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  1. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from GloryDays in Recruiting   
    You got it!
  2. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from CR3AMnCR1MS0N in IU vs. MD Postgame Thread   
    If anything I saw a glimmer of leadership emerging from Troy.  Pulling JBJ into the huddle and not letting him sulf was a huge growing moment in my opinion.  That right there folks (if indeed that was the case) is a HUGE turning point for this team.
    You know they want to win badly.  This is a dramatic change from last year.  Maturity is brewing thick.
    I know we were back and forth in that game and could never gain seperation (nor could they).  Somehow, I felt that we were in complete control of that game regardless of it being on the road and against Maryland.
    Dez Wells hit about 4-5 shots that were extremely well guarded but typically got the roll on each one.  Like for example his full steam running line drive layup.  How that went in I will never know.  But that is the breaks you get at home sometimes.
    Maryland was up for that game in the get go and I know that they gave it their best and they still only beat us by two.
  3. Like
    HoosierCoop reacted to DocLibby in IU vs. MD Postgame Thread   
    As a Mom and a Med School grad I would like for him to stay for his education (no one can take that away from him). I would also like to see him play another year at IU bc well I JUST LOVE IU! (Selfish) But we weigh options at the end of every year like all the other NBA potentials. The things we weigh are: Education, Draft potential placement, growth potential (by staying another year), injury potential, what if he's NOT drafted, where does he want to be in 5 and 10 years (long term goals). So as you can see it's not an easy decision!
  4. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from CR3AMnCR1MS0N in IU vs. MD Postgame Thread   
    If anything I saw a glimmer of leadership emerging from Troy.  Pulling JBJ into the huddle and not letting him sulf was a huge growing moment in my opinion.  That right there folks (if indeed that was the case) is a HUGE turning point for this team.
    You know they want to win badly.  This is a dramatic change from last year.  Maturity is brewing thick.
    I know we were back and forth in that game and could never gain seperation (nor could they).  Somehow, I felt that we were in complete control of that game regardless of it being on the road and against Maryland.
    Dez Wells hit about 4-5 shots that were extremely well guarded but typically got the roll on each one.  Like for example his full steam running line drive layup.  How that went in I will never know.  But that is the breaks you get at home sometimes.
    Maryland was up for that game in the get go and I know that they gave it their best and they still only beat us by two.
  5. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from CR3AMnCR1MS0N in IU vs. MD Postgame Thread   
    If anything I saw a glimmer of leadership emerging from Troy.  Pulling JBJ into the huddle and not letting him sulf was a huge growing moment in my opinion.  That right there folks (if indeed that was the case) is a HUGE turning point for this team.
    You know they want to win badly.  This is a dramatic change from last year.  Maturity is brewing thick.
    I know we were back and forth in that game and could never gain seperation (nor could they).  Somehow, I felt that we were in complete control of that game regardless of it being on the road and against Maryland.
    Dez Wells hit about 4-5 shots that were extremely well guarded but typically got the roll on each one.  Like for example his full steam running line drive layup.  How that went in I will never know.  But that is the breaks you get at home sometimes.
    Maryland was up for that game in the get go and I know that they gave it their best and they still only beat us by two.
  6. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from GloryDays in IU vs. MD Postgame Thread   
    Chris Reynolds wasn't bad back in the day.  Not a shooter, but a defensive finisher!  Important piece to '92.
  7. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from Josh in Did Lyle just commit to OSU?   
    Maybe he will impload the OSU basketball program.
  8. Like
    HoosierCoop reacted to maxwell in IU vs. MD Postgame Thread   
    This was the exact question my son was asking me as I tucked him in last night.  I told him that it is always possible.  As I was on my way out of his room he sighed and said, “I really wish we would have made this play or that play.”  I told him that I understood how he felt.  I then asked him the following questions: Did the players that missed opportunities let up on the defensive end after not making the play?  Do you think our players and their coaches did everything they could in preparation to win this game?  Do you feel that everyone on this team expected to win this game during the entire course of the game?  We agreed that it was an awesome game and our Hoosiers made us proud.  I then closed his door.
    I went to the living room to begin watching the game again and pulled up btownbanners.  Curious to see if there would be as many positive statements as there have been over the last couple of days, I skimmed some of the game and post-game threads where I was amazed by the environment of this place.  I thought there must have been some special greeting page that had Hova giving out huge hugs that absolutely melted the hearts of everyone posting last night.  I appreciate the objectivity and I think/hope  it will make a positive impact on the families that are considering iubb for 2015 and 2016.
    Chris Reynolds has been mentioned multiple times during this thread and I thought I would add that when that came to drawing a charge in crucial situations that it would be difficult for anyone to do it better than he did.  His feet were always moving.  The dude had to go through some serious shoes.  We currently have room for improvement, but you know …  I think our guys are making big strides on the defensive end.   You can tell this group wants it bad.
    Here’s to great growth in preparation for Sunday.
  9. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from GloryDays in IU vs. MD Postgame Thread   
    Chris Reynolds wasn't bad back in the day.  Not a shooter, but a defensive finisher!  Important piece to '92.
  10. Like
    HoosierCoop reacted to Hovadipo in IU vs. MD Postgame Thread   
    Here are some of my favorite selections from the Bloomington YikYak tonight. (YikYak is basically anonymous Twitter within a 2 mile radius for those that don't know)

    "Nobody makes Yogi cry!F*** YOU MARYLAND."

    "Petition to declare Yogi King of the Hoosiers"

    "I'm drunk and crying because Yogi was crying"

    "Maryland's yaks aren't even about basketball. F*** them they don't deserve to be in our conference"

    "HEARTBREAK. Oh Yogi, we still love you.

