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    HoosierCoop got a reaction from IUsafety in Prediction League Post Season Game #1 IU vs Northwestern (06/12/15)   
    IU - 70
    NW - 60
    Rojo has to come out of the month long hole he has been in.
    Yogi has to stop trying to take control of the game.
    Troy has to show up again.
    JBJ has to quit pouting that he is not a one-and-done like he thought he was.
    Colin has to bring the health and magic that has been gone over the last few games.
    Nicky - keep on keepin' on brother.  Love your enthusiasm.  You need more minutes pal.
  2. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from WayneFleekHoosier in You name it...   
    "Sad But True" - Metallica (The Tom Crean Era)
    "30 days in the hole" - Humble Pie (The way I feel now)
    "Deuce" - Kiss (wait..."Thrice")
    "Once...Twice....Three Times a Blocked Layup" - The Commodores (the B1G reality song for JBJ)
  3. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from WayneFleekHoosier in You name it...   
    "Sad But True" - Metallica (The Tom Crean Era)
    "30 days in the hole" - Humble Pie (The way I feel now)
    "Deuce" - Kiss (wait..."Thrice")
    "Once...Twice....Three Times a Blocked Layup" - The Commodores (the B1G reality song for JBJ)
  4. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from WayneFleekHoosier in You name it...   
    "Sad But True" - Metallica (The Tom Crean Era)
    "30 days in the hole" - Humble Pie (The way I feel now)
    "Deuce" - Kiss (wait..."Thrice")
    "Once...Twice....Three Times a Blocked Layup" - The Commodores (the B1G reality song for JBJ)
  5. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from WayneFleekHoosier in You name it...   
    "Sad But True" - Metallica (The Tom Crean Era)
    "30 days in the hole" - Humble Pie (The way I feel now)
    "Deuce" - Kiss (wait..."Thrice")
    "Once...Twice....Three Times a Blocked Layup" - The Commodores (the B1G reality song for JBJ)
  6. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from WayneFleekHoosier in You name it...   
    "Sad But True" - Metallica (The Tom Crean Era)
    "30 days in the hole" - Humble Pie (The way I feel now)
    "Deuce" - Kiss (wait..."Thrice")
    "Once...Twice....Three Times a Blocked Layup" - The Commodores (the B1G reality song for JBJ)
  7. Like
    HoosierCoop reacted to TrueHoosier62 in Will 1 more win do it?   
    Dream scenario for me would be us barely getting in, say a 16th seed, paired against Kentucky in the Midwest.
    We come out, and despite our lack of defense, lack of free throw accuracy, and lack of coaching, we have one of those nights where we could almost heave the ball over our heads, backwards, and hit nothing be three after three. We win on a last second Nick Zeitzloft shot, and as we're witnessing a heaping mass of humanity at center court for having ended Kentucky's unbeaten season, John Calipari, having just shaken Tom Crean's hand, is trampled to death.
    Yeah, that'd be good.
  8. Like
    HoosierCoop reacted to bnkepner in Will 1 more win do it?   
    Happened in 2005 when IU hosted Vanderbilt in the NIT. Towards the end of the game there were lots of "Fire Davis" and "Fire Greenspan'' chants.

    On a side note the best outburst though was when Marshall Strickland was shooting free throws during the games. In a split second before he shot a Vanderbilt fan yelled "miss it" really loud while the fans were silent for the free throw, someone else (an IU fan) yelled right back "shut up hillbilly!!" right before Strickland hit the free throw and ALL of Assembly Hall burst out in laughter
  9. Like
    HoosierCoop reacted to Bobman1 in Will 1 more win do it?   
    If we win the next two, I can't see how we aren't qualified or good enough. We would have beaten ranked teams 5 times, and just because a slump happens doesn't mean the team flat out sucks. We're not that bad, if we play to our strengths and play like we did against, SMU, OSU, Butler, Maryland we are good enough. We have the same roster, have the same coach, we are the same team. Let's get out of this ******* slump and win some games, in The Big Ten Tournament and The NCAA. GO HOOSIERS!!!
  10. Like
    HoosierCoop reacted to mdn82 in You name it...   
    Cloudy with a chance of Tom Crean balls....

