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About HoosierDaddy23

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    Purdue Jockstrap

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  1. HoosierDaddy23

    Indiana @ tOSU Tonight @ 7 ET Peacock Game Day!

    I understand the season seems like a total disaster and there's no chance we can last another year with woody but its not like this team was picked to finish at the top of the big ten preseason. We were picked to finish 6th in the league this year, everyone understood how much we lost from last year (around 80% of our scoring and 4/5 starters) and this might be a down year. And we are tied for 6th in the big ten right now. I have a hard time with all the negativity that this fanbase brings to coaches in such a short period of time. We go to 2 NCAA tournaments out of 3 years, after not sniffing it for 6 years, and everyone wants a change after 3 years? I just don't understand. What coach is going to want to come in here and take this job? The fans turn so fast that I wouldn't put my family through this if I were a potential coach. I mean just last year everyone was praising Woody and how much of a closer he was on recruits, and now less than a year later, we are begging for his head to be put on a spike. Make it make sense to me please.