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AH Renovation coming very soon

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BLOOMINGTON – On a Sunday night last month in Indianapolis, some of the wealthiest donors to Indiana University's athletic department gathered with athletic director Fred Glass, basketball coach Tom Crean and some of Crean's players.

A source familiar with the event said players mingled with potential benefactors, who were shown recorded messages of thanks from former IU basketball players Victor Oladipo and Cody Zeller, and former Hoosier and medal-winning Olympic high-jumper Derek Drouin.

IU's pitch: Help us improve athletic facilities, including renovation of a campus icon, Assembly Hall.

The building has been IU basketball's home since 1971 — Bob Knight's first year in Bloomington. It is steeped in tradition. It's also hamstrung by age and design.

But instead of trying to raise hundreds of millions for a new building, documents and renderings obtained exclusively by The Star revealed renovation plans that would not alter the current seating configuration. About $30 to $40 million in improvements would include:

• Luxury seating above the bleachers behind the south basket.

• A "modern jumbotron" that would "dramatically (improve) the fan experience for our balcony ticketholders."

• The south lobby becoming "a grand new entryway."

• Escalators replacing some ramps.

• Remodeled restrooms and concession stands, and additional restrooms.

The changes hardly remake the arena, but they do reflect an important shift in policy, considering that in 2007 IU's board of trustees said renovation of Assembly Hall was "not a feasible alternative."

But there was a recession. Indiana opened the Cook Hall practice facility, adjacent to Assembly Hall, offering state-of-the-art amenities and separate practice courts for the men and women. Glass said he doesn't even want to replace Assembly Hall for reasons nostalgic, financial, even competitive (the imposing presence of the steep seating bowl and balconies).

"Assembly Hall is one of the most venerable, iconic basketball venues in the country," Glass said. "When the cameras come on, you don't even need to tell us that we're live from Assembly Hall."

What those cameras might see in a few years, though, Glass hopes to change.

"Our planning ... is looking at preserving Assembly Hall, breathing life into that building," Glass said. "I think Hoosier fans will be really excited about our plans. They're ambitious."

No circular seating

Assembly Hall has always had critics.

After climbing the steep balconies, fans in the back rows can feel as if they're in another stratosphere. Former board of trustees president Stephen Ferguson told The Star: "If the board of trustees sat in the back row of the balcony, they'd probably rebuild Assembly Hall."

Paul "Pooch" Harrell, Indiana's athletic director from 1948-54, oversaw the bidding and construction of Assembly Hall in the 1960s. He was adamantly against a circular-bowl design such as Purdue's Mackey Arena or Illinois' Assembly Hall. He thought fans prefered sideline seats.

In 1966, Harrell told the Bloomington Sunday Herald-Times, "We talked with a lot of people and drew from our own experience in coming to the conclusion (a circular seating arrangement) would be unwise. ... If you're trying to sell tickets you better be in a position to provide potential customers with the best possible seats."

IU assistant athletic director for facilities Chuck Crabb, a person as familiar with Assembly Hall's history as anyone in the department, described Harrell's vision.

"Two theaters, facing a common stage," Crabb said. "That, conceptually, is what Pooch wanted to see designed."

The promotional documents for renovating Assembly Hall, obtained by the Star, emphasize the building's competitive advantages for the Hoosiers. It included quotes from opponents on the intimidating atmosphere, including one from current Penn State guard Tim Frazier, who said fans are "right there on top of you."

Yet Crabb admitted that ascending the steps of the lower bowl can sometimes feel like "mountain climbing."

Said Glass: "I've sat in that balcony, particularly as a student. I've sat in the last row of the main bowl and not been able to see the scoreboard."

Sara Pizarro Subtil, who works for the sports architecture firm Populous that designed TCF Bank Stadium at Minnesota and the KFC YUM! Center in Louisville, called Assembly Hall's balcony seating "kind of removed." But she said a building as old as Assembly Hall can be renovated thoroughly and still retain its character.

"Some walls are going to have to be knocked down," Subtil said. "It would have to be more involved than just a cosmetic makeover.

"But if the priority is to maintain the character and experience of Assembly Hall, of this intense wall of students and fans on top of the action, that could be not only maintained but improved."

