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  1. Like
    jk34 reacted to Chris007 in IUFB Offseason Updates   
    He was so dynamic when he was on the field, he had the "it" factor. From what I was told that it was too easy for DC to game plan for Ramsey. He can't make all the throws, so defenses would take away certain routes and dare him to beat them. Can't do that with Penix. But going this route, if it doesn't work out you have an experienced backup ready to go. 
  2. Like
    jk34 got a reaction from Deserthoozier in College Bball Thread   
    Unbelievable! What a scumbag.
  3. Like
    jk34 reacted to mdn82 in Colts / NFL Game Thread   
    So you complain about the contract he got and said it put you guys at a disadvantage? You may want to look and see how much cap space you guys have. It’s crazy how much cap space that team has.

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  4. Like
    jk34 got a reaction from Deserthoozier in College Bball Thread   
    Unbelievable! What a scumbag.
  5. Like
    jk34 reacted to cthomas in Ed Schilling Leaving, Mike Roberts Arriving   
    I think this is the year we finally see a culture shift begin to take place. Coach Roberts is just another piece of that process. The players we will depend on and feature this season are mostly CAM's guys and have some experience to learn from. I really like what I see being built. We need to stay healthy to reach our potential, but this is the most complete team we have had in some time. I expect our shooting to be adequate and we finally have size, skill, and depth in the frontcourt. I think we will get better and better as the season progresses and that by the end of the year no one will look forward to playing our Hoosiers.
  6. Thanks
    jk34 reacted to FCHoosier in IU Baseball Commits   
    Will go ahead and comment on this one since he was a teammate of mine last year... very smooth in the infield and the bat continues to progress as he puts on weight. Plays for a real good travel team out of Indy and clearly had a great summer but has yet to see time at the varsity level at FC (Not going to get into much detail but this is a reflection of egos more so than ability). Great student, hard worker. Someone I think people should be excited to have in the program.
  7. Like
    jk34 reacted to lucel15 in IUFB Offseason Updates   
    Scouts and whoever choose the watch list would beg to differ as all 3 were just put on the watch list for the senior bowl. Not saying that’s the end all be all they will be nfl players, but outside people looking in think all 3 upperclassmen are talented enough to get serious looks. After hearing coaches talk and see people who get to practices often.....hearing what they also say....starting 5 seem solid....then there’s about 4-5 guys behind them that have developed nicely....several young guys from last class and this class.... 
    Littlejohn- Remington watch list. 
    Cronk -Outland watch list. 
  8. Like
    jk34 reacted to Walking Boot of Doom in Ed Schilling Leaving, Mike Roberts Arriving   
    Look, you can be a complete ******* and be charitable and caring in some aspects of life.
    Whatever he does at Riley is great! There are so many other people in the world who do these things without being a complete jerk. He acts like he’s above everyone and is the only one who knows right from wrong.
    He’s not for me. I’m assuming you’re friends with him because you really do seem to have a personal investment in him with how you defend him. Nothing wrong with that - we all have that friend who everyone else thinks is a jerk.
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  9. Like
    jk34 reacted to Str8Hoosiers in Ed Schilling Leaving, Mike Roberts Arriving   
    I don't care about DD 1 little bit, I don't hate him but I don't like him either... I believe he loves IU deep inside, but will do everything in his power from his pulpit to degrade IU and hurt IU because he is disgruntled like a jilted lover. He may love the program and want nothing more than for it to get back to the winning culture etc but nobody would ever surmise that from the way he acts and speaks.
    Your narrative is that he is such a great guy, a great person, a great IU ambassador and every chance you get you try to convince the world (or at least the BTB world) of this.... but when somebody questions you then no details can be given.
    Many people have had many interactions with him that have soured them and they are not afraid to talk about it. There have been entire threads and many others derailed by conversation of DD and if he is a good person or not.
    I just find it amusing that you get so irritated of people having a negative opinion of him through either their own experiences or what they heard or read, but you want everybody to have this grand opinion of how great he is because you say so. Everybody can see he is overly anti-IU (even if that isn't how he feels deep inside), but you say he isn't and we should all just believe you. Many people say he is upset because he didn't get a long term job, or because Alford didn't... but we shouldn't believe any of that because you say constantly how great a person he is....
