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Everything posted by Herotime

  1. Herotime


    sure. Move on.
  2. Herotime

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Unless in-state guys know something the out-of-state guys don’t…
  3. Herotime


    Yea, I’d retract a fair bit of my criticism as well. I’d have no issue saying I was wrong/whatever. That said, historically, the admin hasn’t earned the kind of trust for the fanbase to just give them the benefit of the doubt on issues like this.
  4. Herotime


    Hypothetically, how would you feel about Dolson NOT going after a new coach this spring bc he/they sincerely believed they could land Br@d $teven$ NEXT spring? Would that change your perspective or lighten any of your criticisms of the admin?
  5. Herotime


    What the experts forget is we have gotten several VISITS from some of the best transfers in the portal! Heck, one even committed!!! That’s as good as wins in my book. That coupled with everyone coming back (expect arguably our MOST productive player from last season) and Woody is fixin’ to turn up the heat in the kitchen!!! This year our problem was talent… not next year. Next season we are going to be rolling in west coast talent. Watch out B1G, Woody iscoming for you, and he’s ready for dinner!
  6. Herotime


    While discussing the UK opening with Colin Cowherd, listen to how Mic Cronin talks about the life of a college basketball coach, and you will understand why CMW is in over his head. https://twitter.com/theherd/status/1777410086865969345/mediaviewer
  7. Herotime


    alright, if you’re mad at @AH1971 then block him or start a FIRE @AH1971 thread. This is the FIRE MIKE WOODSON thread and we need to stay vigilant. Gracias. In other news— you have to hand it to Cal. It makes me jealous of UK, honestly. Gosh it would sure be nice to have a coach who left when he realized he wasn’t wanted.
  8. Herotime


    Calapari is heading to Arkansas… I sure wish our coach would find another place to coach.
  9. Herotime


    Unfortunately, you’d have a hard time convincing me our staff isn’t a COMPLETE joke.
  10. Herotime


    Only if we get news that Dolson has been working the phones, and flights start getting tracked.
  11. Herotime


    Any chance we fire Woody this week and hire Schertz away from ISU or St Louis? He’s not my 1st, 2nd, or 3rd option but he’s an instant upgrade….. sad
  12. Herotime


    Woody ain’t been fired yet?
  13. Herotime


    hmmmm… Why not let the inmates run the asylum. What could go wrong? 3 best returning players? What’s that even mean? How good could these ‘best players’ be from a team that performed so poorly for such long stretches? Galloway and Mbako? I wouldnt trust those two to run a taco stand, and if Leal is #3… heaven help us.
  14. Herotime


    You could start here and the replies..
  15. Herotime


  16. Herotime


    This thread should NEVER go more than 45 minutes without a post. Get it together, boys. FIRE MIKE WOODSON
  17. Herotime


    Has Woody been fired yet? What’s the hold up?
  18. Herotime

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Where can I find what he/she is posting? Twitter? What’s the user name? Sorry if it’s already been posted and I missed it.
  19. Herotime


    Bozich coming in hot with the commentary
  20. Herotime


    I heard CMW once bit the head off of a baby seal.
  21. Herotime


    Sure that’s possible maybe even probable. But in his absence we’re doing the same thing. Only this wreaks of divisiveness whereas if he’d shown up naysayers could only speculate about his motives.
  22. Herotime


    That speaks volumes.
  23. Herotime


    Unfortunately, I like him less every day.
  24. Herotime


    If that’s REALLY the culture around our head coach and the athletic department… why is he our head coach? SMH.
  25. Herotime


    Any sightings of CMW in The Hall tonight?