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    cleeter got a reaction from theriverpilot in Indiana vs Nebraska 1/14/19 6:30pm FS1   
    Just a random though. From the “offense” that Archie wants to run, it seems to me it would require shooters to hit buckets and space the floor to open up for drives. Without shooter, those gaps don’t open. We don’t have anyone who can driver besides Romeo and maybe Rob. We have zero shooters who can shoot consistently. Most of the players playing are still Crean players.
    I’m not happy about this performance since Archie has shown up, but until he gets a full class (healthy class) I’m not losing faith in him.
    Hard to watch yes, frustrating yes, below expectations for sure but I’m not losing hope. Especially not this soon.
    If we have Rob, Keion, TJD, Hunter, Race, Clifton, Forrester, Al, Smith, Damezi and other players and we still don’t win, then I’ll start wondering if Archie was right or not.
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  2. Like
    cleeter reacted to Demo in Indiana vs Nebraska 1/14/19 6:30pm FS1   
    Beilein was 65-67 in his first 4 yrs at Michigan. Jay Wright was 52-46 his first 3 at Nova and then made the Dance year 4. Rick Barnes was sub .500 at Tenn his 1st 2 yrs, and now in year 4 he has them #3. Tony Bennett made the Dance UVA once in his 1sr 4yrs. Sometimes building a roster and culture that fits the Coach’s vision takes a minute. Not always and I’m  not defending Miller. I despise this team’s pace of play and the fact that he is absolutely married to his offensive structure when the pieces don’t fit is 100% on him. The skill development piece of the program was better under Crean. I don’t think that’s really arguable.
    But Alford/Bailey is right. Anyone that looks at this roster at the moment, without Hunter and Thompson and with Davis hardly able to move, without an experienced starting PG, with an injured McRoberts getting minutes when a healthy McRoberts shouldn’t be able to, and thinks this team is ready to be a 2nd weekend tournament team is either, 1) flat out stoned, or, 2) doesn’t know what they’re looking at. Currently this roster is Langford, Morgan, and a group of mismatched role players. They can get better, but right now they’re required to do more than they are ready or able to do. This team has to compete like hell to win. Tonight they didn’t. 
  3. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from jonz44 in So some concerns I’m having...   
    Just attempting a long grab at positivity towards the future at the moment. A man can dream can’t he? But he did have 3 NBA players and the great Jay Bilas his third year and went 11-17 (and yes I looked all that up, I never knew that). Like I said, no comparison, just trying to grab strings here and stay positive.  
  4. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from theriverpilot in Indiana vs Nebraska 1/14/19 6:30pm FS1   
    Just a random though. From the “offense” that Archie wants to run, it seems to me it would require shooters to hit buckets and space the floor to open up for drives. Without shooter, those gaps don’t open. We don’t have anyone who can driver besides Romeo and maybe Rob. We have zero shooters who can shoot consistently. Most of the players playing are still Crean players.
    I’m not happy about this performance since Archie has shown up, but until he gets a full class (healthy class) I’m not losing faith in him.
    Hard to watch yes, frustrating yes, below expectations for sure but I’m not losing hope. Especially not this soon.
    If we have Rob, Keion, TJD, Hunter, Race, Clifton, Forrester, Al, Smith, Damezi and other players and we still don’t win, then I’ll start wondering if Archie was right or not.
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  5. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from theriverpilot in Indiana vs Nebraska 1/14/19 6:30pm FS1   
    Just a random though. From the “offense” that Archie wants to run, it seems to me it would require shooters to hit buckets and space the floor to open up for drives. Without shooter, those gaps don’t open. We don’t have anyone who can driver besides Romeo and maybe Rob. We have zero shooters who can shoot consistently. Most of the players playing are still Crean players.
    I’m not happy about this performance since Archie has shown up, but until he gets a full class (healthy class) I’m not losing faith in him.
    Hard to watch yes, frustrating yes, below expectations for sure but I’m not losing hope. Especially not this soon.
    If we have Rob, Keion, TJD, Hunter, Race, Clifton, Forrester, Al, Smith, Damezi and other players and we still don’t win, then I’ll start wondering if Archie was right or not.
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  6. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from jonz44 in So some concerns I’m having...   
    Just attempting a long grab at positivity towards the future at the moment. A man can dream can’t he? But he did have 3 NBA players and the great Jay Bilas his third year and went 11-17 (and yes I looked all that up, I never knew that). Like I said, no comparison, just trying to grab strings here and stay positive.  
  7. Like
    cleeter reacted to akinnaird24 in Indiana vs Nebraska 1/14/19 6:30pm FS1   
    I expected more from this team as well, but I also realize the staff has only had a year to bring in their personnel, and one of those key contributors is redshirting.

