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About cchuntsman

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    4-Star Recruit

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  1. cchuntsman

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Is there something to him being on the court, or that he was keeping bigger negatives off the court by playing?
  2. cchuntsman

    College Bball Thread

    So, like a Purdue sorority party?
  3. cchuntsman

    2023-24 IUBB ROSTER

    My hope is Cupps ends up in his junior and senior season being a better shooting version of Aaron Craft.
  4. cchuntsman

    IUBB vs Miami (OH) - Sunday, 11/20/22 @ 5:30 on BTN

    Two in a row since this post. I knew he wouldn’t like the reference to Newkirk. You’re all welcome.
  5. cchuntsman

    IUBB vs Miami (OH) - Sunday, 11/20/22 @ 5:30 on BTN

    If JHS’ shooting continues like this, how long before we worry that we have a more talented version of Josh Newkirk.
  6. cchuntsman

    Indiana at Wisconsin Game Thread

    On the ball that hit the Wisconsin player out of bounds, was the ref telling Woodson the ball went over the corner of the backboard (which would be out on IU)?
  7. Woodson is never going to play Lander in front of Phinisee as long as Lander keeps forgetting how to run the plays called from the sideline. There’s no trust from a head coach when you see this. Lander will have to earn trust in practice or in a game where he plays as 3rd PG due to fouls or injury.
  8. Might be a Woodson teaching moment to X about dumb fouls.
  9. cchuntsman

    (2023) - PG Miro Little to Baylor

    I’m wondering if Woodson was told about him by an NBA contact he has.
  10. I originally imagined Kopp starting at the 4, but the more I think about it I’ve changed my mind. I think we’d struggle tremendously at rebounding. I’m now thinking, and voted, the following. PG - Xavier Johnson, SG - Parker Stewart, Wing - Miller Kopp, PF - Race Thompson (assuming can shoot at 30+% from three), and C - Trayce Jackson-Davis.
  11. cchuntsman

    College Bball Thread

    But it’s the same roster that lost to North Texas. Don’t get me wrong, they’ll be good, but I can’t see them being #1.
  12. cchuntsman

    Is Indiana just UCLA at this point?

    In a non-pandemic year, look at a UCLA crowd at a home game. We are definitely not UCLA.
  13. cchuntsman

    College Bball Thread

    While I don’t think you could call that a technical in this game, I would like it to be a technical starting next year. To me it’s either taunting a defender or showing up a ref. I’m so tired of hearing players scream it.
  14. A lot of great offensive sets ran tonight. Love it.
  15. Trayce is soooo bad on pick-n-roll defense. He will be in the G-league his entire NBA career if he doesn’t figure it out. You can’t be bad at that as an undersized 4-man with no shooting ability or right hand.