    Live Three or Die Hard

    Meet the Hoosiers: Little Fockers

    Lost in Transition
  11. Like
    HoosierCoop reacted to Five Prime in You name it...   
    Searching for Luke Fischer
  12. Like
    HoosierCoop reacted to JSHoosier in You name it...   
    Dazed and Confused
  13. Like
    HoosierCoop reacted to LIHoosier in You name it...   
    'Live and Let Three' - the film featuring the hit song 'Live and Let Three' by the Wings.
    He takes his Diet Coke shaken, not stirred.
  14. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from Alford Bailey in Priller   
    UK has two guys (that do not look like the norm for that team) at the end of the bench.
    I guarantee you they have enjoyed their fair share of Gatorade and conversations with the managers.
    Again, maybe an RPI balancing act.
    Give me 7 to 8 guys that will play consistently, with heart, that want to win and I don't care who you give a scholarship to at the end of the bench.  This should really be a moot point.  When have we ever had to worry about the 10 and 11 guy contributing to a basketball team?  This is the freakin' problem guys!
  15. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from Alford Bailey in I'd Be Remiss If I Didn't Ask...   
    If we had a hybrid Sampson/Crean that would be something.
    Sampson could coach, just not a good judge of character or role model.
    Crean is the type of coach I would trust my kids with, he just wouldn't know how to use them on a basketball court.
    ...but i'll be damend if they wouldn't be full of encouragement!
  16. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from Alford Bailey in Priller   
    UK has two guys (that do not look like the norm for that team) at the end of the bench.
    I guarantee you they have enjoyed their fair share of Gatorade and conversations with the managers.
    Again, maybe an RPI balancing act.
    Give me 7 to 8 guys that will play consistently, with heart, that want to win and I don't care who you give a scholarship to at the end of the bench.  This should really be a moot point.  When have we ever had to worry about the 10 and 11 guy contributing to a basketball team?  This is the freakin' problem guys!
  17. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from Alford Bailey in I'd Be Remiss If I Didn't Ask...   
    If we had a hybrid Sampson/Crean that would be something.
    Sampson could coach, just not a good judge of character or role model.
    Crean is the type of coach I would trust my kids with, he just wouldn't know how to use them on a basketball court.
    ...but i'll be damend if they wouldn't be full of encouragement!
  18. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from bnkepner in IU vs. MSU Postgame   
    Selfish play
    No defense
    No passing
    S***load of dribbling
    No troy williams
    A lax jbj
    Where has rojo been the last month???
    Hanner should have had more minutes

    Can this season just be over?

    I am nOt excited to watch an NIT game just watch and get more pissed off.

    Have to go pop some blood pressure medicine.
  19. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from bnkepner in IU vs. MSU Postgame   
    Selfish play
    No defense
    No passing
    S***load of dribbling
    No troy williams
    A lax jbj
    Where has rojo been the last month???
    Hanner should have had more minutes

    Can this season just be over?

    I am nOt excited to watch an NIT game just watch and get more pissed off.

    Have to go pop some blood pressure medicine.
  20. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from TrueHoosier62 in Potential fallout from coaching change   
    I am old too and I had to learn this one from my kids.  Don't feel bad.
    I am a non-twittererererer
  21. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from TrueHoosier62 in Potential fallout from coaching change   
    I am old too and I had to learn this one from my kids.  Don't feel bad.
    I am a non-twittererererer
  22. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from TrueHoosier62 in Potential fallout from coaching change   
    I am old too and I had to learn this one from my kids.  Don't feel bad.
    I am a non-twittererererer
  23. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from TrueHoosier62 in Potential fallout from coaching change   
    I am old too and I had to learn this one from my kids.  Don't feel bad.
    I am a non-twittererererer
  24. Like
    HoosierCoop reacted to TrueHoosier62 in Potential fallout from coaching change   
    I'm afraid I don't get all the acronyms these days, though Wtf comes in quite handy. lol
  25. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from TrueHoosier62 in Potential fallout from coaching change   
    I am old too and I had to learn this one from my kids.  Don't feel bad.
    I am a non-twittererererer