    I am not a fan of the offense at all. I don’t understand how you can’t find ways to get the ball in Romeo/Juwan’s hands more often. Frustrating, but not calling for coaches head after 1.5 years.

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  8. Like
    cleeter reacted to HoosierDYT in Indiana vs Nebraska 1/14/19 6:30pm FS1   
    I’m sure it’s not a popular opinion but I’m still on the Archie bandwagon...but tonight was tough.
    Regardless firing a coach in less than 3 years has major ramifications for the future because no decent candidate will trust our administration to give them time to implement their system.
    Tonight was ugly, but what can you really do when 3-4 of your competent 7 players can’t create their own shot? Defenders sag off Justin and McRob, Fitzner isn’t really a threat, and I don’t think rob is a great offensive threat yet either. I’m going to wait until next year to criticize.
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  9. Like
    cleeter reacted to akinnaird24 in Indiana vs Nebraska 1/14/19 6:30pm FS1   
    God.... this thread makes me want to delete the entire app. I usually enjoy seeing other’s perspectives, but calling for a coaches head halfway through his 2nd year is a bad take. We are in a rough stretch. Get healthy, hopefully make some adjustments, and get back on the winning side of things.

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  10. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from theriverpilot in Indiana vs Nebraska 1/14/19 6:30pm FS1   
    Just a random though. From the “offense” that Archie wants to run, it seems to me it would require shooters to hit buckets and space the floor to open up for drives. Without shooter, those gaps don’t open. We don’t have anyone who can driver besides Romeo and maybe Rob. We have zero shooters who can shoot consistently. Most of the players playing are still Crean players.
    I’m not happy about this performance since Archie has shown up, but until he gets a full class (healthy class) I’m not losing faith in him.
    Hard to watch yes, frustrating yes, below expectations for sure but I’m not losing hope. Especially not this soon.
    If we have Rob, Keion, TJD, Hunter, Race, Clifton, Forrester, Al, Smith, Damezi and other players and we still don’t win, then I’ll start wondering if Archie was right or not.
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  11. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from HoosierDYT in So some concerns I’m having...   
    I agree, 3 year minimum. I say we have to wait until Archie gets his players and gets rid of FCTC players and get his type of players to run his type of offense. If Hunter and Race were playing this year, I’m sure it would help. Having some depth would be nice too.
    **Not comparing one bit, but just random fact that shocked me**
    Mike Krzyzewski was 38-47 his first three years and duke and he turned out pretty okay.
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  12. Like
    cleeter reacted to AZ Hoosier in Indiana vs Nebraska 1/14/19 6:30pm FS1   
    Hope all is well... and you know it's a bad day when an "emergency colonoscopy" isn't the most painful part of the day.
  13. Like
    cleeter reacted to MoyeNeeded in Indiana vs Nebraska 1/14/19 6:30pm FS1   
    Yeah, it's real embarrassing getting ran out of our gym by a tourney team with an abundance of jr/sr to carry them against a 2nd yr coach with not much left over talent from the previous staff, not to mention the plague of injuries suffered. So, if you guys are serious about being done with them, that is fine with me. No need for all of the whining here. It's truly amazing to me that after long discussions here about the other top teams in our conference  (MSU, Mich) and the results of Izzo and JohnB in their early first few seasons, so many are dead set on CAM being a bad hire without giving him the time that it takes to build something. Instant gratification. Doesn't bother me one bit if we lighten the load of mass negativity that we see on this forum everyday. Doesn't have to be all sunshine and lollipops but jeez!
  14. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from theriverpilot in Indiana vs Nebraska 1/14/19 6:30pm FS1   
    Just a random though. From the “offense” that Archie wants to run, it seems to me it would require shooters to hit buckets and space the floor to open up for drives. Without shooter, those gaps don’t open. We don’t have anyone who can driver besides Romeo and maybe Rob. We have zero shooters who can shoot consistently. Most of the players playing are still Crean players.
    I’m not happy about this performance since Archie has shown up, but until he gets a full class (healthy class) I’m not losing faith in him.
    Hard to watch yes, frustrating yes, below expectations for sure but I’m not losing hope. Especially not this soon.
    If we have Rob, Keion, TJD, Hunter, Race, Clifton, Forrester, Al, Smith, Damezi and other players and we still don’t win, then I’ll start wondering if Archie was right or not.
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  15. Like
    cleeter reacted to Walking Boot of Doom in Injury Updates   
    Well, Devonte, if you’re reading this, please stop shooting. Feed Juwan and Rome.

