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Home Jersey

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Everything posted by Home Jersey

  1. I'm assuming mary jane had something to do with this but he was at least smart enough to not have any in the car... obviously purely my own speculation. Because again... who can go to Taco Bell sober at 3am lol. Would also probably explain maybe being super anxious/paranoid of the cops, and freezing when asked to get out of car, causing them to smash the window... Any way you slice it not a good night for Mack. Take the punishment, learn the lesson, get better and move on.
  2. Yeah this is really weird behavior, I'm not going to make assumptions to fill in details - but we're obviously missing some information. It just throws me for a loop because he had seemed humble in interviews/like a down to earth guy. For example, when he was a star prospect he let two middle school kids have a very long interview with him for their youtube, lol. Had no reason to do that but you could see their excitement. I had always heard he was a basketball junkie and lived in the gym. Acting like that at Taco Bell, at that hour, makes me question if he actually is a little bit... but at the same time he is 18. I'm in no position to ridicule considering when I was 18 and got arrested for a fake ID at Kroger, I decided to not let that bring the night down and keep drinking. Where I proceeded to black out, wake up in the hospital, with another ticket in my pocket. LOL... Salzmann Law saved the day and all is well today. Hopefully he learns from it and this is the last we hear of anything like this from an otherwise reputedly good kid.
  3. I am relieved to hear this, because based on everything I'd come to learn about MM, an arrest is TOTALLY out of character. His parents are Nigerian. They don't take shaming the family name lightly at all. Obviously nothing good happens when you're out that late, unless it's at Cook Hall. Hopefully that is the takeaway for Mack after some extra conditioning work from the staff. Maybe sit him for the Indy exhibition too. Imagine Woody is having a come to Jesus conversation along the lines of "son if you want to be in the NBA next year it's got to be all basketball and class, all the time, at least while you're in Bloomington"
  4. Home Jersey

    Help pick my new username

    Another classic one... I may have to go with this one for the memories alone.
  5. Home Jersey

    Help pick my new username

    Alright @Class of '66 Old Fart, most people outside of NJ have no idea what this is - who spilled the beans? Sounds to me like you had a Jersey Girl or two in your life (specifically south jersey... we civilized north jersey people call it Taylor Ham). There's an apples to apples Kleenex/Tissue comparison for it. Ironic, because I do call tissues tissues, not Kleenex. But Taylor Ham is the proper name...if you want the good stuff. Sorry to drag you into this... Adding this to the poll option list.........
  6. Home Jersey

    Help pick my new username

    This totally unlocked a great memory. Once upon a time, a young Teeter, freshly planted in Bloomington was exploring this new world. Stadium Crossing. You all know the complex... not so far from John Mellencamp pavilion. One fateful night on our way back to campus, my new pal from New Castle and I passed the sign, so he tossed him on the phone speakers. (Shout out to New Castle Indiana by the way) I was like, oh yeah, I've definitely heard some of these songs before.... So he's like the Indiana Bruce Springsteen. My buddy insisted Bruce was the New Jersey John Mellencamp... but we all know the truth, don't we?
  7. Home Jersey

    Help pick my new username

    Dude............. you guys make it look easy. This is classic! We're definitely gonna need a poll... anything for the shtick.
  8. Home Jersey

    Help pick my new username

    Man, this is genius... for real. So witty I'm sorta disappointed with myself for not thinking of it... lol. In lieu of the Gold medal they deserve - whoever comes up with the new username, will be rewarded with their choice of the following: $5 cash app/paypal transfer. Maybe 10 if you sweet talk me. (Keep it PG-rated fellas. No unsolicited pics in the DMs. Looking at you, @BleedCubbieBlue ... and, if his flip phone came with a camera, I'd be looking out for @Stuhoo too... seems lady luck has spared us all.) I'll add a signature to the bottom of my posts (totally authored by you) for 365 days, so you can have the glory you that's rightfully yours.
  9. Home Jersey

    Help pick my new username

    Lmao. I like it... strong start to the thread. Any other brave souls want to throw their hat in the ring?
  10. Home Jersey

