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Home Jersey

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Everything posted by Home Jersey

  1. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Have something to admit to/you want to get off your chest, LCS? (just playing) I think the guy who confronted Woody in the Greenfield gym was LCS! Any fans of the Clue board game? Lol
  2. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Maybe a hot take but I think the majority of undergrads don't follow the team off the court as closely/feel less passionately about things like coaching changes than the rest of the fan base. Damn I miss Assembly Hall!!!
  3. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I will be the skeptic/devil's advocate on this, not to be a wet blanket... Curious to me how Trilly could know what was said at Dolson's meeting... and how meaningful is their input? We've seen some notable alumni say they're ready to move on during podcasts and what not, so without seeing what Trilly actually said, how much of a leap is it for him to make a logical assumption that this was voiced? I'm assuming this was a regularly scheduled meeting, as was the one with Woodson... I'm trying not to get too hopeful but the wind certainly seems to be blowing in the right direction
  4. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    If Woody does end up getting a 4th year, we should definitely create a GM role to help manage the portal this time around. God I hope we land at least 3 really good guards for next year.
  5. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    From the outside looking in, definitely seems like the ball is in Dolson's court to line up a clearly better option or a change won't be made. Seems as though his job is to make it impossible for Quinn to reasonably say "no" to the alternative option. Having to line up the $$ from boosters, as someone else said, should be the easy part. Passing the BOT's "rigorous" pre-clearance process seems like the harder part. A lot of thought is, rightfully IMO, being put into how we can handle Mike Woodson's legacy in a mindful/sensitive/appreciative way. Something I think most people are discounting at the moment is Dolson's drive to build his own legacy... sure, he needs to get better at the financial side of things. But IMO, he has shown he has his finger on the pulse of the fanbase and is willing to act... if you want a change to happen this offseason, whether you believe in his ability as an AD or not, you should be rooting for Scott right now. I know CCC has not coached a game yet but that type of hire still inspires confidence/provides reason for hope, to me. Let's get it done SD!
  6. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    It's not a certainty any change is happening. But I'd imagine if a change were to be made, it would happen in mid/late March-early April?
  7. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I'd be interested in hearing about that if you're comfortable sharing on the board
  8. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Haven't the foggiest idea for Bruce Pearl but that deal would certainly work for me lol
  9. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Is Pearl going to end up at IU? Very unlikely... as others have pointed out, probably just leveraging this to have his son named HC in waiting, get a bball only facility, whatever else he wants at a program where he's the basketball GOAT... Would probably take a Godfather-like offer from Dolson to convince Pearl to take the opportunity to jump at his "dream job" ... I feel like once you've reached a certain level of success, that whole concept goes out the window a bit. But you never know what strings can be pulled or what the circumstances are... so I am just happy to hear from credible people Dolson is doing his due diligence and not sitting on his hands...
  10. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Please basketball gods, let Trilly's source about Pearl be accurate... please
  11. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Can you elaborate on the "wet mix has been made" bit?
  12. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    You can't post premium/paid for content from other sources. It's on his $6/mo discord, which is why you can't see it anywhere. I don't subscribe either
  13. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Yeah, it moved.
