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Juwan Moye

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  1. Like
    Juwan Moye got a reaction from AZ Hoosier in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    So successful! And as he has told us, he has done his job. Had us right there with powerhouses like Richmond, Yale, and Umass.

  2. Like
    Juwan Moye got a reaction from Silat Player in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    Agreed here. Just seems more likely that Woodson underperforms versus the talent we’ve acquired. Would love to be wrong.
    And I don’t think it’s “he doesn’t know how to coach”. Instead I think it’s “he doesn’t know how to coach college basketball” which is just a different beast than the NBA. He seems to do well with the NBA talent on the roster, he just doesn’t do anything with the rest of the roster.
  3. Like
    Juwan Moye got a reaction from AZ Hoosier in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    So successful! And as he has told us, he has done his job. Had us right there with powerhouses like Richmond, Yale, and Umass.

  4. Like
    Juwan Moye reacted to hoosierhoo in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    Small problem with your argument. Woody’s biggest supporters are all old heads who don’t believe in those fancy schmancy advanced stats. Witness the absurd comparison to Scottie Pippen based merely on ppg. 
    It’s not your fault. You wouldn’t understand since you’ve never played high level sports.
  5. Like
    Juwan Moye reacted to Shooter in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    I think a large part of the disconnect is that Woodson feels like he does have that track record - based on his playing career and NBA coaching resume. That's why he bristles when fans or local media question him. On the other hand, the fans only look at his IU coaching results and think "this guy has accomplished very little, why is he so arrogant".
    If Woodson acts the same way but has us in the top ten this year, it won't be a problem. He just needs to win.
  6. Like
    Juwan Moye reacted to str8baller in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    Meh... at the end of the season you had program cheerleaders from Rabjohns and Peagram to Assembly Call openly criticizing both the on court results and the conduct of the staff.  It's hardly relegated to "five or ten posters on this board." I know lifelong IU fans that have never heard of this board who are sick of Woody.  
    The portal has given him a temporary shot in the arm.  Everybody loves a comeback story so if he can make it work he can easily regain much goodwill.  We'll see what happens.  
  7. Like
    Juwan Moye reacted to Dave from Dayton in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    That is true.  We do not all agree.
    And those that think that IU should win at all costs are missing a few things that are really important.  We all want to have IU basketball (and other sports) win a lot.  
     Not getting guards and having a limited and flawed roster made last year a tough row to hoe.  Coach Woodson's substitutions by platooning were controversial.  And with the roster's limits, his game plans were also questionable.
    Dissing Coach Woodson's performance really does not bother me.  He gets paid and he can handle it or get out of the kitchen.
    I think that he says stuff possibly to take the heat off of the team.  But what do I know?
    But when it gets personal or endless, that is not good form.  And I am not saying that mediocrity is ok. And it is a public forum that is geared to provide such a platform for opinions and information.
    I am of the (old?) school that believes that while we are here, we should be focused on something other than to just to entertain ourselves. And the public school that is Indiana University has other obligations to the community and students and the future beyond having sports wins.  
    Now having said that...this team had better win big or I will start agreeing with the fans beyond the barbed wire...of course I said that exact thing over two decades ago.  (Time to grab my fishing gear or weed the vegetable and herb garden or look for a good hiking place in the woods or live music...or better yet...find someone that needs a little help and provide some.)
  8. Like
    Juwan Moye reacted to JSHoosier in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    There can be a fine line between confidence and arrogant but there is a difference.
    Things I've heard from Cignetti sounds like someone very confident in his system and coaching, a few comments can come across arrogant but generally just seems very confident. With his track record, albeit at lower conferences, it's warranted but he'll still adjust his style of play or incorporate new things he sees. He was also willing to speak to another IU team when asked.
    Woodson doesn't have that track record and so far hasn't shown much ,if any, willingness to change his way of doing things; this roster is better but it's TBD if he actually adjusts. Yet he'll refer to himself in 3rd person, says "I don't have to answer that to you or the fans", says he did his job while missing the tournament, refused to speak to another IU team and according to Chris has little to no respect for the women's program that's currently better than the men's. Woodson even had to be told to go to sectionals.
  9. Like
    Juwan Moye reacted to Golfman25 in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    Coach Cig is "arrogant."  He's got a set of king kong sized balls.  Talking about getting used to driving to Indy because they'll be in the Championship game, etc.  A very confident dude.  
    However, by all accounts a few months in, he's a pretty good dude too.  Handles the press fine.  Shows up at events.  Etc.  
    You can be both.  
  10. Like
    Juwan Moye reacted to Home Jersey in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    I'm generally inclined to agree - particularly with your last sentence - but also that all high major coaches are going to have a pretty big ego and that's not by default a bad thing at all. Dan Hurley obsessed over no longer being the "third Hurley" and he's not done yet. They have a program motto at UConn "foot on the gas, then up their a$$" ... that reflects more arrogance to me than Woody's behavior. 
