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About Dunk

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    Purdue Jockstrap

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  1. Dunk

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I'm not really sure how anyone watches UVA last night and thinks "yup, that's what I want to watch for the foreseeable future". Other than that, good list.
  2. Dunk

    Liam decomitting

    I think I've seen enough at this point to conclude that C/Kathy is not really an insider, nor a member of the BoT. Probably best not to feed the trolls.
  3. Dunk

    Positive Thread only

    Here's a little positivity for y'all! Over the 4-game win streak IU is #21 nationally according to BartTorvik. From the conference, only OSU, PU, and Illinois have played better.
  4. Dunk

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    First post here - long time lurker on BTB. I watched the senior day "festivities" and felt like I needed to let my opinion out somewhere. I've been a donor and supporter of IUBB since I graduated a decade ago. Good team or bad. I watch or record every game and make plans around them. I'm known by friends and family as a die-hard fan. It's part of my identity. Prior to this evening, I merely felt that Woodson didn't have the team on a good trajectory and that it would be better served going in a different direction. Today was the first time I ever felt like a fool for my support. I got told by the head coach that I wasn't a true fan for wanting what I thought was best for the program. That same coach has refused to answer any question regarding the program's future or acknowledge that he would be willing to make any change to get a better outcome. That coach then told me he's done his job and that it should never be in question while sitting in 6th the worst Big Ten in ages with very few prospects of success this season or next. Some are saying they just took the comments as Woodson defending himself. I took them as him dancing on the graves of those who wanted him out. I won't abandon the team entirely, but I'm sad and angry that I'm not considered a fan by the program I love and have withdrawn future donations to IU Athletics as a result. Frankly, I'm disgusted by Mike Woodson as a person and, valid or not, I feel personally insulted and I feel like my time, energy, and money has been wasted. Anyway, this post is too long but I'm glad I got that off my chest. My wife says I'm being dramatic but I guess she's a true fan.