    (2024) - PG Boogie Fland to Kentucky

    Had the exact same thought - obviously Boogie is incredibly talented. He'd still be a freshman guard though, and one of his primary criticisms in scouting reports I've seen is shot selection/at times, bad stretches of decision-making. Not saying Boogie won't help UK win games, but... come March, Cal's "stacked" rosters haven't really been doing better than ours - if at all. A sophomore Cupps, who has a year under his belt and can distribute like he can, gives me confidence assuming we fill out the roster with enough talent via portal/Spring. Hitting the portal really does not concern/worry me, at this point in the cycle anyway. We got a whole season of basketball to play first baby! **Disclaimer - I am not a professional basketball scout. I do not claim to be an “expert” in assessing players… just a guy who enjoys watching the game/enjoyed playing back in the day. But any who… I have seen Mackenzie play in person a few times. Not a large enough sample size that I’d say I could give you a legitimate “scouting report” … ~6 games while he was a sophomore at GSB… an AAU tournament in Pittsburgh before his Junior year (purely by coincidence, was visiting a basketball junkie friend in town and we unexpectedly had some time to kill lol…) then the state championship game he won with Roselle Catholic this year. Have seen enough that I think I can add some conjecture to help us get excited again about who we DO have playing for us in just a few more days. Physicals. When you walk in the gym, if you had to bet on who the NBA prospect was, a lot of dough would be waged on him… Says something, considering the caliber of the guys he played with and against. Elite. Bball IQ - understands angles and uses his length/size well. Will take advantage of mistakes and exploit mismatches. Not really a physical player in the post but he is not usually shying away from contact. I expect his rebounding to steadily improve as the year goes on, but I think we may have a few tough games here and there on that front. (Gonna need Ware/Reneau/Sparks to do their thang.) You will see a few savvy steals/blocks, but consistency on the defensive side is definitely a question for me…. When you consider our defensive schemes and the jump from HS/AAU to D1 in terms of complexity, I do think this will be what we point to as his weakness, at least early on, this season. That said, get ready for some athletic sequences where he blocks a shot against the backboard/disrupts a passing lane/brings a smart double team, then gets the transition slam or three. Shot taker, shot maker - very above average rhythm shooter, great catch and shooter. Usually gets to his spot without a lot of dribbles. Has a high release point and usually gets the ball out of his hands quickly. Does have a tendency to bring the ball down fairly low as he’s getting into his motion, I’m hoping Woodson is cleaning that up in the offseason… Rarely caused problems for him from what I’ve seen, but if no change in the tendency since I’ve last seen him, I think that causes us a few frustrating turnovers. You won’t hear anyone calling him a point forward, that’s not the really the primary skillset here… for the most part, anyway. Don’t get me wrong - not a “selfish” player and I’ve seen him make some of those passes that get the whole crowd “oohing-ahhing” or jumping out of their seats (depending on the venue if you know what I mean). But that is not usually what he is looking to do… How he functions as a playmaker/facilitator is something I will be watching closely - can he put everything together and be a really versatile weapon… He’s used to looking for his shot first and getting buckets. And I fully expect that is what he’s going to be asked to do for us, too. But it’s different at this level. His shotmaking will translate, but can he be solid with his handle/decision-making/pass accuracy up to par by B10 play? The keys to your question IMHO boils down to his playmaking and situational decision-making… I’ll be looking at his AST:TO ratio and TS% … to be a one and done/first rounder, I think he has to avoid being labeled only a shot chucker that can't affect the game in other areas or fades into the background if he's not being aggressive/not having a good shooting night. Not that defensive consistency necessarily impacts whether he is one and done or not, but that is the other concern I have for this season. When I say “concern” I am holding him to a very high standard, keep in mind. You’re not going to mistake him for Miller Kopp at any point out there. His bball IQ and work ethic + Woodson’s coaching, make me very excited about what he will be able to contribute.
  11. Home Jersey

    (2024) - PG Boogie Fland to Kentucky

    I wish I saw Artie's warning before I clicked the link...
  12. Home Jersey

    (2024) - PG Boogie Fland to Kentucky

    Wow... this definitely stings
  13. Home Jersey

    (2024) - PG Boogie Fland to Kentucky

    Not saying to hold out hope man. Saying you don't turn your nose up and walk away from the #1 overall PG in the class coz he initially wanted to go elsewhere. Think we've run our course on this conversation lol.
  14. Home Jersey