    On the bold, I would not go so far as to call it an "inappropriate level" but I definitely understand the sentiment Hoosier2017/others have relative to this part: 
    My turning point with Mike Woodson was when I drove through a monsoon to watch them at Rutgers despite a declared state of emergency in NJ, we played TERRIBLY and blew a winnable game to an awful team. Then in the post game, when asked a very simple question he gruffly barked about "I'm not going to explain myself to you or the fans." Not expecting him to break down the entire game in the press conference at all, but I'm not expecting the coach to totally blow off the fans when they need to hear a hopeful message.
    Personally the true fans commentary comes off as tone deaf/unnecessarily combative towards your own. Didn't offend me because I get he's a competitor and wants to stick it to the naysayers, just find the target a bit weird. IMO its more insecurity than arrogance. 
    Look, he's our coach, and credit where it's due for him and the staff putting together a roster that is objectively better than last year's (not calling it perfect because it's not and I know people like to reference posts like this in a year's time and call people sunshine pumpers lol). I don't love the guy but I don't think he's the devil incarnate either.
    Just want to win, and win big, consistently. Nothing else matters. Odds look better for next year than this past one. 
    But we can't win until we start playing games and that's not for a while. If anyone is spending considerable time being fixated with how much they believe CMW should not be the IUBB coach, may I suggest going for a 20-30 minute leisurely stroll around the block. 
  11. Like
    Juwan Moye reacted to Chris007 in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    So glad the Celtics advanced, we're one step closer
  12. Haha
    Juwan Moye reacted to AZ Hoosier in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    Now, if IU could get a competent coach from the portal we'd be all set.
  13. Like
    Juwan Moye reacted to BtownStrength in Transfer Portal w IU Interest   
    Not sure about others on this board, but I already feel good about the upcoming year. We added dynamic guards, rebounding, and some shooting. The outlook is better than last year. 
  14. Like
    Juwan Moye reacted to Stuhoo in Transfer Portal w IU Interest   
    After seeing the top rated posts in the portal, we are moving forward on arguably the most game-ready choice. And we are moving forward on the player that understands and has connections to the university.
    Absent something to the contrary, we are on our way to getting an outstanding piece to the on-court puzzle, who also is an outstanding student and a native Hoosier.
    This. Is. Good.
  15. Like
    Juwan Moye got a reaction from DChoosier in Transfer Portal w IU Interest   
    Also, too much experimenting hurts if you don’t win by enough even early in the year.
  16. Like
    Juwan Moye got a reaction from DChoosier in Transfer Portal w IU Interest   
    Also, too much experimenting hurts if you don’t win by enough even early in the year.
  17. Thanks
    Juwan Moye got a reaction from cybergates in Transfer Portal w IU Interest   
    So you’re saying the robots aren’t immediately taking all of our jobs.
  18. Like
    Juwan Moye got a reaction from cybergates in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    I don’t disagree, but I’m attempting to suggest a floor. Which in my mind, if that floor isn’t met, that should be a fireable offense.
    My worry is that we squeak in as a bubble team, win a game, and keep our coach around because “we improved” or some garbage. I WANT us to do well, but we can’t accept mediocrity with the level of investment IMO if we ever want to be considered an elite program again. 
  19. Like
    Juwan Moye got a reaction from cybergates in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    The expectation set by Woodson himself was to compete and win B1G and national championships. But then he wants to tell us he’s “done his job” for a 19-win season and misses the tournament, bizarre stuff really.
    So if we hold him to his expectation then we as fans should at least see that we’re clearly progressing towards the goals of a B1G title then a national title. We moved backwards last year, on top of other gaffes, thus the calls for him to be fired.
    But given the investment, both in coaches and players (were easily over $10m/yr), the absolutely floor for this team should be to consistently be in or around the top-25 with a 7-seed or better in the tournament.
    Even though I’m not a Woodson fan, I wouldn’t just fire him for a first round exit unless we get embarrassed again. But if he can’t secure at least a 7-seed in the tourney then he should have to win the BTT or make the sweet 16 to keep his job.
  20. Like
    Juwan Moye reacted to Napleshoosier in Transfer Portal w IU Interest   
    I’ll bet Hatton knows how to block out!  A nice upper class man trait!
  21. Like
    Juwan Moye reacted to Dave from Dayton in Transfer Portal w IU Interest   
    MB was the Big Ten 6th POY.   Played in 35 games and helped IU win the Big Ten regular season.  He got 15 points on 3-of-5 shooting from the 3-point line against North Carolina in the regional semifinal of the NCAA Tournament. 
    Now that would be out-freaking standing.  Make it so.
  22. Like
    Juwan Moye reacted to go iu bb in Transfer Portal w IU Interest   
    Better than an open scholarship.
  23. Like
    Juwan Moye got a reaction from thebigweave in Expectations for the 24-25 Season   
    I mean, if you look at the metrics from last year then Trey is better than Carlyle by a lot. So we’re hoping on potential here more than Carlyle objectively being better than Trey at this point in his career.
    I still think our best lineup will be Rice, Carlyle, Gallo, Mgbako, Ballo. Best combination of offense and defense we can put on the court at once with skill sets that compliment each other.
  24. Like
    Juwan Moye got a reaction from JF87 in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    I think anything short of a 7-seed in the tourney should be fire able with this level of talent, barring a run to the sweet 16.
    A truly good coach would have this team in the top-10 though IMO. Sneaking into the tournament would be an awful coaching job.
  25. Thanks
    Juwan Moye reacted to IUFAN1976 in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    Did it work?  lol!  Like Bettle Juice 