  10. Like
    jk34 reacted to ElectricBoogaloo in (2020) PF Matt Cross to Miami   
    An insider on another board heavily insinuated that Matt Cross may make a decision before his A&M visit to get ahead of Geronimo's visit to IU at the end of the month.
  11. Like
    jk34 reacted to MemphisHoosier in (2020) PF Matt Cross to Miami   
    We have 4 grants open for next year, but a few of the 'insiders' have insinuated that Archie may be looking to add 1-3 players in addition to Anthony & Trey. - so maybe there is space for Cross, a big, and a ball handler still.  On paper it seems a bit odd to bring in 5 players in '20 with a monster class following in '21 w/Lader, Furst, Kaufman, etc., but CAM knows what he needs & when he needs it.
  12. Like
    jk34 reacted to hoosierbgh in Ed Schilling Leaving, Mike Roberts Arriving   
    I have never subscribed to the idea that we need an IU guy as I believe the correct fit and skill set is far more important.  I didn't even know Mike Roberts was coaching so I can hardly say if he will be a good fit or not.  I highly suspect though that he will be a far better choice than Cheaney, who many were clamoring for, would have been. I'd much rather have a guy that has committed to making a career of being a coach and is pursuing it to his fullest than someone that is not as dedicated and doesn't want it as bad. How good a player was has little to do with how good of a coach they will be. 
  13. Like
    jk34 reacted to Demo in Ed Schilling Leaving, Mike Roberts Arriving   
    I was writing a much longer and angrier post with this same theme, but you got there quicker and more succinctly. Perfect response. And the criticism that CAM might be hiring a, gasp, mid-major coach just aggravates me to death. Some of the very best coaches in the game are mid-major coaches. If I had to argue who the best game coach in CBB is, I would probably say Randy Bennett or Bob McKillop. If I had to argue who the best game coach I’ve ever seen is, it would absolutely be John Kresse. Just because a guy hasn’t sat next to K or  Beilein doesn’t mean he hasn’t learned from a great coach and wouldn’t be a huge get.
  14. Like
    jk34 reacted to Chris007 in Ed Schilling Leaving, Mike Roberts Arriving   
    I just really hope I never get like this. It just doesn’t seem like the way to go.
  15. Like
    jk34 reacted to Stuhoo in Ed Schilling Leaving, Mike Roberts Arriving   
    And IUBB putting together a culture of top 125 ranked in-state kids, with a quickly evolving top tier defense and the hire of an assistant who was a three time all academic B1G, played for Knight for five years at IU, displayed enough leadership to be named team captain while averaging 4mpg, and comes from the first assistant slot at an annual 20+ win program ...
    Somehow makes you lash out like a spoiled child? Pathetic.
    An apology would probably help though.
  16. Like
    jk34 reacted to mdn82 in Fred Glass Retiring   
    Did you not read the article? McRobbie is ecstatic with everything going on for the reasons I have said over the last two years to you. What matters to you doesn’t exactly matter as much to them as other things. I know you can’t accept that, but it is the way it is. Long leash? No. He is doing what they ask of him. I don’t know what else they need to say for you to understand. They said exactly what you wanted them to and posted in this what I am quoting. You just aren’t listening because you refuse to. That’s a you problem more than anyone else.  
    Edit: You can not like the direction of the university, but McRobbie laid out in that article the reasons he is happy. Glass in that article explained why he is doing a good job. If those weren’t his job responsibilities put out there by his boss do you really think he would have beat that home to that degree without McRobbie saying something? Come on man. Just face it. Your hatred of this man is more a reflection of you than him. He is doing what he was hired to do and requested of him.
  17. Like
    jk34 reacted to Stuhoo in Ed Schilling Leaving, Mike Roberts Arriving   
    And THAT's why Kentucky and Duke have so many National Championships lately, and Villanova and UVA have failed so misera...
    Wait ... WhaHuh?
    (BTW: talent does matter, but the theory above is just plain silliness IMO)
  18. Like
    jk34 reacted to Uspshoosier in (2020) PF Matt Cross to Miami   
    Doubt it. Both crystal balls from South Carolina insiders. Most the talk before the 2 new visits was for IU and Miami but i f anyone is saying they know where he is leaning they are lying. I would say IU has as good as chance as anybody when it’s all said and done

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  19. Like
    jk34 reacted to Uspshoosier in (2020) PF Matt Cross to Miami   
    Matt Cross official to A&M is coming up. Technically he would still have some senior official visits that he could take but I feel he will decide soon after this last official.

