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    jk34 reacted to IU Hoosier41 in Wisconsin at Indiana Game Thread - ESPN - 9:00pm   
    I’m afraid our team is going to play hard again and then Wisconsin starts hitting some shots and we shut down due to “here we go again....” type attitude.  Which I can’t blame them If it happens because we’ll all do the same. 
  2. Like
    jk34 reacted to Demo in (2019) SF Keion Brooks Jr. to Kentucky   
    Was just watching video from the LaLumiere-Montverde game from January. Was watching for Beverly. But there was a play in the game where Precious Achiuwa commits a pretty cheap takedown of a Lalu kid. Brooks got right in Achiuwa’s face. Didn’t backdown at all. And Achiuwa is a grown man. Hadn’t pegged Brooks for that kind of kid. Impressive. 
  3. Like
    jk34 reacted to Class of '66 Old Fart in Team Chemistry Issues?   
    Most of the higher ranked kids have been coddled since grade school and told how good they were over and over and over.  Most were "the man" on their high school team and likely the leading scorer and we get lulled into thinking they are much better than they possibly are along with them.  Then, when recruiting heats up and offers start rolling in, their heads get even bigger.  And don't get me started on the "handlers" and the kids that go to the basketball factories or the AAU circuit which is mostly a "look at what I did".  There are exceptions of course, but I think they are few and far between.  
  4. Like
    jk34 reacted to Rico in Team Chemistry Issues?   
    The only problem is that this ain't the 70's or the early 80's.  These kids all think they have NBA talent.  They want to play right here, right now.
  5. Like
    jk34 reacted to Dunktown69 in Team Chemistry Issues?   
    Yeah was definitely drunk and upset last night but nothing that a good night of sleep can’t cure.  I love this team and I just care way too much.  I have terribly high hopes for the remainder of the season.  Somethinf’s Clicking 
  6. Like
    jk34 reacted to ap2345 in (2019) SF Keion Brooks Jr. to Kentucky   
    You aren’t wrong but at the same time I don’t know if you realize the impact a couple of cancers in the locker room can have on a team.
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    jk34 reacted to HoosierDribbler in (2019) SF Keion Brooks Jr. to Kentucky   
    And I might add,  many times the SYSTEM stops you from being able to do much about it.
  8. Like
    jk34 reacted to Bailey7878 in (2019) SF Keion Brooks Jr. to Kentucky   
    Interesting. Seems like kentucky is his 2nd choice but parents have big pull.

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  9. Like
    jk34 reacted to ebridges24 in Team Chemistry Issues?   
    These entitled thinking kids make me sick. They're in for some hard life lessons down the road.
  10. Like
    jk34 reacted to Stromboli in Team Chemistry Issues?   
    There's a fairly well known Harvard study about the net detriment caused by productive employees that are toxic.  So even though Green or Smith may produce from time to time, the negativity weighs down the entire team.  
    I'm pretty pro-player in all situations.  But at this point, we are a losing program.  Justin "Low-Light Reel" Smith doesn't play for the team.  Devonte showed promise, but has never been good.  I have heard people fault Juwan, saying he's just not a good leader.  I think he is a very good leader.  But what can you do with an attitude issue like what Green or Smith have?  Is it really Juwan's fault?  What if Archie is a top 15 coach, but he just HAPPENED to have two program-tanking attitudes to deal with on his initial two rosters.  Is it possible?  I think we're all hoping so.  Last night I heard a rumor that Green has been outwardly hateful towards Romeo for most of the season, doesn't even make attempts to hide it.  I've told before of the HH dunk contest, when Romeo won basically on his celebrity rather than dunks, and Justin Smith was downright ugly about it.  He has some resentment.  
    Our class balance will be off.  If Archie's system takes 3 years to implement, does it reset every time we lose the upperclassmen?  
    Those of us supporting Archie see the same things as the guys whining for him to get canned.  At this point, I'm hoping that the Smith/Green theory is true, and that the removal of those guys will cure the chemistry issues.  And otherwise, this 3pt shooting MUST be an anomaly.  Some of these stat-lines are laughable.  When I saw Cline hit two of those off-balance 3s last night, I was mostly just envious.  Everyone already knows, the loss of an effective perimeter game is worse than just the missed shots, it's the resultant defenses packing the lane.  
    For now, I'm going with the Job theory.  God himself is testing Archie.  He cursed him with plagues of attitudes and poor shooting.  Struck him down with concussions and blood clots and stretched thumb ligaments and deep thigh bruises.  Caused droughts of confidence.  Even blessed him with a Romeo just to have the team smite his success.  
    Archie didn't have one good season at Dayton.  He had many.  Do we really think Archie isn't as good as Mark Turgeon or Tim Miles or Franimal?  No way.  I graded out Archie as a C last year, and took some flak for it.  This year has been arguably worse.  And I'm still rocksteady in Archie's corner.  
  11. Like
    jk34 reacted to Bobman1 in Purdue at Indiana Game Thread - 7:00pm ESPN2   
    Anyone else see Carsen Edwards stick his leg out to try and trip Rob Phinisee

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  12. Like
    jk34 reacted to Uspshoosier in Can a leader emerge for next year?   
    Miller said Race Thompson came to the staff and told them that he would do everything in his power to get ready once he was cleared. Miller said that Thompson really wanted to play and is committed to doing everything in his power to help this team win games. Miller said he is hopeful that Race will continue to see more of a role moving forward.

