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About Ricochet

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    2-Star Recruit

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  1. Ricochet

    (2025) QB - Julian Lewis

    He's not going to IU but getting him to campus with a good season is going to get more and more talent to seriously look at IU because Lewis gave them a real look.
  2. Ricochet

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    I've known a couple people with th is name. One of them pronounced it Cay-Nan and the other Cay-Nun.
  3. Ricochet

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    I think there is a better chance that IU flips Ace Bailey and Dylan Harper as well as McNeeley recommiting to IU. Bronny is making $6 in NIL deals mostly through NIKE. He's going to go to a NIKE school its as simple as that. BTW while a good player/prospect, he is vastly overrated because of his dad.
  4. Why are you posting a 2 year old article?
  5. Whether his height is actually 6'8, who knows but the confusion of him saying he's 6'6 just didn't happen. He clearly says he's 6'8.
  6. Without a doubt he said 6'8.
  7. Ricochet

    (2024) - SG Jaeden Mustaf to Georgia Tech

    Mustaf is listed anywhere from 6'6 to 6'4. These guys profile heights and weights aren't going to often be correct for 2 reasons. Kids at this age are constantly growing and just aren't updated. Equally so the other reason is that the heights are almost always inflated by 2 to 3 inches.
  8. Ricochet

    (2024) - CG Dylan Harper to Rutgers

    If Rutgers doesn't get Harper who says they can hold onto Ace Bailey? Recruiting is about momentum and if you don't capitalize when you can and if can disappear as quickly as it came. I can see IU having its best recruiting class ever by rankings in '24 as much as I can see them missing out on most. It's all about capitalizing on the momentum of the hype and winning an other variables so one needs to strike why the iron is hot and as IU fans we should no this because IU was right there with UNC, UCLA, Duke, KU and UK in the way.the national media sees IU. Hell Today they see MSU as the elite program of the BIG TEN. They see MSU at the top but not in the same level as the blue blood programs. I honestly think '24 could be the turning point for IU if they could land Dylan Harper. As well all know IU is in the thick of it with several 5 star and/or close to 5 star talents who on there own could choose IU but getting Dylan Harper is going to.attract more and more elite of the elite talent.
  9. Ricochet

    (2024) - CG Dylan Harper to Rutgers

    I heard a few months back that IU was in .such better shape than most realize. I think they have a chance and I think getting a player like Mgbako but IMO if IU is going get someone like Dylan Harper they are going to have to land multiple 5 Star talents.
  10. IU could've had a chance with him if IU was a NIKE school.
  11. Ricochet

    (2025) - PG Jalen Haralson

    No we (IU) needs to get greedy from time to time and get a class full of studs.
  12. Ricochet

    (2024) - CG Dylan Harper to Rutgers

    He's not coming to IU. I would love to eat crow on this but his quotes for his Top 5 doesn't inspire the thought he's going to go to IU.
  13. No doubt if anywhere you'd think maybe following his Dad to Notre Dame but then again I guess I can see Cincy telling him we took a similar prospect in Sauce Gardner and we can do for you what we did for him and give you a chance to be CB1 in a future draft.
  14. Ricochet

    (2019) SF Trendon Watford to LSU

    IMO Watford would be a perfect fit at IU. I have to believe that IU will have a transfer or two because these kids want to play ball and some are going to realize that they just aren't going to see much PT. Watford is the ideal prospect to take over the hybrid PF with stretch/point forward skills from Morgan. If IU was lucky enough to get Brooks and Watford to go with TJD and Franklin then IU is going to be so deep that it will lead to a transfer amongst the some of the frontcourt players. IU would have nice 1-2 punch at C with Davis and TJD. If Hunter returns to 100% and IU gets Brooks then you have one hell of a 1-2 punch at SF with Anderson trying to find minutes. Justin Smith has proven that he's more PF than SF and come next season IMO he stays at the 4. Geting Watford would once again create another great 1-2 punch. The backcourt is a little trickier as I think they without question need another PG as I think Phinisee is the only true PG that IU has. That said once Romeo is gone I don't think IU a true SG as I see Green, Durham and Franklin are more comboguard than anything else. If not a stud PG to form an awesome 1-2 punch with Phinisee then a stud shooter at SG but that doesn't seem to be in the cards and expect those 4 to make up the backcourt next season. I'm not hating on or starting rumors just going by deductive reasoning and logic that there 3 talented scholarship players vying to be a 3rd string C and/or 3rd string PF in this scenario. Those 3 are Moore, Thompson and Forrester. If this recruiting class really happens then I would think that especially Moore would want to move on because his competitive nature is going to want to see PT and it's just not going to happen with what IU's going to have on the depth chart above him. Unless there is some drastic changes I think the best Thompson and Forrester can do is fight for the 3rd string PF position. As I said before, this is nothing more than a guess/prediction and with no malice for the players that I think could transfer for PT reasons. So with said I think there is chance that IU will have 2 transfers after the seaon but believe 1 will without a doubt happens. The 2019 recruiting class will be 4 to 5 man class. The funny thing is elite talent wants to play with elite talent so the more 5 star prospects that IU lands the percentage of getting another greatly improves. Getting TJD has improved IU's chances to get Brooks. Getting Brooks IMO greatly improves that chances with Watford. Getting Watford would really open up the chances of adding better and better talents if they had scholarships open up.