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  20. Haha
    jk34 reacted to Uspshoosier in (2020) SG Trey Galloway To IU   

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  21. Haha
    jk34 reacted to johnsoniu in College Bball Thread   
    For my bill walton fan buddies, bill is calling the white Sox-angels game tonight. 10 o’clock on nbc Chicago. Should be interesting lol

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  22. Like
    jk34 reacted to JaybobHoosier in Season Predictions 2019-2020   
    Won’t predict our record just yet until the full schedule is released, but I do think we will get into the tournament.

    As for starters, I think we will start the season:


    End the season:


    I could also see Coach swapping TJD for Al, will be hard to keep Al out of that lineup, and he will push Green and others to take their spot. Idk, it’s tough because I’m a big Al fan, just does everything well.

    Our biggest question marks will be Smith and Hunter. If Smith gains confidence, shooting stroke, and a consistent motor, he is a sure fire All-Big 10 caliber player. Just needs to get it in between his ears he can be a dominant player when he wants to. If Hunter is healthy, I see him being brought along slowly, and then potentially taking a starter spot later in the season.

    Love that we have a bench where there isn’t much of a drop off at all the spots (except probably Rob’s).

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  23. Like
    jk34 reacted to Uspshoosier in State of the program   
    For fans looking for good news, in the last month IU got commitments from 2 of its top targets. If you are one to believe in positive or negative momentum in recruiting you got to believe IU and the staff have some positive momentum on their side. IU went from 0 commitments to landing 2 top targets in less then a month. If you like team rankings 247 has IU at 14th for the 2020 class. Still early and lots of things can change but as of now IU has a top 14 class. Hopefully Cross is next.

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  24. Like
    jk34 reacted to Uspshoosier in Season Predictions 2019-2020   
    In my opinion this upcoming season will be a step in the right direction for the program. I think they will continue to build and improve on the previous 2 seasons.
    In season 1 of the Archie era Indiana fans spent 0 days with any hope that IU would make the tournament. Their first game was a loss to Indiana St and after that they didn’t even sniff the tournament or NIT for that matter.
    IU went 0-10 in Quad 1 games
    Lost 3 Quad 4 games and 1 Quad 3 games
    Didn’t beat a top 5 B1G team
    Didn’t beat an ncaa tournament team
    Best win Rpi wise was Maryland (66) at home.
    IU finished with an Rpi of 107- note Rpi was metic used by committee that year.
    Year 2 of the Archie era started out promising but a historic losing streak ended up derailing the season. However there was dramatic improvement from year 1 to year 2
    IU fans spent the whole year with their team in the Ncaa tournament discussion. It took a losing streak 12 of 13 to derail a ncaa tournament birth. However even with a 12 out of 13 game losing streak IU was 72nd in a 68 team field and almost sneaked in. In all my years of doing bracketology I never have seen as resume like IU’s before. They had all the quality wins needed but just not the quantity. Inability to win against the middle of the B1G at home was a big factor.
    IU went 6-9 in Quad 1 games
    0 losses to anyone in the Quad 3 or 4 games before the tournament selection
    3 wins against B1G top 5 teams
    5 wins against ncaa tournament teams
    Best win was @michigan st (net 8)
    IU finished (net-54) note NET was metric used by committee.
    In year 3 I expect continued improvement from year 2
    Players are a year older and many upper class men have B1G game experience which in the B1G league is a big deal in my opinion. IU could of made the tourney last year and basically was a tourney team. I feel like  they will make they tourney this year.
    People on here look at IU and have different expectations and views on the program. When Archie took over IU he took over a program that was 4th in overall wins in the last 25 years in its own state and around 45th compared to the rest of college basketball.   Middle of the B1G in wins over that same period 
    I looked at the state of the program at that time and envisioned a little longer time in building a program that looks like a contender. That was just my opinion but I can understand if others have a different view on a timeline
    Regardless of how year 3 turns out I can’t wait to watch the season unfold
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  25. Like
    jk34 reacted to MikeRoberts in (2020) SG Anthony Leal to IU   
    Yep! Kinda my point, these kids that are in high school now idolized Hulls, Watford, Yogi, Zeller, Okadipo and while there might be some recognition that there was a ton of success and even bigger success before them it doesn’t really register or mean as much as it was not in their impressionable years or even lifetime

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