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Home Jersey

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Everything posted by Home Jersey

  1. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    So, now that the Queen ship seems to have sailed... I suppose speculation about McNeeley will ramp up. Cross another item off the waning list of excuses/justifications to keep Woody around for next year. We're gonna have to build darn near an entire team through the portal, regardless of whether Woody sticks around or not.
  2. Home Jersey

    (2024) PF - Derik Queen to Maryland

    Is that your sense or are you basing that on specific info?
  3. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Quite sure that's all this is... His wife has made it known that she does not want to be far from her family in Jersey/likes to put down roots. Dan said he had a hard time convincing her to leave URI. Dan likes having Bob Sr. at his games. UConn and the Hurleys fit like a glove. He will get a nice raise, but we have nothing to worry about IMO
  4. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Admittedly not super tuned into all of Dolson's tenure... but from what I can observe, still better than Fred Glass... not that that's a very high bar. Lol
  5. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    At this rate my question/concern is whether the problem is Buckner or Dolson... With Glass and McRobbie out, I'd like to believe Whitten (who I believe understands that athletics can be a real asset for a place like IU) and Dolson, may handle things differently than IU historically has... maybe it's more so the BOT having Dolson's hands tied? Any way you slice it - not smart that Dolson gave Woody a raise after last year. Rookie mistake? Idk... I'm just grasping at straws to find any reason to believe that all hope is not lost yet.
  6. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I don't even think Dusty is necessarily going to be the next big thing that some people do. But at this point, if given the choice between him and Woody next year... I'd consider Dusty a home run lol. Sad state of affairs in Bloomington.
  7. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Honestly... I'd have a tough time telling you of any other programs that, before a terrible season has even ended and no momentum on the recruiting trail, would be willing to go into the following season with the same coach. We have HUGE roster holes to fill. We've seen how successful they were (not) with the portal last offseason. Same issues his entire tenure mostly still there. Only a fool would buy the argument that X being injured is the difference between this team being tournament-ready or not. We couldn't get guards to play here over him and Trey - fine. Are we gonna be able to get ANY players when it's clear they're going to play for a losing team with a coach who is likely gone after the year? Another season like this and we'll be lucky if we can convince even "the next big thing" mid-major candidate to come here. If your stock is high, why on earth would you step into a mess like this? So that leaves us shopping in another undesirable aisle. I don't know how we break the cycle, or if the admin even wants to.
  8. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I don't doubt Mike Woodson is a good guy on an interpersonal level. He'd probably be a fun guy to sit at the bar with and BS. He's "old school" which is perfectly fine, but it's a new day and new age in college basketball. It's sort of astonishing for things to be bad on so many levels...clearly not working... and it's somehow still an open question what to do... meanwhile football school OSU realized their basketball coach wasn't working and cut ties before March even rolled around. I'm sorry, I know IU is not the program it used to be... but if we're ever gonna get there again, we need decision makers who are ready to meet the moment. A 4th year of Woody is basically a few guys from the glory days holding the program hostage. Normally I think things are never as great or awful as they seem. But for a myriad of reasons, this time around, things actually do feel like we're in a really, really bad spot unless a change is made. Wild how different the energy is around the program after just a few months.
  9. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    His tone this year leaves an awful lot to be desired. Not even taking issue with lack of insight/substance because you're unlikely to get that from press conferences, post games, etc. To me he just sounds tired and conceited... and like he knows he will be protected. I don't pretend to know what goes on behind closed doors, but the whole narrative around Quinn pulling strings / calling shots certainly makes sense, especially with all the context this season has provided. His response about "continuing" to put us in position to compete for championships is so corporate and disconnected from reality. He could've delivered the same message in a way that's much more reflective of the current mood. Mike Woodson has forgotten more about basketball than most of us have ever known but at 66 years old he's not equipped to do this job at the highest level. Not at all.
  10. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Allowing Woody to come back and further sink the program while simultaneously ruining his own legacy, is such executive malpractice I can't begin to understand. The boo birds will be out in full force basically all year. Fan turnout on the road will likely be lower... since the admin basically only wants to act based on financial interests (which they don't seem great at managing, based on recent buyouts) guess they're going to have to viscerally feel the frustration of fans at home and watch their bottom line shrink. I try to find the positive as a fan, but to go into a year with zero momentum/optimism is brutal. If we don't move on after the season, it's going to be very hard to not shout from the rooftops and call the entire admin a joke for their total incompetence / negligence. Bringing Mike back is doing a disservice to everyone who cares about IUBB, including Mike himself. Common sense has to prevail when the season wraps up. On the bright side, if we do run it back with this staff, I'll know to just save my time, money, and energy.
  11. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    This absolutely may be how he actually feels/thinks at the moment. It sounds like he's coming back for a 4th year. That said, when asked this kind of question, the current coach with several games left this season, has to say something along these lines. Lot of time for circumstances to change. Maybe I'm just in the denial stage of grief lol
  12. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Shoot, you think we get to 18 wins? Idk if we do this year and as of now, next year's roster basically has like 4-6 guys on it. I get it's unlikely Woody retires this year... but the fact the admin is not forcing the conversation and is content to let fans suffer through another year of this is sickening. They truly don't care about the product on the court as long as the money keeps rolling in. You'd think somewhere in the last 20 years we'd just get lucky and strike gold with the right hire coincidentally... maybe next time... life as an IU fan lately.
  13. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Yeah, I agree. Feels like the stars will have to align. If we got Dusty, I'd be hopeful. If we got someone like Oats, I'd say f*** yeah and feel confident. Have been hopeful for IUBB since the beginning. Don't think I've been "confident" except the 2012-2013 season. It's tough to not be envious of UConn and Purdue these days. The wheels are falling off. There's no reason for a 4th year with Woody. I'd love to keep Reneau... Mgbako would be nice too IF his D improves... and Gallo would be good in a 7th/8th man role. Otherwise, I'd be happy for the team and staff to look completely different next year with names we mostly don't know right now. God, this season has sucked the joy out of it for me. What frustrates me is how optimistic the tone was all pre-season. The staff clearly had no idea what they were working with, despite having ample time to work up close with it. That's alarming on so many levels it's enough for me to say no way should Woody coach next year, and that's not even bringing up the fact we have a ton of holes to fill in the roster. No way he should get another chance to construct a team. Thanks for your service Mike. Let's figure out the retirement buyout terms
  14. Home Jersey

