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  1. Haha
    cleeter got a reaction from Chris007 in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    "wait till next year when Woody is fired"

    So he isn't getting let go/fired this year, that's just great. BURN IT ALL DOWN!!!
  2. Like
    cleeter reacted to Home Jersey in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    The risk of keeping Mike Woodson past this season is far greater than the risk of moving on... IMHO
  3. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from Chris007 in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    To me it wouldn't, if and ONLY IF, Pearl was available and ready. Maybe even Drew. 
    Would i be mad if we went with Dusty, no i wouldnt....if he was option C or D. 
  4. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from Chris007 in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    To me it wouldn't, if and ONLY IF, Pearl was available and ready. Maybe even Drew. 
    Would i be mad if we went with Dusty, no i wouldnt....if he was option C or D. 
  5. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from Chris007 in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    Me, personally, i think next season is a make or break season. We get the hire right, then we keep the tradition we have, get back to where we all think we should be and get back going and most of all, reunite the fan base and prove that we (Indiana University) are here to win. To me that is Pearl. Proven winner and someone who has experience and would be able to reunite this fan base. Quickest fix to this downward spiral.

    Would May be a bad hire? Don't know. It just seems that we can't take a unproven coach at this level and take that chance or risk. If we were to take that chance and it doesn't work out, then we become a team that "had an all time great coach once, but besides that, just some team in the midwest with a crazy delusional fan base who think they are better than what they are and living off the past". But if we did go this route and it worked out. Then we would all be happy for decades to come. But can this school, fan base, etc take the risk/reward here. 

    *again, all just my thoughts. In no way am i speaking or wanting to speak for anyone else on here
  6. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from Chris007 in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    Me, personally, i think next season is a make or break season. We get the hire right, then we keep the tradition we have, get back to where we all think we should be and get back going and most of all, reunite the fan base and prove that we (Indiana University) are here to win. To me that is Pearl. Proven winner and someone who has experience and would be able to reunite this fan base. Quickest fix to this downward spiral.

    Would May be a bad hire? Don't know. It just seems that we can't take a unproven coach at this level and take that chance or risk. If we were to take that chance and it doesn't work out, then we become a team that "had an all time great coach once, but besides that, just some team in the midwest with a crazy delusional fan base who think they are better than what they are and living off the past". But if we did go this route and it worked out. Then we would all be happy for decades to come. But can this school, fan base, etc take the risk/reward here. 

    *again, all just my thoughts. In no way am i speaking or wanting to speak for anyone else on here
  7. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from Chris007 in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    Me, personally, i think next season is a make or break season. We get the hire right, then we keep the tradition we have, get back to where we all think we should be and get back going and most of all, reunite the fan base and prove that we (Indiana University) are here to win. To me that is Pearl. Proven winner and someone who has experience and would be able to reunite this fan base. Quickest fix to this downward spiral.

    Would May be a bad hire? Don't know. It just seems that we can't take a unproven coach at this level and take that chance or risk. If we were to take that chance and it doesn't work out, then we become a team that "had an all time great coach once, but besides that, just some team in the midwest with a crazy delusional fan base who think they are better than what they are and living off the past". But if we did go this route and it worked out. Then we would all be happy for decades to come. But can this school, fan base, etc take the risk/reward here. 

    *again, all just my thoughts. In no way am i speaking or wanting to speak for anyone else on here
  8. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from Hoosierfan2017 in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    A 4th season with Woodson is worse than any penalty the NCAA can levy against us.

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  9. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from FWHoosier84 in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    Have him announce he is stepping away at SR night against Sparty...will be the loudest cheer he has ever got, and he is probably too tone deaf to realize why we are cheering so much
  10. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from FWHoosier84 in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    So to recap a crazy Monday night
    1) We could get Pearl
    2) he would love the job
    3) he is our number #1
    4) we have no issue with his baggage.

    Add all that up and what do you get…..

    An IU winning streak and woody getting the 2025 season to figure it out*

    Even though even if we win a few games, that shouldn’t matter with the whole situation, but you know.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from Hoosierfan2017 in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    A 4th season with Woodson is worse than any penalty the NCAA can levy against us.

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  12. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from Hornsby in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    I can barely stand the last 2-3 days. I can’t stand another season of this, but it seems that is what we are going to have to deal with.

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  13. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from Hornsby in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    I can barely stand the last 2-3 days. I can’t stand another season of this, but it seems that is what we are going to have to deal with.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Haha
    cleeter got a reaction from 8bucks in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from FightFor6 in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    This is an honest question, and in no way like attacking your post or anything. But you say he is not IUBB....what exactly is IUBB to you right now?

