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Crazy about IU

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About Crazy about IU

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    Bench Mob

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  1. Crazy about IU


    Next years IU team is the best player personal we have had in a long time. A true coach should be able to win a lot of games.
  2. Crazy about IU

    Expectations for the 24-25 Season

    This is no doubt the most proven talent IU has had in over 10 years. They should compete for the Big title. Get a good seed in the big dance. Hopefully they stay healthy and Woodson doesn’t stink it up to bad. Time will tell
  3. Crazy about IU


    I imagine Woodson going to get several portal players to come in. You can tell he’s running scared because he is offered just about everybody. I could not imagine how bad this would be if IU didn’t have sacks of money to throw at them. Bottom line for me I s he has been very lazy recruiting. Plus I am not at all impressed with his coaching ability
  4. Crazy about IU


    I am on board with fire Woodson.But what kind of success next year would it take to get him off the hot seat. Making the tournament and getting to the sweat sixteen. That would sure make it hard to fire him. I for one can’t make myself pull for IU to lose. i for don’t expect a successful year but you never know.
  5. Crazy about IU

    College Bball Thread

    That Oakland team running motion offense was fun to watch. Bye bye Kensucky
  6. Crazy about IU

    Prediction League RESULTS Thread

    I only won because I am a true IU fan.
  7. Crazy about IU

    Bracketology and Team Resumes

    Sure don’t agree with the brackets. Four of the best teams in the UConn brackets. I placed bets on four teams to win it all before the draw . UConn IowaSt Auburn. And Tennessee. I also felt Illinois would probably go the furthest of any Big Ten team before the draw. They must put no value into conference tourney play at all.
  8. Crazy about IU

    Prediction League RESULTS Thread

    Thanks for taking the time to do this . I had fun playing
  9. Crazy about IU

    IUBB vs Nebraska - Friday, 03.15.24 @ 9PM on BTN

    Wow Woodson got a T must be feeling the heat
  10. Crazy about IU

    IUBB vs Nebraska - Friday, 03.15.24 @ 9PM on BTN

    Remember we are playing as well as anyone now. I guess Nebraska will be national champs because in my opinion they are making IU look bad . But don’t worry Woodson will have the answer in his post game comments.
  11. Crazy about IU

    IUBB vs Nebraska - Friday, 03.15.24 @ 9PM on BTN

    I would be willing to bet next years team will have less talent. But lucky for us we will still have Woodson .
  12. Crazy about IU


    Forgive me if this is in poor taste. But somebody needs to make up a shirt that reads . untrue fan just because I like to get a Woody don’t mean I want to keep one
  13. Crazy about IU


    Your forgetting he has them playing as well as anyone now . Don’t you believe? LOL He is such an arrogant man. I could not support IU for several years after they fired Knight. I am starting to have my doubts about supporting them especially since I am not a true fan. I love college basketball and watch a lot of games . I usually only get upset when I see how bad this team plays. I for one believe next year is going to be extremely ugly year for IU basketball. Good luck to the true fans there going to need it.