    Race said this season has been a hard long road for him. He wanted to thank his coaches, teammates, and his family for helping him through it.

    Race said he had a headache for a while. He said he couldn't go to class because of the symptoms and had to spend a lot of time in a dark room. He said it was very tough. He said it has been hard to get back in shape, but he's been grinding to get back into game shape, He said he's been doing extra running after practice, and anything that will get him back to where he needs to be

    Race said stepping on the floor for Saturday's game brought a great deal of joy to him. He said he really missed being around the guys since he couldn't even attend practice for a while. He said he spent a lot of time standing up and cheering in front of the TV when IU was playing. He said he's just glad to be back and around his guys.
    "I don't care about points, I don't care about rebounds, I'll put my body on the line for this team, I don't care. I'll do anything to help this team wins games”

    Race said he was asked if he wanted to redshirt, but said he didn't want to do that. He said he wanted to help this team win because that's what he came to IU to do.

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  13. Like
    jk34 got a reaction from BGVille Hoosierfan in Can a leader emerge for next year?   
    This will be Rob's team
  14. Like
    jk34 got a reaction from BGVille Hoosierfan in Can a leader emerge for next year?   
    This will be Rob's team
  15. Like
    jk34 got a reaction from BGVille Hoosierfan in Can a leader emerge for next year?   
    This will be Rob's team
  16. Like
    jk34 reacted to Str8Hoosiers in What does an Archie Miller Indiana player look like?   
    So you begin a topic saying "I honestly don't know."
    Then when somebody tells you their opinion you say they are wrong and "I don't think that is an Archie Miller Player at all"
    Then proceed to say you aren't looking for speculation? So the ONLY person that could answer your initial question is Archie himself... so assuming you don't believe he posts on this board what was the point?
    Were you just bringing it up as another way to take shots and say he is a bad hire? Just like Crean? Not the guy?
    I am generally curious... when I saw your first post, I thought to myself now this could be an interesting topic of discussion (which is why I moved it from the Brooks Recruiting thread and gave it it's own space).... but now it appears it was just that same thing you have said in every other thread, just trying to find a new way to say it at least?
  17. Like
    jk34 reacted to Walking Boot of Doom in (2019) SF Keion Brooks Jr. to Kentucky   
    Neither of you have an ounce of objectivity. We have a 5 star McDAA signed up for next year. Guess what Brooks is not?

    Both of you, jump off the proverbial cliff or stop posting the same garbage. There are many here with intelligent thoughts on either side of the coin improving discussion on the board. Neither of you are one of those people.

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  18. Like
    jk34 reacted to HinnyHoosier in (2019) SF Keion Brooks Jr. to Kentucky   
    I hope the folks dangling their toes over the edge of the cliff either packed a parachute or have a really soft landing.

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  19. Like
    jk34 reacted to KzooHoosier82 in Fred Glass Retiring   
    Lol, so Crean brings the program out of the literal ashes, gets IU to the S16 in 2011-12, wins the BigTen and back to the S16 in 2012-13, has a bad year and thus should be fired? Nevermind how far that would have set the program back, thus eliminating any chance for that BigTen championship in 2015-16. To say Crean should have been fired after 13-14 is entitled ignorance at its best. Bob Knights last six seasons were full of nothing but middle of the road BigTen finishes and first round tourney knockouts and there were riots after he got fired. Give me Crean's last six years over Knight's any day of the week.
  20. Like
    jk34 reacted to Walking Boot of Doom in (2019) SF Keion Brooks Jr. to Kentucky   
    Thomas Bryant?? If anything that kid played with too much heart.
    Like it or not, you need all of those guys and all the guys to come who you will likely not be a fan of in order to win it all. It’s going to take a combination of the old school upperclassmen heavy teams with some new age star power. Villanova is damn near the best example out there.
    Also, what’s wrong with a kid looking out for his own best interests? Did you go into work every day for the name on the front of your time card? No. Like it or not, it’s a business now. Indiana needs to be a place that creates mutually beneficial opportunities for these kids. Kentucky, like it or not, has done a great job of this. Probably in an unsustainable fashion, but they did it well.
    In short, no need to answer your three questions, the only one that matters is do we need Keion Brooks? That my old friend, is a big hell yes.
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  21. Like
    jk34 reacted to HoosierAloha in IU vs OSU 2/10/19   
    Give me Durham, Phin, Davis, and the rest of the freshmen and start over. We have too many of the “well I guess I’ll give a little effort now” guys on this team. Archie is a competitor but it looks like his team is the opposite. We need more dawgs and less .... on this team.

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  22. Like
    jk34 got a reaction from HoosierAloha in IUBB @ MSU- Game Thread   
    Thanks for sharing that. Loved the locker room celebration. These guys absolutely care for one another! (DF was awesome as usual)
  23. Like
    jk34 got a reaction from raorIU in Dan Dakich during Flor/Kent game   
    Won 53% of his games as a coach. Not sure that gives him much credibility to criticize our current coach the way he does. "Little" Archie is a completely immature and belittling thing to call another man. Among coaching circles,  Archie is well respected. Dan was an average player and below average coach. Let's not make him out to be anything other than a bitter alumni with a microphone.
  24. Like
    jk34 reacted to woodenshoemanHoosierfan in Devonte Green Suspension   
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  25. Like
    jk34 got a reaction from Deserthoozier in Dan Dakich during Flor/Kent game   
    DD is usually the first one in the buffet line when it comes to eating.