  14. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Gotcha. I guess I'm wondering who you think we'd realistically be able to line up in that scenario? Oats? Pearl's definitely not getting any younger... but that probably won't happen for a few reasons anyway
  15. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Eh, different people will see it differently. I can definitely understand that POV. Think it depends what you value. Archie had a way higher profile track record - assistant at WKU, NC State, AZ State, Ohio State, And Arizona. Each stop 1-3 seasons starting in 2003. He was HC at Dayton for 6 years before IU hired him, with one E8 under his belt. Dan Hurley started in 1997 as an assistant at Rutgers and was fired after 4 years. He then built a HS powerhouse as a head coach for 9 years. 2 years as a HC at Wagner, first season went 13-17, second season improved to 25-6. Then he spent 6 years at URI and took them from the dumps to 25-10 and 26-8 seasons ending in the second round. So he had 8 years of D1 coaching experience (17 years total as a HC) under his belt compared to Archie's 6. Archie went further in the postseason, but Hurley had a more proven track record as a HC and building/elevating programs. IMO
  16. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I am also of the mindset that we should not be taking more chances. That is why we both prefer Pearl if we could ever swing it (Dolson would certainly deserve a lot of credit as it seems pretty unlikely to happen in reality)... I also don't disagree it's possible Woody could have a rebound next year, but I think that Woody's version of killing it is likely a 2nd round blowout as we've seen when he had a program legend playing for him. When you say "what is one more year..." presumably in a year where we are not going to be winning a title (lol) that is where we diverge. I'd rather that "one more year" be spent with May trying to lay the foundation for a potentially long and successful tenure here rather than wait so Woody can get his 4 years while we try to find a "sure thing." That is where the point of Wright at Hofstra is really credible... because if UL or OSU land Dusty this offseason, and he recreates what he's already done at FAU, boy oh boy would we regret giving Woody this one more year. The timing makes sense to pull the trigger. If Dusty, who is certainly also a risk in his own right, ends up not being successful and in 4 or 5 years we are back wanting to move on, we can just do what we basically did with Crean and wait 4 or 5 more years while we try to find a sure thing. After all, what is one more year and who knows, maybe Dusty will surprise people and kill it next year. Crean left after several B10 championships/NCAA appearances. To your point, maybe fans need to accept those results and reset their expectations. With this staff, we're not even meeting those expectations. Dusty offers hope of surpassing them.
  17. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Last year was Dusty's 5th year at FAU and he took them to the final four... FAU. Sure, he may not turn things around instantly. People are still gonna have more patience for May than Woody, yes. Woody is nearing retirement and has no recruiting momentum. That right there has his tenure dead in the water. It would be different if we had more guys signed. Relying on the portal to build an entire team is partly where people are so frustrated. How can we be optimistic about a team that doesn't exist yet where 6-9 guys who don't even know it right now will be playing for us? With that much roster turnover, it won't be totally dissimilar to the environment Crean (yes the context is massively different). Between his current team that he can take with him, his ties with the state, and track record building FAU... I am comfortable with that risk vs. this known quantity. I do think most fans would be on board with the idea of giving Dusty May at LEAST 4 seasons, to answer your Q.
  18. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    This is a really good point.
  19. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Yeah if I had to put money on it I'd bet Woody is back. I'm trying not to get my hopes up. But it will be very hard to get excited for next year without that change. Even if we get a good/great haul in the portal (big assumption) who knows if the pieces will fit together well (this season doesn't exactly inspire confidence). Best case scenario, the ceiling is probably a R32 blowout. The floor is atrocious and borderline unwatchable. Too many headwinds working against Woody/him in this job for another year to make any sense. Ideally bring in an instant winning coach a la Pearl. But even if we go with May, who is a "risk" as in not a guaranteed success... I'd rather him get a start on building something here than waste another year so Woody can have a retirement tour.
  20. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    The risk of keeping Mike Woodson past this season is far greater than the risk of moving on... IMHO
  21. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Reality... as you see it... Everyone has their own view of things. There is not an objective "reality" or correct/incorrect when it comes to assessing this sort of thing as a fan. All one can really do is use the whole picture, as they see it, to make up their minds. Anyhow we don't need to get into it I'm sure you've got a long list of people to reply to lol
  22. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I think it moves a little with a S16 and massively with an E8 or better.
  23. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I don't think anyone disputes that guys on a team play hard for their captain/team leaders and miss them when they're out. So Cupps isn't looked at the same way as X and that's why the team didn't play well or didn't play hard? There's no excuse for not playing hard. Not playing well... sure that's a valid argument, Cupps was asked to do too much as a freshman. Whose fault is that? So with X back, we may be a bubble team or sneak in as a low seed at best? That's "IUBB at it's best"? Beating a p00py Wiscy team late in the year is too little too late, it doesn't necessarily speak to the team rallying around a leader or a coach. Is it so hard to believe a basketball team just wanted to win in front of the home crowd and pulled it out (with a little help from a bizarre alarm stemming a run and less foul trouble than usual)? Everyone at this point has made their mind up, that much is clear..... it doesn't mean anyone lacks understanding of team dynamics. It just means someone is convinced they're right and clinging to any rationale, despite what we see every game day and an 8 game losing streak. Sure a million things could've happened differently, but they happened the way they did. And recruiting is abysmal. We can agree to disagree on what's best for the program... but acting like others who interpret things differently than you, MUST be forming their opinion with no factual basis/deep understanding, is why you get the reactions you do.