    (2024) PF - Derik Queen to Maryland

    That half court oop to Newell was insane. Jokic like passing ability
  15. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I know Pearl's buyout figure is large but I'm sure (hopeful, at least) that there are accounting tricks that could be worked out... My ideal scenario right now? Extremely unlikely to happen, but I'd love to see us move on Pearl, have ~6ish good years with him, then bring in Dusty May who has hopefully proven himself in P5. If they both covet the IU job as much as rumored, I don't think it's so crazy to imagine. The money/timing and IU administration are the obstacles... things would have to align perfectly. So, it's very unlikely. I'd be happy with May, Schertz, Schrews (also probably unlikely after just 1 year at ND)... Oats and Pearl would be great too. I'm more hopeful than most others that Woody decides to hang it up after this year. To me he just sounds worn out. TL;DR: I wish Woody would be the on-ramp to Bruce Pearl who is the bridge to Dusty
  16. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Basically, let's keep the main thing... the main thing. Do what's best from a basketball perspective and let the rest work itself out. Success on the court has to be the first and most heavily weighted priority. There's really no reason to believe right now that a 4th year with Woody has us on the right track. I just want to look forward to watching IUBB again instead of it being the chore this year has been and next year looks to be shaping up at the moment.
  17. Home Jersey

    IU unveils its alternative jersey

    Not a fan of these at all. I like a black jersey concept, but this just seems really lazily executed. I do think they'll look better on the court than in the weird marketing photo shoot, but that shouldn't be hard to do. It feels like jersey design overall has really regressed in recent years.
  18. Home Jersey

    (2024) - Liam McNeeley to UConn

    He's got 15 points at the end of the first half. MVA leads LuHi 47-30.
  19. Home Jersey

    College Bball Thread

    Geez I know they're underperforming but seems curious to make a move during the season when they're 14-11. Makes you sorta wonder if another shoe is gonna drop
  20. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Congrats on finding a metric for this season where we totally blow Kensucky, Duke, Kansas, Baylor, UNC, etc. out of the water lol
  21. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I hear that... flip side is, it's also kinda the same handful of dudes making the same points repetitively in a vacuum trying to convince people to see things the same exact way they do That's just message boards though!
  22. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I'm just impressed how this thread is basically being constantly posted on every 15 mins or less (except for like 2am-7am EST) - to the tune of 84+ pages in less than 2 weeks - on literally zero actual "news" lol
  23. Home Jersey

    POTFB 2/10 8 pm on Fox

    I watched the first 8 minutes of the game at home. When I left to meet a friend at a bar down the road, we were down by about 4 points I think. I got to the bar just before the 4-min 1st half commercial TO and the score was as expected. Honestly, by the second half I was trying to watch any other game. It's been the same story all season. Nothing more to say than that. The errors of last offseason were so egregious in the way they've ruined this season, it's impossible for me to have confidence in the staff moving forward. It's that simple. Unless he decides to retire, Woody will get another year. Is what it is. Not the worst thing in the world....not great though. No sense in lying to ourselves that everything is sunshine and rainbows under his leadership. It kinda discredits people adamantly defending him so soon after such bad whoopin's IMO. Sure root for him, I definitely am, but I'm not going to act like we somehow turn a corner ever under this leadership. We've likely seen the peak and I am ready to move on. It'll probably be a season longer than I'd like. That's not being reactionary, just someone trusting what I've seen with my own eyes and open-minded enough to change my opinion based on new information. Everyone can have their own view... Basically 100 pages in the last 24 hours of the same arguments is really something though. Lol