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Home Jersey

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Everything posted by Home Jersey

  1. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    That's why we're going to have next year! Lol. I never call people it, but you certainly are true to username. I appreciate it. Go Hoosiers EDIT: For clarity, you can't offer up something that hasn't happened yet as proof that he doesn't suck. Lmao dude.
  2. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Why keep a prick around if he can't win anything worth a damn?
  3. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Over the fact he sucks as a coach and is an arrogant prick? Are you new here? Lol
  4. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Just get rid of the guy already. Scott too.
  5. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Silver lining to this, is HH funds will be diverted to women's basketball. That may be the most Woody ever does to support our ladies program and CTM.
  6. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    This is a great post, and you said exactly what I was thinking in the bolded parts. As these collectives become more cemented fixtures around the program/donor community, there is the potential for them to serve a useful, functional purpose as being the de facto "voice of the fans." They're positioned to have actual influence around programs that extends beyond a particular coaching staff, which is WAY different than the traditional media needing to be in the good graces of the current staff to get scoops, exclusives, etc. I don't think its fair to make that comparison or say that Woodson is necessarily the "hand" that was feeding the Hysterics. There are legitimate reasons to stop doing business with collectives, but is having a candid conversation about the state of the program one of them? Hard to view it as anything other than pettiness stemming from insecurity. Yes they have been annoying. By all other metrics, most of which you already covered, they have been a net positive for the program. The HC getting his feelings hurt and being allowed to run them off - to the long term detriment of the program - is just a real shame. I do not have confidence in this staff's ability to lead a locker room to success on the court or help them grow from boys to men.
  7. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    God, the insecurity is nauseating. I have little doubt in my mind what the situation is at this point behind the scenes... Hoping for a great year next season. Not anticipating any NCAA championships or that caliber of culture... whatsoever... as long as he is the IUBBHC.
  8. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I'd like to believe that, but if I'm understanding the posted summary correctly and Scott Dolson was actually with CMW during the meeting with Eric, where he summoned the guy to Bloomington from LA to basically verbally lambast him... there is no way he could be forced to sit through that IMO. If he so badly wanted to replace Woody, I don't think Buckner or any donors could have made him be in the room for that. Only way I can interpret that is Scott was co-signing everything CMW had to say and is fully supporting the HC.
  9. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I laugh because it's funny, but it's sad that not only does CMW apparently actually feel this way... but that Scott Dolson is empowering him to act as if he can't be touched. It's unbecoming of the program to have a whiny crybaby as coach and an AD who sits on his hands, letting him basically do whatever he wants... without any success to back it up.
  10. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I haven't watched the podcast or read the Bozich article yet, but from the summary posted here... My initial reactions: Collectives are part of the changing landscape in college sports. The question this begets is essentially, do the people running those collectives "report" to the HC or the AD. Collectives exist outside of coaching staffs and as we move along the adoption curve for NIL/collectives, etc. IMO they are almost sure to have more longevity/add more value to programs than most coaching staffs at most places. Obviously a great coaching staff is worth 100x more than a great collective, but those are few and far between... This obviously creates an irritating situation for HC and staff, who now feel like they not only have an AD to report to, but an additional stakeholder to keep happy in order to have access to all the resources you need to be competitive. Irrespective of the financial contributions they help make for our sports programs, Eric/HH are insufferable at times and I get how they would wear on people. They wanted access and to be fan boys but also to sit at the big boy table and have real influence. I really think it's important for any collective at IU to be able to find the right balance and strike it every time. That said, it's so not surprising that Eric basically screwed the pooch and CMW is being petty, vindictive, and delusional. We may have bought a talented enough team that this year is better than last, but holy **** the catty pathetic nature of these supposedly grown a$$ men is embarrassing. I will want Indiana to win - always - but that will be in spite of, not because of, this head coach and the buffoons in our administration. For Scott Dolson to have enabled this alleged interaction says everything you need to know about the state of IU athletics.
  11. Home Jersey

    College Bball Thread

    SIAP and I missed it, but I really don't get the love for Coleman Hawkins. I also think Johnell Davis isn't going to be all that at Arkansas. I'd say Ballo will be the most impactful transfer on this list if he can stay healthy, based on the role he is going to play + talent/skill. Curious to see how Storr does at Kansas and if Mahaney ends up being a hit or a miss at UConn.
  12. Home Jersey

    IU Basketball News and Notes

    Yep. To this point... https://x.com/theolawson_sr/status/1802712798763348104?s=46&t=xEUmr_7uuY2KI9DKH3UukA "Real Madrid’s Ismaila Diagne announces on Instagram he’s signed with #Gonzaga. Bulldogs fill their final scholarship with a 7-foot center who’s coming off an Adidas Next Generation championship and Liga Endesa title." Only 17, definitely a longer-term project.... But goes to show you can convince talented guys to take one of the last scholarships on a roster. I'd feel better having a kid like this, or really any big guy at this point, fill our 13th spot. It may be tough to fill it in the position we are in... but it can be done. And Real Madrid is not exactly chopped liver. However you slice it we are an injury in the front court away from having a serious problem, just like this past year's backcourt. Things could work out fine rolling with 12, but it's absolutely a risk.
  13. Home Jersey