One of her thoughts was to tear out and reinstall, at a better angle, seats ascending into the corners of the lower bowl and balconies.

Any talk of renovations once seemed pointless. In 2007, Ferguson delivered a report to the rest of the IU board of trustees recommending Assembly Hall's replacement. Around that time, he said, IU officials toured several facilities, including Mizzou Arena at Missouri and the Comcast Center at Maryland.

Ferguson, who left the board in 2010, stopped just short of saying he still believes firmly in the need for a new Assembly Hall, saying "you could get a facility with better spectator viewing."

Though no specific plans for replacement were discussed publicly, the trustees in 2007 had a strong idea of what they wanted: more room for athletic offices, a dedicated practice facility, luxury suites and better sightlines.

Glass said the cost of a new arena would be $200 to $300 million. Even with fatter TV revenues footing the bill for many new investments, Indiana remains one of the Big Ten's most moderately funded athletic departments.

The University's Policy on Institutional Naming forbids any sort of corporate naming, so financing a new stadium that way would require the board reversing the policy.

Since 2007, other athletic facility projects answered issues with Assembly Hall. Closing the North End Zone of Memorial Stadium included offices for athletic administrators, who moved out of Assembly Hall. Cook Hall gave IU a practice facility, a vital addition, said Patrick Shoulders, a trustee since 2002.

"I can even remember (former IU coach) Kelvin Sampson saying the most he could do with a recruit was bring them in (Assembly Hall), point at the five (national championship) banners, ask them to help us get a sixth and then turn around and walk out," Shoulders said. "Cook Hall has taken care of the facilities arms race, let's say, in the near term."

So Glass said turned his attention toward renovation. He said he has support of the current trustees.

"I would say that in the last several years, and under Fred's leadership, the discussion now centers on improving that facility, and any thought about a new arena has subsided," Shoulders said.

Iconic building's lifespan

On the day it was officially dedicated in December 1971, the Hoosiers blew away Notre Dame and first-year coach Digger Phelps. Within five years, IU hung another national championship banner.

In those early years, before Market Square Arena opened in Indianapolis and became the favored concert venue in central Indiana, Johnny Cash, Chicago, Jefferson Airplane and the Rolling Stones all played Assembly Hall.

But problems arose over time. There was limited concession and food preparation space. There were issues with electrical, plumbing and HVAC systems.

"You have infrastructure that was designed, basically, in the late 1950s, early 1960s," Crabb said. "State-of-the-art in, let's say, 1958, but a lot different 50 and 60 years later. ...

"Creature comfort is an issue that probably will get a lot of look-see when we reach a point of, 'What are we going to do with this venue? How are we going to help it into the future?'"

That future is now, according to Glass, who aims to make Assembly Hall viable for decades.

He pointed to the $52 million Michigan just put into the Crisler Center, which added about 63,000 square feet to the arena.

"Just like men's basketball is the economic engine for the department, I'd say in turn, along with coach (Tom) Crean and Cook Hall, the amazing home court advantage we have at Assembly Hall is the engine of our men's basketball program," Glass said. "We're at a point where it needs a tune-up."

How long would the tune-up take?

Glass, while not talking about specifics, said he plans to be "ambitious" about a timetable. He emphasized that renovations would never render Assembly Hall unusable during the basketball.

"My hope and expectation is kids who are freshmen on (the men's and women's basketball teams) now would play in this Assembly Hall before they graduate as fourth-year seniors," Glass said.



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I'm all for it. Love Assembly hall and think it provides a tremendous competitive advantage, but there are plenty if thinks that can be improved.

Removing the Bleachers and installing nice seats would be the first step. With Cook Hall, we no longer need that space to fold up.

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I like the part about getting it done soon.

I read over that with a laugh. "Soon" in remodeling time is the equivalent of Saying a Purdue should win a national championship soon.

It'd be nice if they were done in 3-4 years, just not super likely IMO.

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Yeah, I don't really think the 3 year thing will happen. Maybe get started on it in 3-4 years. Depends on how much money they can raise in a hurry. Until the money is in place it's just another pipe dream. 

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Read this in the Indy Star, it was a great read... I like the idea of getting done quickly as well, but like you all the probability of that happening isn't very likely.  IMO the only thing that needs added to this plan is a name change to RMK Assembly Hall, or RMK Hall whichever to me!

