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About Cd71

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    2-Star Recruit

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  1. Keep thinking that. I know you don't like to hear anything not positive for IU but this is a true statement. Mike Woodson even called Josh and asked what it is going to take to get Braylon to sign today. If it was about the money he would already be there. I never said Indiana is not in it, but I have first hand info on this. Indiana is still my pick right now. A few people who have DM's from me know how I get my info. Hurley also told him he was a one year player, two at the most. Hurley wants this kid bad. Believe it if you want.
  2. Connecticut, Kentucky and Indiana are his top three right now. Hurley is on him hard. Told Braylon he will wait on his decision before moving on. Braylon is not a fan of Woodson but loves the assistants. Little less confident since my last post but staying close to home is still a huge factor.
  3. Hurley called. Might see him visiting UConn. Still think its 100% Indiana as of now.
  4. Cd71


    I just can’t imagine what social media will be like if IU is having a bad year and Dusty beats us his first try.
  5. Cd71

    NCAA MBB Transfer Portal

    https://x.com/jonchep/status/1769800529264197664?s=46&t=NZjaaKtv7JVi03edCEfdbQ Frankie Fidler video in link. Sorry if posted already.
  6. Cd71


    Watching Fla Atlantic now and I would say IU is more talented at 4 out of 5 positions and I would put my money on Fla Atlantic. Dusty is getting a lot out of his guys. I have watched his team any chance I had this year and I am more and more convinced he will be a pretty good pick-up for someone. I feel like he would be relentless in trying to accomplish his goals here. Just makes me sick.
  7. Cd71


    All I know is Woodson wrote a big fat check that he better be able to cash next year with that speech. That is all.
  8. Cd71


    This is exactly how I feel. I love watching HS basketball and I love it even more when we are recruiting certain Indiana kids I can go watch. Now I don’t care if we get all Indiana kids, I’m not that guy, but the kids we recruit and then come here seem to be more of a family member than a rented kid for one year. Maybe I’m old also and am just set in my ways but damn, cmon. Just like TG, love that guy, been watching him since he was in HS. I am also not against bringing in a few portal kids to help the team, but this is ridiculous.
  9. Cd71


    Thanks for that. This was a good listen. I thought one significant point he made is when you recruit freshman and coaches have a relationship with them, along with the fans as they grow as part of the IU family it is more likely fans will still support them if the season isn’t meeting expectations. When you have players coming in that are portal players, and your whole team is pretty much that, it is easier to become hostile because we don’t really know these players. Does anyone else agree with this? I mean I had been watching LM any chance I had because he was coming here.
  10. Cd71


    Sure am having fun watching this Fla Atlantic team play their guts out. Kind of remind me of Houston, not as talented but leave everything on the court.
  11. Cd71


    I know that his Dad is very Pro IU. If things were going well at IU I feel this kid would be a lock.
  12. Cd71


    I knew with these guys it could get lower. I’m so stupid.
  13. Cd71


    Man, this is probably the lowest of lows I have felt about IU basketball, something I have loved and followed since the 70’s. I just don’t know anymore. I don’t think IU will ever return to what it once was.
  14. Cd71


    I hear a lot about BP’s age, but does anyone think that his son may take over when he retires and he stay on as an advisor? I would think that would be a great deal for BP. Great for the program as well. Stability and less turnover.
  15. Cd71


    Looking at the schedule, with the way this team is playing they could possibly lose the rest of their games. The environment would be nasty. To the ones that say Woody will get another year, do you think losing the rest of the games on the schedule would change that? I mean this could get really bad after seeing how they played yesterday.