you think would stay without knowing who the coach they got in 6-8 months was going to be?

Though, I think they'd finish up the year before transferring.

Many! Indiana is desirable and with the right coach, many/most would stay. At least the ones worth keeping. In other words, empty the trash.

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The entire roster would leave before the end of the semester? Really?

Your question is who would we be worried about leaving. Id be worried about everyone leaving and I could see a lot doing it sooner than later if they're coach gets fired.

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Many! Indiana is desirable and with the right coach, many/most would stay. At least the ones worth keeping. In other words, empty the trash.

With the right coach, definitely. With no coach and no solid prospects at least until the end of the season all while knowing they don't have an incoming 2015 class (there is absolutely no way Morgan and OG would stick with an interim coach)? I doubt it. 

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With the right coach, definitely. With no coach and no solid prospects at least until the end of the season all while knowing they don't have an incoming 2015 class (there is absolutely no way Morgan and OG would stick with an interim coach)? I doubt it. 


I think there are two sides to that coin -- is keeping Crean going to sit well with recruits' parents with all of this coming out?  I think we may be at the six-of-one, half-a-dozen-of-the-other point before too long if we're not there already.

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With the right coach, definitely. With no coach and no solid prospects at least until the end of the season all while knowing they don't have an incoming 2015 class (there is absolutely no way Morgan and OG would stick with an interim coach)? I doubt it.

It's all about who the coach is and their vision for OG and Juwan. It isn't far fetched to keep these guys. In the end, at this point, I don't care. It's about Indiana, not Crean. Rebuild if we must.

We are way ahead of where we were with Sampsongate. I think Yogi, Blackmon, RoJo would stay. Ziesloft, Max and many others too if the new coach wants them in his vision. For the Ferrells and Blackmons (mom) it's about Indiana!!!!

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Thoroughly agree Crean is a good man. What's with the vendetta against his supporters? No need to go after his character.

Crean is a good man. Unfortunately, he's not a good leader of young men. He's simply failed to instill the values of hard work and discipline in his current charges. He's even failed to get them to at the very least be smart enough to try to get away with screwing off.

Would firing Crean hurt us in recruiting? I don't know. Does keeping him help us get the kind of players who can win more banners. Imagine you are the parent of a young man. You've raised him to work hard. You've raised him to keep his nose clean and stay out of trouble. You want your son to go to school, do himself proud on the basketball court and get an education. Tom Crean sits down at your kitchen table to talk about your son going to play ball for IU. What would you say to him about that right now? I know what Zeke's momma would have said.

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You're not trash just because you chose not spend your one or two years in college basketball in a dumpster fire.

Exactly. Says nothing about a players character to want to choose your situation after a coaching change versus waiting to see who is brought on and if they're even interested in having you around.

Why would players do it immediately if Crean were to be fired tomorrow? Because they'd be eligible beginning of next season. Why wait until April, play under an interim coach until then, wait for new hire, get told you're not needed then have to sit for all of next season when you can get the process started now.

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I think there are two sides to that coin -- is keeping Crean going to sit well with recruits' parents with all of this coming out?  I think we may be at the six-of-one, half-a-dozen-of-the-other point before too long if we're not there already.

And recruit's parents would be a huge issue if I was talking about keeping Crean for 2-years rather than 6 months. Recruits and their parents will have the security of knowing who they'll be playing for when they get to school. 


It's all about who the coach is and their vision for OG and Juwan. It isn't far fetched to keep these guys. In the end, at this point, I don't care. It's about Indiana, not Crean. Rebuild if we must.

We are way ahead of where we were with Sampsongate. I think Yogi, Blackmon, RoJo would stay. Ziesloft, Max and many others too if the new coach wants them in his vision. For the Ferrells and Blackmons (mom) it's about Indiana!!!!

