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  1. Like
    Artie86 reacted to JJacks in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    I know you can't smell me but I was browsing over at the Boiler board.  They went from "IU sucks" "They'er all delusional"  "Keep living in the past" to "How good would CBS be there?"   "Will Painter have any success?"  "Would he be better than Knight?"    and my favorite "CBS isn't that good except the two years he took a team to back to back NC games."
  2. Like
    Artie86 reacted to Hoosierfan2017 in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    Lol, no, he is not one of the most recognizable faces in the city. You can see ten dudes who look like this on your morning walk to the office in Boston. 

    I get that we all want him to come here, but come on. He can live a much more normal life in Boston than he could in Bloomington. You think he’s going anywhere in Bloomington without being recognized? 
  3. Like
    Artie86 got a reaction from cleeter in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    Brad Stevens, Head Coach. Jerome Allen, Assistant Coach. Brandon Bailey, Assistant Coach ... Scott Morrison, Assistant Coach. Jamie Young, Assistant Coach ..
  4. Like
    Artie86 got a reaction from sirhoosierlot in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    This is absolutely awesome! Kudos, to whoever put this together......Well done!
  5. Like
    Artie86 got a reaction from sirhoosierlot in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    This is absolutely awesome! Kudos, to whoever put this together......Well done!
  6. Like
    Artie86 got a reaction from sirhoosierlot in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    This is absolutely awesome! Kudos, to whoever put this together......Well done!
  7. Like
    Artie86 reacted to sirhoosierlot in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    It’s time http://

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Like
    Artie86 reacted to Notithatlives in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    I saw that.  Just was wondering where Rabby said that.  Mdiu28 says premium.
    Waiting for national leaks now.  So much smoke my eyes hurt.  
  9. Like
    Artie86 reacted to cleeter in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    Not only is there lots of paperwork, but from what I’m hearing, Brad is a stand up guy. He could have signed everything this morning but wanting to spend time with the team and talk to players personally and break the news to them rather than them finding out on Twitter. Handle the situation his way and the right way basically.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Haha
    Artie86 got a reaction from IUHAHN81 in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    I loved "Welcome Back Kotter!" 
    This is how I feel Dolson & all IU fans are feeling. 
    Horshack and his synonymous....."OOOOOOHH, OOOOOHH!" PICK ME!!!!

  11. Like
    Artie86 reacted to IUwins0708 in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    I’m still rock solid saying he’s coming.  Remember most of us, if any, don’t do these sorts of contracts.  There is as much paperwork with these as buying a house I’ve been told.  Plus any adjustments made from either side then the process starts over.  I’m a firm believe in his wife wants to come home.  Until I hear something different I’m confident he’s coming.  
  12. Like
    Artie86 reacted to Chris007 in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    My wife says it better be soon. Tired of me being on my phone all day and night.
  13. Like
    Artie86 got a reaction from HoosierFan1994 in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    ...."Rabby is saying Brad is deciding"....
     That's the part that makes me clinch a bit.
  14. Like
    Artie86 got a reaction from Dave from Dayton in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    The only thing keeping me from crapping my pants is because you followed it up with the ever popular, LOL.
    That saved me.....lol
  15. Like
    Artie86 got a reaction from HoosierFan1994 in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    ...."Rabby is saying Brad is deciding"....
     That's the part that makes me clinch a bit.
  16. Like
    Artie86 got a reaction from HoosierFan1994 in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    ...."Rabby is saying Brad is deciding"....
     That's the part that makes me clinch a bit.
  17. Like
    Artie86 got a reaction from HoosierFan1994 in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    ...."Rabby is saying Brad is deciding"....
     That's the part that makes me clinch a bit.
  18. Like
    Artie86 got a reaction from HoosierFan1994 in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    ...."Rabby is saying Brad is deciding"....
     That's the part that makes me clinch a bit.
  19. Like
    Artie86 reacted to Chris007 in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    It was told to me that it was done on the IU side. Rabby is saying Brad is deciding. I think he has to be a little more careful or that’s what he’s hearing. My info was we have talked to the agent for Brad for over a month, we were told what  it was going to take to get the deal done, and we’ve done all of that. 
  20. Like
    Artie86 got a reaction from Dave from Dayton in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    Hey, like it or not......If Archie didn't do such a "BANG UP" job these last four years, we are not talking about Brad right now. 
    Such a blessing in disguise! When the "package" is finally delivered, in a weird kind of way we will be thanking Archie,...I guess, right?
  21. Like
    Artie86 reacted to FightFor6 in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    I have 9 days to renew my license plate and I need to know if my IU plate is going to read CBFS or not. 

  22. Like
    Artie86 got a reaction from Dave from Dayton in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    Hey, like it or not......If Archie didn't do such a "BANG UP" job these last four years, we are not talking about Brad right now. 
    Such a blessing in disguise! When the "package" is finally delivered, in a weird kind of way we will be thanking Archie,...I guess, right?
  23. Haha
    Artie86 got a reaction from VO5 in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    ....and if it doesn't? Then what?
     BRAD ********* STEVENS BETTER BE ANNOUNCED BY ____________! lol
  24. Like
    Artie86 reacted to Capt. Crimson in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    Seen some chatter about 2 flights into Boca Raton this AM landing within a half hour of one another. One from Btown, one from Boston. 
    Not sure if there's any lawyers, etc, that might be in Boca?

  25. Like
    Artie86 reacted to Trish in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    The hamster running this site won’t have water for a week if Brad’s not announced. DONT MAKE ME!
    come home, Brad. All the other candidates suck and are boring :( 