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Everything posted by Hoosierfan2017

  1. Hoosierfan2017

    Indiana @ Iowa Game Thread... #BuckleUp

    The way we've played this season makes it seem like Crean has cut out practice altogether. I could see him thinking the way to right the ship is longer practices and going back to them.
  2. Hoosierfan2017

    Indiana @ Iowa Game Thread... #BuckleUp

    Since they haven't played for almost a week I'm curious what their practice schedule has been like. If Crean has had them in his traditional grueling late season practices I see them coming out very flat.
  3. Hoosierfan2017

    NBA Thread

    For sure. That's why I hope he stays in Indy lol.
  4. Hoosierfan2017

    NBA Thread

    The rest of the teams in the East are playing for 2nd place until LeBron declines anyway.
  5. Hoosierfan2017

    NBA Thread

    Trading your only star for a bunch of role players would be a terrible decision and lead to a whole bunch of empty seats in Bankers Life. Indy isn't really a big free agency destination, so they should be doing everything they can to keep the star they have right now.
  6. Hoosierfan2017


    Ohh hahaha my bad man! With the talking heads spewing that crap it's hard to tell when someone's joking and when someone actually believes we're crazy for wanting him gone.
  7. Hoosierfan2017


    What makes you say we're all illogical to want Crean gone? He hasn't performed up to expectations, and next season looks like it will be no different. He has 3 years left on his contract and he hasn't done anything this year to warrant an extension. Recruiting has been declining the past few years. All signs seem to point to firing Crean being the smart choice. Heck, NC State fired their coach for doing about the same as Crean has done here. If we have lower standards than even NC State then that's a big problem, imo.
  8. Hoosierfan2017

    NBA Thread

    The Kings just traded a top 10 player for peanuts. Wow. Call me crazy, but I could see the Pelicans making some noise in the West now.
  9. Hoosierfan2017

    (2017) SF Jordan Tucker- OV 11/30/16

    He said on Instagram live that he's going to the Syracuse/Georgia Tech game tonight.
  10. Hoosierfan2017


    If Crean stays past this season I'll still be an IU fan, but I'll care a whole lot less. Keeping him would show that Glass isn't serious about IU being a top-tier basketball program, imo, and I'll have to adjust my expectations accordingly.
  11. Hoosierfan2017


    He dresses better for games that's for sure.
  12. Hoosierfan2017

    Fire Fred Glass

    That's awesome haha. I'm not surprised that Pritchard was the life of the party. Stan Robinson got me and a couple friends into a frat party one time so I always liked him even though he did some knucklehead things off the court. I was really naïve when I first started college and thought that the basketball team was full of like straight-edges who didn't party or anything and just focused on basketball so it was such a culture shock when I saw otherwise lmao.
  13. Hoosierfan2017

    Fire Fred Glass

    Yeah it's pretty clutch haha. Makes me feel old eating in the food courts and seeing how young some of the kids look though lol I couldn't stand Greah after the first like 3 weeks of freshman year haha. I always liked their breakfast food though. Can't go wrong with a breakfast buddy.
  14. Hoosierfan2017

    Fire Fred Glass

    Haha that's awesome, how do you like it? Back when Crean made the team live here I remember some girl trying to get me to help her find Hanner's room. Poor Crean thought having them stay on campus would keep them out of trouble but we all know that didn't work out too well.
  15. Hoosierfan2017

    Fire Fred Glass

    They put a new food court in Forest my freshman year (2013) that I like better than Wright. It has more like restaurant quality food compared to the fast food the others have. Steak, shrimp, wings, pasta, stuff like that. I talked my parents into buying me a meal plan this year so I hit up Wright whenever I need my Charley Biggs chicken fix lol.
  16. Hoosierfan2017

    Fire Fred Glass

    Props on surviving that man, I would've melted haha. The 90+ degree Bloomington summer days are no joke. I live in the Union Street apartments by Eigenmann now and they're always sending us emails about how we need to keep our windows closed. Idk what it is with RPS and open windows. No one's ever said anything to me about them though so no reason to close them lol.
  17. Hoosierfan2017

    Fire Fred Glass

    Were you in Wright? My gf lived there last year and I could barely stand hanging out in her room lol. Then in the winter it doesn't get any better since they crank the heat to like 85 degrees smh.
  18. Hoosierfan2017

    Fire Fred Glass

    Ahh okay. I knew they were renovating Read to make it air conditioned, and then converting some buildings back into dorms, but I didn't know they were bringing AC to the other ones without it too. IU's really making a lot of improvements throughout campus. I'm lowkey salty I won't be around to enjoy them lol.
  19. Hoosierfan2017

    Fire Fred Glass

    Troy and Stan must've been doing their extra curricular activities that got them suspended when they were tweeting lol because I lived in the same dorm building as them and the whole thing was air conditioned.
  20. Hoosierfan2017

    Fire Fred Glass

    What's the AC thing? The players all already stay in AC dorms
  21. Hoosierfan2017

    Fire Fred Glass

    Right now I'm too focused on hating on Crean as our coach to worry about Glass. If he makes us sit through another year of this garbage then I'm not going to be a big fan of his, though.
  22. Hoosierfan2017


    Yep. Swinging and missing is better than not even stepping up to the plate. We know what we have in Crean, and it isn't good enough. The next guy might not be the one, but we can't be afraid to take the risk.
  23. Hoosierfan2017


    Why would he want to come back though? He brought us 3 banners and made iubb what it is today, then we fired him. I don't think it's fair to expect him to come back. I know I wouldn't want to in his shoes.
  24. Hoosierfan2017


    If the booster money really is starting to dry up then I think it'll be easy for Glass to cut him loose.
  25. Hoosierfan2017