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Read this in the Indy Star, it was a great read... I like the idea of getting done quickly as well, but like you all the probability of that happening isn't very likely.  IMO the only thing that needs added to this plan is a name change to RMK Assembly Hall, or RMK Hall whichever to me!



I think that Mr. Knight would have to die before that could even happen, per IU rules. Kind of like no corporate sponsorships.

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I think that Mr. Knight would have to die before that could even happen, per IU rules. Kind of like no corporate sponsorships.

I was wondering if that was the case... It's unfortunate it has to be that way

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I think that Mr. Knight would have to die before that could even happen, per IU rules. Kind of like no corporate sponsorships.

If I remember right, it's a 5 year period. I believe that's how long IU took to rename the Main Library after Herman Wells' passing.

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Read this in the Indy Star, it was a great read... I like the idea of getting done quickly as well, but like you all the probability of that happening isn't very likely. IMO the only thing that needs added to this plan is a name change to RMK Assembly Hall, or RMK Hall whichever to me!

Is that realistic though? That would be fantastic, but with all of the sour grapes there I wonder if he would even let it happen.

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Is that realistic though? That would be fantastic, but with all of the sour grapes there I wonder if he would even let it happen.

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Well I know we've all seen the articles about his son Pat trying to talk him into it. All of HOOSIER nation loves him and he knows it. The university did him wrong, more Myles Brand doing. The fan base wants him back not sure where the university stands on it

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Well I know we've all seen the articles about his son Pat trying to talk him into it. All of HOOSIER nation loves him and he knows it. The university did him wrong, more Myles Brand doing. The fan base wants him back not sure where the university stands on it

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If it came down to fans, I'm not sure how it wouldn't be unanimously yes. It would be very interesting to hear the university's take on it. More interesting to hear his.

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Well I know we've all seen the articles about his son Pat trying to talk him into it. All of HOOSIER nation loves him and he knows it. The university did him wrong, more Myles Brand doing. The fan base wants him back not sure where the university stands on it

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IU has tried repeatedly to get RMK back in the fold. He refuses to have anything to do with it. It's really on him at this point. I don't see it ever happening.

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IU has tried repeatedly to get RMK back in the fold. He refuses to have anything to do with it. It's really on him at this point. I don't see it ever happening.

 Well I know that father time isn't pumping the brakes at all.  I'm hoping the stubborn minded Knight opens up just one time.  We could only be so lucky

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Sure it would be nice if BK let things go. I say this for his own good. I take a bit different opinion than many do. You don't see a players name on the uniforms. The University is bigger than any player no matter how great that player may be. We can admire and respect them all we wish but the uniform still says INDIANA on the front. I don't see how a coach should be any different.


He did great things at IU that I will always be grateful for. He also did some things that I find abhorrent. I'm not so sure he deserves his name on a building. I'd welcome him back in a heartbeat if he showed remorse for his behavior. I don't see that ever happening as he sees nothing wrong with it, just like many fans. It's just my opinion. I don't expect anyone to agree with it and I'm not going to try to convince anyone of it either. Nor do I care to engage in debates about it. Just expressing my opinion, hate away if you wish.   


If it weren't for his bad behavior I'd be all for naming the building after him. Unlike some, I can't just overlook the bad as if it never happened or didn't matter. Nobody is perfect nor do I expect anyone to be, but Bobby Knight was far far far from it. 

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IU shouldn't name anything after Knight ever unless RMK starts making amends, which will never happen.


I understand wanting to keep Assembly Hall but I don't agree with doing it unless they address the view from the top of the main section and it sounds like that is getting completely ignored in all this.


Glass and the decisionmakers don't value fan's sightlines at all...as illustrated recently by the addition of the flag pole in the football stadium

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Being 17, I have no deep attachment to Bob Knight. I understand the history and the great things he did. He's a great coach and I admire him and his accomplishments. Still, my only memory of him coaching is at Texas Tech.

I, like everyone else, hope he comes back, but at the end of the day, it's his decision and I'm not too worried about it.

Now regarding AH: I love the plan to renovate it. Who knows when that will get done though.

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