-Meaning behind name: Tom Pritchard was the man -Approximate age and location: 20 born in Jasper, IN -Are you born and raised IU fan? Yes. Dad left me no choice -When did I know I was an IU fan? Hearing my dad yell at the TV and talking about the good ole days -What sport did you play in High School? Baseball and football -Besides IU, favorite sports team? Colts, cardinals, and pacers -Did you attend IU? No, I am currently at USI in evansville -What is your favorite IU basketball memory? Watshot no doubt -Who is your favorite basketball player of all time? Victor, Cody, Yogi -Favorite Indiana football player? Kellen Lewis and James hardy -what brings me to this board? Love finding out new information and then the opinions around it -how long have you visited/followed BtownBanners? 2012 Sent from my iPhone using BtownBanners mobile app