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About dreachon

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    2-Star Recruit

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  1. dreachon

    Mike Woodson and His Coaching Staff

    I want an all NBA staff. Isiah Larry Bird Brad Stevens Get it done
  2. Can we get Michael Lewis to come on as assistant coach too? This whole time Dolson wasn't talkign to just one guy, he was building an entire departmental overhaul for IU basketball. This sounds very exciting.
  3. Ok...now this is starting to get me excited.
  4. dreachon

    General Coach Candidate News

    Get the hell out of here with your reasonable fan takes. This is a world is ending vs IU will go on to win 9 NCAA championships in a row decision. Get with the program.
  5. dreachon

    General Coach Candidate News

    That's the spirit! /s
  6. dreachon

    General Coach Candidate News

    I am generally in agreement that I don't want to hire another Archie Miller. But there is one caveat to that. Just think back to watching all the Crean teams. The lack of intensity. The defensive breakdowns. We all WANTED a coach that promised to bring a defensive system where guys worked hard and the passion could be seen on the floor. That is definitely not what we got from Archie. If Moser can bring us what we originally hired Archie to bring us, I do think Indiana fans would be happy with that.
  7. dreachon

    General Coach Candidate News

    Sure you can make that argument. The point about Moser is certainly correct, and also totally without context. Your numbers about his career are slightly off (13 years and 6 seasons), but I do understand the argument regardless. I tend to agree. I don't think he was a candidate before the tournament and I so I just don't think Dolson has been waiting for him to lose so he could hire him. Guess we'll find out here in the next couple of days. I'm still convinced it's Musselman or a very small chance at Oats.
  8. dreachon

    General Coach Candidate News

    I think the point is that no single statistic paints a full picture. Kenpom doesn't. Saying Moser has only made 2 career tourneys doesn't. NCAA Tournament seeding doesn't. That's exactly why these discussions need to be more nuanced than pointing to a single thing and saying "That's why that guy wouldn't be able to get it done at IU basketball."
  9. dreachon

    General Coach Candidate News

    I would say something along the lines of, "Colorado is a top ten team according to Kenpom" Obviously there are lots of subjective ways to present rankings based on what your goal is. For the sake of this argument, I was using Pom because it supported my argument, lol
  10. dreachon

    General Coach Candidate News

    Your bias is showing there, Brum. I've known you long enough to know you're a Kenpom truther ;)
  11. dreachon

    General Coach Candidate News

    Every argument I've seen loves to totally ignore his last 4 years and focus on what his record was while he was busy building one of the top 10 teams in the country at Loyola. [shurg]
  12. dreachon

    General Coach Candidate News

    I'm not on the Moser bandwagon. I'm a Muss Bus guy. But yeah, it's lazy. It gives 0 context. The dude took over a 4-24 team in a 1 bid conference. The NCAA Tournament wasn't even in the realm of possibility. He failed at Illinois State, and he'd tell you that himself. Then he took over Loyola and has totally turned them around from a middling .500 ball club year in and year out. You want to knock his coaching style or resume, there is ammo there for you. He plays way too slow for my taste, especially coming off Archie. But the "2 career tourneys" stat is just a junk argument.
  13. dreachon

    General Coach Candidate News

    That is such a lazy statistic to parrot.
  14. dreachon

    General Coach Candidate News

    The guy is literally the opposite of that. He was not high on Porter until he actually researched him. Broke down game film and created a post about it. A heck of a lot more than 99% of fans would do.
  15. dreachon

    General Coach Candidate News

    Lol. No. Dolson is def not calling up Justin Smith and asking for advice. What I meant is that players talk about their coaches. I doubt Justin Smith just cut off all ties to anyone at Indiana. It wouldn't surprise me if some of his chatter about the program and Musselman made its way back to Dolson.