    I like to think of IUBB as a perennial top 25 team, but results are results. Right now IU looks like a team that had an amazing coach once and did some amazing things, but is now a "holier than thou" school that thinks they are better than what they are and care more about image than winning and is about to enter the "just middle of the road B1G team"

    I believe Pearl would reunite a starving fan base, put IU back on the map and get us back to our winning ways. 
  16. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from FightFor6 in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    This is an honest question, and in no way like attacking your post or anything. But you say he is not IUBB....what exactly is IUBB to you right now?

    I like to think of IUBB as a perennial top 25 team, but results are results. Right now IU looks like a team that had an amazing coach once and did some amazing things, but is now a "holier than thou" school that thinks they are better than what they are and care more about image than winning and is about to enter the "just middle of the road B1G team"

    I believe Pearl would reunite a starving fan base, put IU back on the map and get us back to our winning ways. 
  17. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from thebigweave in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    Another question i have been pondering. They say "Winning cures everything". Say you were in Dolsons shoes and had the money and the agreement from Pearl. Would you be willing to plant your flag in the ground, be willing to make the move and thoughts of the big donors be damned. If i am going down, i am going down my way and if it works with Pearl like we all think it will, we will be winning. And with winning, the donors are less angry and come back around. 
  18. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from thebigweave in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    Another question i have been pondering. They say "Winning cures everything". Say you were in Dolsons shoes and had the money and the agreement from Pearl. Would you be willing to plant your flag in the ground, be willing to make the move and thoughts of the big donors be damned. If i am going down, i am going down my way and if it works with Pearl like we all think it will, we will be winning. And with winning, the donors are less angry and come back around. 
  19. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from FightFor6 in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    This is an honest question, and in no way like attacking your post or anything. But you say he is not IUBB....what exactly is IUBB to you right now?

    I like to think of IUBB as a perennial top 25 team, but results are results. Right now IU looks like a team that had an amazing coach once and did some amazing things, but is now a "holier than thou" school that thinks they are better than what they are and care more about image than winning and is about to enter the "just middle of the road B1G team"

    I believe Pearl would reunite a starving fan base, put IU back on the map and get us back to our winning ways. 
  20. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from Tom White in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    Do I want cheating? No i do not. But at the same time, a lot of things are legal now that weren’t years ago. And also, if you think those coaches aren’t dipping their toes in the gray area or walking right on the edge, then I would say you might be wrong. Is there coaches doing it all 100%, most likely, but if you look at any top team or great coach, I would guess they couldn’t look you in the eye and say they have allowed followed the rules 100%

    Long sorry short, do I want to cheat? Hell no. But if winning means that every now and then, maybe you got to dip your toe or reach across the line for a second, I’m willing too.

    For the people that don’t want Pearl, I totally can see where they are coming from and I won’t think any different of them. That is their opinion and I totally respect that.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from thebigweave in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    Get with the times or get left behind. We are hanging on by a thread. And hell, anymore, is there anything you can do to actually get in trouble with the NCAA?
  22. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from FightFor6 in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    This is an honest question, and in no way like attacking your post or anything. But you say he is not IUBB....what exactly is IUBB to you right now?

    I like to think of IUBB as a perennial top 25 team, but results are results. Right now IU looks like a team that had an amazing coach once and did some amazing things, but is now a "holier than thou" school that thinks they are better than what they are and care more about image than winning and is about to enter the "just middle of the road B1G team"

    I believe Pearl would reunite a starving fan base, put IU back on the map and get us back to our winning ways. 
  23. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from thebigweave in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    Another question i have been pondering. They say "Winning cures everything". Say you were in Dolsons shoes and had the money and the agreement from Pearl. Would you be willing to plant your flag in the ground, be willing to make the move and thoughts of the big donors be damned. If i am going down, i am going down my way and if it works with Pearl like we all think it will, we will be winning. And with winning, the donors are less angry and come back around. 
  24. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from thebigweave in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    It's Pearl or Death, Chris. I know you had a meeting this morning, but catch up and read the room buddy haha
  25. Like
    cleeter got a reaction from FightFor6 in Fire Coach Woodson Thread   
    This is an honest question, and in no way like attacking your post or anything. But you say he is not IUBB....what exactly is IUBB to you right now?

    I like to think of IUBB as a perennial top 25 team, but results are results. Right now IU looks like a team that had an amazing coach once and did some amazing things, but is now a "holier than thou" school that thinks they are better than what they are and care more about image than winning and is about to enter the "just middle of the road B1G team"

    I believe Pearl would reunite a starving fan base, put IU back on the map and get us back to our winning ways. 