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  16. Like
    cleeter reacted to Alford Bailey in Tree of Frustration   
    The frustration should be with injuries which is forcing Archie to play Crean players plus Fitzer.
  17. Like
    cleeter reacted to Walking Boot of Doom in (2019) SF Keion Brooks Jr. to Kentucky   
    Eat a snickers Bailey. It was a joke.

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  18. Like
    cleeter reacted to Old Friend in Tree of Frustration   
    I am a little surprised to see some bad players on this list.   Why would anyone be frustrated because a bad player didn't meet inflated or misguided expectations?
    I was on a rec team that beat a team Eggers was on by 30, roughly 5 years after he graduated.  Bad player.
    Larry Richardson was uncoordinated and had the touch of a blacksmith.  Bad player.  Never had a chance to be good.
    Luke Jiminez?  Someone was seriously frustrated with Luke Jiminez?
    Charlie Miller's problem was he was a 6'6" lefty that came here the season after another certain 6'6" lefty graduated.  He could never fill those shoes.
    Lindeman was not a good player, but I wonder if anyone remembers he shot 62% from the field as a senior, and averaged 10 points, 4 rebounds, and a block a game?
    Meeks?  Was essentially a 20 minute guy who had a career 3:1 A/TO ratio and is 4th all time in assists at IU.  Why is he on the list?  Never was a true scorer...not even in high school.  I don't get that one at all.
    My list?   I'll leave off the players who shouldn't have been here in the first place like Priller, Hoetzel, April, Jurkin, Michele, Jobe, etc.
    Starts with frustration with our administration for not taking the hiring process seriously for 17 years.   Mike Davis frustrated me more than any human being for the entirety of his stay at Indiana.   Crean a close second.  Some of the kids those two recruited were embarrassing.
    Bracey Wright
    Richard Mandeville
    Verdell Jones (Captain Turnover and he stood more than any player in IU history)
    Jason Collier and Luke Recker - two very highly touted kids with all kinds of ability; never bought into Knight and never did what they could have at Indiana.
    Donald Perry (Captain Turnover II - not as many, but he had a knack for poor timing)
    Pat Ewing (anyone remember he was here for 2 years?)
    Sean Kline
    DeVonte Green - yeah...he has to be here, but improvement is possible.  Saw it Sunday.
    AJ Ratliff - always thought he could have been SO much better than he was.
    Joey Shaw - his dad's suits were worth the price of admission; but this is a kid who said he would be an NBA star.
    Armon Bassett
    Tom Pritchard
    Top 3 :  Stanford Robinson (no, he shouldn't have been here, either; but since he was...when does a kid change shooting hands in the middle of his college career??)
    Noah Vonleh - he couldn't have cared less about Indiana University and mailed in most of his games.  I have no use for that kid at all.  Stats be damned, that kid was here to go to the NBA.  That's it.  His team was 17-15 and he made nobody better.  There were 3 NBA players on that team, and they went 17-15.  Anyone could easily see after that year what a crock Tom Crean was.
    Jeremy Hollowell.  Was a PIA in high school, never worked hard or made himself better, was lazy, couldn't have cared less.  Never has a kid with so much ability gotten so little from it.
  19. Like
    cleeter reacted to Walking Boot of Doom in Injury Updates   
    Guys, do your research. All of this information is out there as USPS has demonstrated by posting link after link. Concussions are still slightly new science, but evidence demonstrates a strong link between multiple brain injuries and CTE. Individuals with CTE have reported depression and suicidal thoughts and behaviors.