    "J**** C***** yogi went so f****** hard"

    "Yo in a parallel universe we won"

    "Poor Yogi : ((((("

    And possibly my favorite...

  11. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from GloryDays in IU vs. MD Postgame Thread   
    Chris Reynolds wasn't bad back in the day.  Not a shooter, but a defensive finisher!  Important piece to '92.
  12. Like
    HoosierCoop reacted to Hutch89 in IU vs. MD Postgame Thread   
    I saw that troy pulled in his jersey in the last few minutes during a timeout. Looked like he was trying to unrattle him
  13. Like
    HoosierCoop reacted to Hovadipo in IU vs. MD Postgame Thread   
    I like basketball. And Yogi. I think I like Yogi more than I like basketball but it's tough to be sure. I also like this school and its basketball team. But I think I like the point guard of this school's basketball team more than I like basketball. But if it weren't for basketball would I have the chance to like its point guard named Yogi?

    Come back next week, as Hova struggles with the 4 things he enjoys most in life.
  14. Like
    HoosierCoop reacted to Stuhoo in IU vs. MD Postgame Thread   
    G_d bless it, we played well.
    Proud of the team,
    Proud to be a Hoosier fan.
  15. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from Alford Bailey in Jerry Tarkanian   
    Man, I just watched the '87 final four game.  We were lucky to come out of that game.  We played flawless and it was still close.  That was the beginning of their run.
    R.I.P. Tark! :(
  16. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from LazOffTheBench in Jerry Tarkanian   
    I had to listen to that game on WOWO (AM radio) on our way to Florida.  I was so pissed until the last 2:00 minutes of the game.  I would love to have that radio spot of Don again.  He was going nuts.
  17. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from Alford Bailey in Jerry Tarkanian   
    Man, I just watched the '87 final four game.  We were lucky to come out of that game.  We played flawless and it was still close.  That was the beginning of their run.
    R.I.P. Tark! :(
  18. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from colonel06 in Indiana vs Maryland Game thread   
    Maryland needs this win as bad as IU needs it.  Gonna be tough, but I think we are up for the challenge.
    Everyone needs to be on it tonight.  No lapses!  10 - 13 3's.  Need Maryland in foul trouble.
    This is where we start to get hot!!!!
    Let's go boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from LazOffTheBench in Jerry Tarkanian   
    I had to listen to that game on WOWO (AM radio) on our way to Florida.  I was so pissed until the last 2:00 minutes of the game.  I would love to have that radio spot of Don again.  He was going nuts.
  20. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from Alford Bailey in Jerry Tarkanian   
    Man, I just watched the '87 final four game.  We were lucky to come out of that game.  We played flawless and it was still close.  That was the beginning of their run.
    R.I.P. Tark! :(
  21. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from ALASKA HOOSIER in Jordan Fuchs to play?   
    If it works...GREAT Recruiting move!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from ALASKA HOOSIER in Jordan Fuchs to play?   
    If it works...GREAT Recruiting move!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Like
    HoosierCoop got a reaction from Alford Bailey in Jerry Tarkanian   
    Man, I just watched the '87 final four game.  We were lucky to come out of that game.  We played flawless and it was still close.  That was the beginning of their run.
    R.I.P. Tark! :(
  24. Like
    HoosierCoop reacted to ALASKA HOOSIER in Indiana vs Maryland Game thread   
  25. Like
    HoosierCoop reacted to ALASKA HOOSIER in Indiana vs Maryland Game thread   
    Indiana, Our Indiana
    Words by Russell P. Harker, Melody taken from
    "The Viking March", by Karl L. King
    Indiana's most recognized fight song, "Indiana,
    Our Indiana," was first performed by the IU Band
    in November, 1912 at a football game against
    Northwestern. The song has since been played at
    every Indiana football and basketball game.
    Indiana, Our Indiana
    Indiana, we're all for you
    We will fight for
    the Cream & Crimson,
    For the glory of Old IU
    Never daunted, we cannot falter
    In a battle, we're tried and true
    Indiana, Our Indiana
    Indiana, we're all for you!
    Hail to Old IU
    Words by J.T. Giles
    Indiana's official Alma Mater song, "Hail to Old IU"
    was first performed on March 10, 1893 in
    Indianapolis. J.T. Giles, who organized the IU glee
    club wrote the words to a Scottish song in order to
    give the Hoosiers a school song for a performance at
    a state contest. The song has been a mainstay at
    Indiana events since that day.
    Come and join in song together,
    Shout with might and main;
    Our beloved Alma Mater,
    Sound her praise again.
    Gloriana Frangipana, E'er to her be true.
    She's the pride of Indiana,
    Hail to Old IU!
    Indiana Fight
    Words and music by Leroy C. Hinkle
    Indiana's popular fight song melody today, the
    words to this song are rarely sung at an Indiana
    sporting event. The crowd usually just sings "
    GO! IU! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! Indiana, we're
    all for you!" at the end of the song.
    Fight for the Cream and Crimson,
    Loyal sons of our old IU
    Fight for your Alma Mater,
    and the school you love so true.
    Fight for old Indiana,
    See her victories safely through,
    For the glory of old IU.
    Chimes of Indiana
    Words and music by Hoagy Carmichael
    This song was composed by Indiana legend Hoagy
    Carmichael. In 1937, the class of '35 presented this
    song to the University as a gift. The song was
    proposed as an official Alma Mater for many years
    before the Alumni Association officially adopted it as
    such in 1978.
    Sing these chimes of Indiana,
    Hail to the crimson hue;
    Sing her praise to Gloriana,
    Hail to our old IU
    Lift your voices, join in loyal chorus
    Let your heart rejoice in praise of those before us,
    Sing these chimes of Indiana,
    Ever to her be true!
    Go Hoosiers!
    Indiana University Athletics
    Listen to the songs at: