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Home Jersey

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Everything posted by Home Jersey

  1. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Am I supposed to feel better because Woodson apparently isn't as atrocious as Tom friggin Allen? It's very hard to interpret this all as anything other than internal dysfunction, lack of direction, etc... frankly it looks like there is a total absence of "having a clue" among our administration. I'll definitely cheer for the team next year but I expect the same results and won't invest my time, money and energy into a program that's apparently controlled by good old boys from the glory days who want to act like a middle school posse at the expense of the program. Sure Dolson may not have generated all that smoke but somebody did. Whatever you believe happened, there is no way around the fact it's been "messy" over there. For years, but this is the latest milestone on our journey to restoring the glory of Old IU....................
  2. I am processing my emotions, but it's no coincidence my laptop broke last night lol. Here is the thing... if IU wins, I don't really care if Woody, Pearl, Dusty is the coach... or if Stuhoo and Demo are going to be co-head coaches. I do not care as long as IU wins and holds the coach to a standard. I just don't think this decision helps put us on a path to do that sustainably. I will watch and cheer for the team but I will not give my money to the program via NIL or tickets any time soon. The stench of what all has transpired will linger in the air, for me, anyway. Since he's back regardless, I hope we win out and go to the tournament. Crush it in the portal and hang banner 6. I also hope I wake up with $100M in my bank account and this was all just a fever dream.
  3. I am willing to do the job.
  4. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    It is very disturbing after reading that, recalling all the times he has said things like "I assure you next year will get VERY ugly" and saying it would be worse than what Davis went through. Almost as if it were a threat.
  5. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    If rumors are to be given any credence anymore, 3 of the actual 4 names you've penciled in supposedly won't be here next year. I hope we can keep them.
  6. Home Jersey

    IUBB @ Minnesota - Wednesday, 03.06.24 @ 9:00 ET on BTN

    The recruiting pitch for Mgbako is hopefully already ongoing... up the NIL, make you the feature piece of the offense, and after another year of hard work... way better draft position. Hope we can sell him on it.
  7. I'll watch, but I won't buy tickets
  8. Home Jersey

    IUBB @ Minnesota - Wednesday, 03.06.24 @ 9:00 ET on BTN

    Was tonight... Indiana basketball at its best?
  9. Home Jersey

    IUBB @ Minnesota - Wednesday, 03.06.24 @ 9:00 ET on BTN

    It would be a shame for him to end up in a similar position to JHS (playing in the G League, not draft order) when he could be making a big impact for us (and hopefully being paid comparably)
  10. Home Jersey

    IUBB @ Minnesota - Wednesday, 03.06.24 @ 9:00 ET on BTN

    God knows we've got plenty of roster spots to fill.
  11. Home Jersey

    IUBB @ Minnesota - Wednesday, 03.06.24 @ 9:00 ET on BTN

    X didn't have to be so extra about that missed pass lol. We are an atrocious passing team generally speaking
  12. Home Jersey

    IUBB @ Minnesota - Wednesday, 03.06.24 @ 9:00 ET on BTN

    Retaining Mgbako would be a strong start to his 4th year.
  13. Home Jersey

    IUBB @ Minnesota - Wednesday, 03.06.24 @ 9:00 ET on BTN

    Great hands Leal
  14. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Of course they're playing hard tonight. Too little too late and next year apparently unlikely to return Gallo, Reneau, or Mgbako. No Ware. It sucks that even watching IU play well right now is a bittersweet reminder of how bad of shape we are in. I just can't be optimistic when we're going to build an entire new roster in the portal. Nice to see them play hard though I suppose
  15. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Lmao dude
  16. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Go to account > ignored users
  17. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    TLDR we thought there was going to be a meeting on Tuesday where more info would leak on what would happen. Seemed like QB would not interfere with Woody being removed but Pearl may not pass the BOT. Then Osterman dropped the bomb
  18. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Wasn't sure if this fits better here or the positive only thread
  19. Home Jersey

    IUBB @ Minnesota - Wednesday, 03.06.24 @ 9:00 ET on BTN

    What else is new
  20. Home Jersey

    IUBB @ Minnesota - Wednesday, 03.06.24 @ 9:00 ET on BTN

    It was funny but if he went up strong he would've probably gotten a whistle. What the hell is the point of being built like a brick sh*t house if you're gonna try and be a finesse finisher
  21. Home Jersey

    IUBB @ Minnesota - Wednesday, 03.06.24 @ 9:00 ET on BTN

    Are we... managing the clock for a 2 for 1 opportunity? Nope...
  22. Home Jersey

    IUBB @ Minnesota - Wednesday, 03.06.24 @ 9:00 ET on BTN

    Lol that Minnesota has a "go go go gooooophers" chant
  23. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    He's no Hutch. But he's a lot better than Doyel. Not that that's saying much
  24. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Eh... seems like Woody was getting his 4, no if's and's or but's about it.
  25. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Nobody's bigger than the program huh?