    End of the day, sports are just a game and for entertainment purposes only. It’s important not to get this wrong.

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  20. Like
    cleeter reacted to Class of '66 Old Fart in Prayer Thread   
    No one on this board should ever hesitate to ask for our prayers.  We may not know each other on a personal basis but it doesn't mean that we can't be there to offer support in any way we can.  You have a lot thrown at you all at once but just like our Hoosiers today, you can prevail.  Prayers for you and your family.
  21. Like
    cleeter reacted to Josh in Prayer Thread   
    I'm not sure about this, but I need to do it.  It's been a really rough holiday season.  My family could really use your prayers.  I'm actually on the board of trustees at my church here in St Pete, and I have prayers there.  But things just keep getting worse.  I'd like to ask for as many as possible.
    On the Monday before Halloween, my mother in law had a stroke while driving to work.  It was a really bad one that also showed that she's had one previously.  Her mortality has been day to day since then.  When she is aware of her situation, she is angry and cussing at her children for keeping her alive.  It's been rough.
    Also since then, my father has been diagnosed with leukemia.  He was supposed to be here for Christmas, but is now on an aggressive radiation treatment.  The doctor is not optimistic.
    I have a health concern that I've not shared with my wife yet.  It's all been too much.  My daughter comes home from daycare everyday with notes saying that she was sad all day.  I'm not one to ask for help.  I don't know if this post is to help myself feel better by getting things off my chest or if asking for prayers through an internet board is the way to go.  I don't know.  I know I've been late getting into prediction threads and have sent cryptic posts lately.  
    Thanks for being there guys.  Love the ones you're with.
  22. Like
    cleeter reacted to pappy1865 in Prayer Thread   
    Update time. Started a new job on Monday. Reached an agreement with Brit, and the judge will make it official, so by Friday, I will be divorced, and ready to officially start a relationship with the girl I've been hanging out with since February. I mean, save for this drivel the Hoosiers put out tonight, things are FINALLY looking up. Thanks to you all for your thoughts, prayers, and support. It means a lot! Hope you all are well, and I'm finally ready to be able to post during games again unless it's Tuesday Shrine night! Also, why the hell is everything I type, and everything you all type suddenly in italics on the laptop? Kind of sucks to read! It's fine on the Droid app???
  23. Like
    cleeter reacted to LamarCheeks in Prediction League (Game 11 - Butler 12/15/18)   
    Hoosiers 70
    Bulldogs 65
    We haven't hit 70 since beating UC Davis. We've got to break out at some point, right? I think this is the time. (BTW, I base this on no factual evidence. It's just a gut feeling -- and If you've seen my gut lately, you'd believe it). 
  24. Like
    cleeter reacted to A.j. Nigh in (2019) SF Keion Brooks Jr. to Kentucky   
    If it helps, 2 weeks ago I said I didn’t see TJD commiting that day.  8 hours later he did. So.....
    I don’t see Brooks committing today.  
  25. Like
    cleeter reacted to Chips&Dipo in (2019) SF Keion Brooks Jr. to Kentucky   
    I hate sharing to people what I dream about, but I had a dream last night that Keion Brooks committed. I was kind of depressed when I woke up. Not because it was a dream, but because I am dreaming of a 17 year old kid committing to IU. 