    2024 (F) Kanon Catchings and Whatever

    This is an interesting discussion for sure. I saw Jacobsen play in an EYBL game with Brewster vs. Link Academy... he obviously stands out being that tall, but he is super lanky. Early in the game he was getting pushed around by guys who were much shorter but stronger. After he got into a rhythm though... he had a very quiet 20/10 performance, or close to it. Was on the perimeter more than you'd think. They also liked playing through him in the high post, seems like an above average passer for his position. I don't think he'd ever be able to replicate Edey's dominance in the post, but I don't think that's his style either. I would expect Painter will use a few different wrinkles for him until he's ready to become the featured guy in the offense. And that offense would look fairly different from this past year's iteration. I think he will be a solid freshman and then a potentially big pain in the butt for a few years. They will definitely want him to put on some muscle, but not sure how much weight his frame can take... his lateral movement/agility was also way more fluid than Edey's. So he will be better where Edey was weak in terms of defending PnRs/getting caught in space. Not losing any sleep over him in particular though. Purdue with Painter will likely be formidable, but not as good as last year. It will take them a while to incorporate whatever Painter has learned from UConn/this past season. Captain Obvious statement, but replacing a 2X NPOY is going to be really tough.
  14. Home Jersey

    College Bball Thread

    This is my somewhat (okay, totally) tinfoil hat conspiracy theory, but, ... Hurley is notoriously obsessive with coaching. Has claimed for him it's about winning and developing young people. Definitely not doing the latter in the NBA. It's no secret how much his wife wants to be on the east coast... they've been here their entire lives. But Danny has nothing left to prove in CBB. He can make more money in the pros, and it's definitely not all about money for them... but it's the Lakers. That brand value has such cache, to a guy who lives and breathes basketball, I could see him wanting that prestige. Dont disagree with anything you said - it's totally accurate IMO. Still think he'd be willing to bet on himself that he could win. And if I'm in his shoes... the downside? Things maybe don't work out after 2 years. But at least I gave it a shot. Got to experience LA and all that comes with being the Lakers head coach. And now I've got a golden parachute, so life can be whatever he and his wife want to make it. I just laugh at the UConn fans crying about "would you rather 3 peat in storrs or probably get fired after 2-3 years in LA" ... most people who have already reached the pinnacle of their profession would probably pick LA IMO. I'll be very interested to see how this plays out
  15. Home Jersey

    College Bball Thread

    I tend to agree. Only reason it makes sense for Hurley is A) presumably F U money/generational wealth beyond what he can create in CBB B) stroking the ego doing something his father and brother never have (coaching in the NBA, I'm sure he thinks competing for a title). As a fan of his, would rather see him be king at UConn. As an IU fan... if he wants to leave CBB... see ya, good luck! Lol
  16. Home Jersey

    College Bball Thread

    The Knicks or Lakers are probably the only two places that could pull him from UConn. Definitely think they can make an offer he and his wife won't be able to refuse. Especially since his son is done at UConn
  17. Home Jersey

    IU Basketball News and Notes

    Hope the back quits acting up on ya soon. Great list... Albeit he's ahead of my time slightly, but I kinda feel Smart is generally underrated as one of our program legends. As if his iconic shot almost draws so much attention, it's easy to forget just how important/good of a player he was the rest of the time, too. Oladipo was too uber athletic for his body to hold up. And he had some awful luck contract wise in the league. I'd love if he came "home" to Bloomington one day, probably unlikely though. His play style and dunks were iconic... he made IU "cool" for a lot of NJ HS students at the time. People literally applied because they thought Assembly Hall looked bad*ss and Kelley is ranked well lol. Always felt like Troy Williams had potential to be that same kind of explosive guy, but couldn't put it together consistently. I'm excited to watch the alums play in some of these newer leagues. Never really tuned in before
  18. Home Jersey

    IU Basketball News and Notes

    Amen, hopefully it's genuine from X... Jakai is definitely a sleeper/dark horse factor. I want it to work out here badly. Hope we get to see him run with the other GA guards at least a little bit, even if only in the preseason. Want to see a team that plays with joy this year. As for #2... Lol, so true. Hanner was such a frustrating player and in the end, proved to be more trouble than worthwhile. I'd have to go Oladipo for most athletic, in my time anyway. I'm probably missing a bunch of notables though. Who comes to mind for you?
  19. Home Jersey

    IUFB Offseason Updates

    Completely fair. I'm right there with you, would hate that personally. Hope it works out for you Hov.
  20. Home Jersey

    IUFB Offseason Updates

    I get it. But hey man... they invited them to communicate this to others in their group so they can figure out their options. How considerate! I would be annoyed by this too, 100%. Wish I was close enough to get IUFB season tickets this year, but I think I'll just have to settle for a home game. I'm glad that CCC is apparently taking seemingly holistic control (and being given autonomy) on every angle of the program. Relatively small things like where the student section is physically located just goes to show we got an obsessive coach who knows how to win.
  21. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Bryson Tucker about two months ago
  22. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Lol I agree with your sentiment. We can't win until we start playing games. No idea what you're getting at with the true fans thing because it has nothing to do with my post. But sure go off if it makes you feel better bro. If you want to stew all offseason about how everything is **** be my guest.
  23. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Smdh? Would you rather him repeat the line that he still believes the college game is played through the post? Since it's become clear CMW will be the IUBB HC next year, haven't we all demanded that he learn from previous mistakes? This is a warmly received message, for me. The roster construction certainly suggests intent to play a different style. That is good news IMO. Nice to see verbal indication of that from the staff in the offseason. Progress...
  24. Home Jersey

    How Many IUFB Wins In 2024?

    CCC will have us bowling in year 1 (I think). Google him. Not sure where 6 wins all come from, but one being Purdue, would sure get his era off to a nice start.