And if it's about Indiana and not Crean, then why dismiss a plan that is better for the team in order to get at Crean faster? There are mechanics that keep OG and Morgan in place while Crean is here. Then, when/if a new coach is found, you transition them in and they can meet with the players/recruits who can then make their decisions.

If you just kick Crean to the curb tomorrow, then it will be chaos in the next 6 months rather than an orderly transition. It isn't far fetched to keep anyone if they know who they are going to play for, it's only far fetched while they have the freedom to recommit elsewhere and they don't know who the coach is. Heck, if Crean were fired and OG and Morgan had the choice between finding another school to play for now or waiting until May for IU to hire a new coach to see if they fit their play style, they would be stupid to stay. There is just too much risk for them to hold out until spring recruiting if they didn't have to.

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obviously glass cant say crean is sunbathing on mercury right now, but you can not look at the past year's events and explicitly say the coach isn't partly at fault.  that's a glaring lack of objectivity and honesty.  I'm one of your biggest fans, fred, and think you've done a helluva job in b-town.  but c'mon now, nobody appreciates being fed bullsnot.

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Crean is a good man. Unfortunately, he's not a good leader of young men. He's simply failed to instill the values of hard work and discipline in his current charges. He's even failed to get them to at the very least be smart enough to try to get away with screwing off.

Would firing Crean hurt us in recruiting? I don't know. Does keeping him help us get the kind of players who can win more banners. Imagine you are the parent of a young man. You've raised him to work hard. You've raised him to keep his nose clean and stay out of trouble. You want your son to go to school, do himself proud on the basketball court and get an education. Tom Crean sits down at your kitchen table to talk about your son going to play ball for IU. What would you say to him about that right now? I know what Zeke's momma would have said.

people want to talk about character guys and praise Bob Knight and you mention Zeke... Zeke is a racist POS. Been around it first hand

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people want to talk about character guys and praise Bob Knight and you mention Zeke... Zeke is a racist POS. Been around it first hand

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Awesome. an anonymous message board poster calling one of the best players to ever put on the Crimson and Cream a POS. Forgive me if I don't take what you say seriously.

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It's all about who the coach is and their vision for OG and Juwan. It isn't far fetched to keep these guys. In the end, at this point, I don't care. It's about Indiana, not Crean. Rebuild if we must.

We are way ahead of where we were with Sampsongate. I think Yogi, Blackmon, RoJo would stay. Ziesloft, Max and many others too if the new coach wants them in his vision. For the Ferrells and Blackmons (mom) it's about Indiana!!!!

I don't know if its about Indiana for the Blackmons…JBJ hasn't really talked about coming here because "its indiana" he has talked about coming here because of Crean and his opportunities to play for Crean and develop under him. I don't know if he would stay or not. I guess who stays and goes would depend on who the new new coach is. 

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Glass is trying to protect his job too. Alumni are speaking. Crean will be toast and from what I hear, that will help us in recruiting Indiana going forward.

How would it help us with Indiana recruiting. Sure we have missed on some Indiana guys, but have every other Indiana coach, including Knight

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My personal opinion is that he should have been fired after last season. I still feel that way. Even more now with all the off court stuff that has happened. When a coach lets his players play as undisciplined as they do, its no wonder that they are just like that off the court as well. That being said, there is no way that they fire him before at LEAST the end of the season because of the huge buyout. Great job on his part for setting that up. On the premise of hiring a new coach. I would give this advice. Always know the answer before you ask the question. I.e. ......Have the new coach hired before ya get rid of the old one.

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I don't know if its about Indiana for the Blackmons…JBJ hasn't really talked about coming here because "its indiana" he has talked about coming here because of Crean and his opportunities to play for Crean and develop under him. I don't know if he would stay or not. I guess who stays and goes would depend on who the new new coach is.

I have had numerous convos with Mrs. Blackmon. Being close to Home was/is very important. Probably most important plus a big enough school to get NBA exposure. Playing time. Good academics, etc... Crean was a factor but not THE factor. Everything else stays the same if Crean leaves.

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