    (2024) - PG Boogie Fland to Kentucky

    Uhhh... you know recruits can get out of those letters they sign right? Like... pretty easily. He's not playing this season. Many people speculate Cal and UK could part ways after this season. Coach doesn't even have to leave - see: Mack Mgbako. Looked like that was never gonna happen for the longest time... right up until it did.
  15. Home Jersey

    (2024) - PG Boogie Fland to Kentucky

    You're missing the bigger point. Let's not nitpick semantics within a totally hypothetical scenario. Hope he surprises us today. If not, and he changes his mind later, count me in the camp of "welcome him with open arms" First exhibition less than two weeks away. Let's go HOOOOOOSIERS
  16. Home Jersey

    (2024) - PG Boogie Fland to Kentucky

    In the hypothetical scenario of Boogie de committing from UK... anyone actually suggesting we turn him away - having never actually even enrolled there or played a single game for UK - because he at first thought one of our rivals would be a better fit... is an unserious person IMO. There's very little room for petty grievances when you're trying to win a championship. "Pride" can be a double edged sword if there's too much or too little. Bottom line: If you've got someone who can help you get there, and they want to come, you sign him up. Every single time. Not even a question IMHO
  17. Home Jersey

    (2024) - PG Boogie Fland to Kentucky

    No need to cut off your nose just to spite your face...
  18. Home Jersey

    (2024) - PG Boogie Fland to Kentucky

    Well... good thing they roll the balls out and season starts in what 9 or 10 days til Indy exhibition? Im so ready for some IUBB.
  19. Home Jersey

    (2024) - PG Boogie Fland to Kentucky

    I think Woodson can get the most out of this roster. If we can show recruits you can win here and go on deep runs, we'll be very tough to recruit against. Have total confidence that by March, Woodson gets the most out of Ware. I really like the big three of Ware, Mgbako, and X this season. If Gallo stays close to same percentage on higher volume and CJ shows a big improvement from last year, we can be really dangerous. I'm honestly too excited for this year to be worried/bummed about next seasons roster. With the portal and spring being fruitful under this staff, this isn't the end of the world. For sure will sting though if he goes to pUKe
  20. Home Jersey

    (2024) - PG Boogie Fland to Kentucky

    To land multiple 5 stars in the fall, I think we're gonna need at least one S16 run under our belt. To ngw's point... this program is building back from a deep hole. Feels similar in a way to Brian Kelly resurrecting ND football. You gotta produce on the field/court to land a deep and talented class consistently year after year. Final thought of the night. Looking forward to Boogie shocking the world tomorrow lol
  21. Home Jersey

    (2024) - PG Boogie Fland to Kentucky

    I mean... these guys are supposed to be "insiders" or journalists... so if they are acting based on the same info as random dudes on a message board, that does kinda make them a joke.
  22. Home Jersey

    (2024) - PG Boogie Fland to Kentucky

    Only 14 hours left to go!
  23. Home Jersey

    (2024) - PG Boogie Fland to Kentucky

    If we do miss, yes, disappointing. Would it cause me to be "worried" no... not yet. We've seen what this staff is capable of. I'm not sweating it either way
  24. Home Jersey

    (2024) - PG Boogie Fland to Kentucky

    2pm tomorrow... we really have no idea what's going on in this recruitment, as is always the case. Didn't Woodson say he didn't know about Mgbako before until his public announcement? Recruiting is basically a game of Mad Libs, where 99% of the page is blank and you can fill it in with any random scenario to justify a view/hope you have. EX: Gossip spreads about Cal making him an offer he couldn't refuse in the last hour and "insiders" run with it... Boogie/his camp want there to be more anticipation around his excitement after a lot of confidence he'd go to IU, and this is a smokescreen to try and draw bigger headlines tomorrow to boost his profile.... Or UK has really been the choice all along and IU was competitive but didn't get the job done. ....2pm tomorrow.....
  25. Home Jersey

    (2024) - PG Boogie Fland to Kentucky

    Are we sure he isn't still?