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Home Jersey

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Everything posted by Home Jersey

  1. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Have you considered going outside, touching grass, and getting some vitamin D in the sun? Ancient proverb from New Jersey: Always let the a$$hole get the last word. Not sure if it will be funnier when you can't resist and respond to this ridiculous post, or if you heed the old adage and give me the satisfaction of being the a$$hole here. (Read that in a whiny baby voice so it sounds just like you). Either way... And let's go Hoosiers
  2. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    "Dear diary, Today the meanies in the Fire Mike Woodson thread were so harsh on him. They just refuse to see facts because everyone knows there isn't any validity to any way of thinking that's different than mine! I can't wait to make them eat crow when IUBB goes 22-9 and makes a S16! That will really show them!"
  3. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    You could gripe about that in your diary, not the Fire Mike Woodson thread. Unless you just enjoy antagonizing people?
  4. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    People aren’t going to buy what you’re selling if they have to squint really hard to see it. This non-con schedule kinda sucks lol. Could be worse… could be better. The way the NET works and how heavily the tournament committee weighs it as a metric, has not been great for the product of college basketball IMO. You’re basically incentivized to beat up bad teams… if you can. Yawn.
  5. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I didn't say it was the worst field ever. Ultimately we're going to have to see how it plays out. Don't see how it's controversial to say it's an underwhelming non-con schedule.
  6. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    From a reddit poster: Battle 4 Atlantis teams are Arizona, Gonzaga, Indiana, Louisville, Oklahoma, West Virginia, providence and Davidson. Arizona, zags and maybe OU are the q1 games and ou is at 49 in Torvik (50 is the cut in NET). That’s not great. Edit: They looked at the wrong year so OU is projected 67 and not q1. SCAR is the only other game on the non-con that could be Q1 or Q2, I'm pretty sure. And they won't be what they were last season. We will have very few opportunities to get quality wins in the non-con. We'll probably need to dominate the B10 for a strong seed.
  7. Home Jersey

    2024-2025 IUBB Schedule

    From a reddit poster: Battle 4 Atlantis teams are Arizona, Gonzaga, Indiana, Louisville, Oklahoma, West Virginia, providence and Davidson. Arizona, zags and maybe OU are the q1 games and ou is at 49 in Torvik (50 is the cut in NET). That’s not great. Edit: They looked at the wrong year so OU is projected 67 and not q1.
  8. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Don't mean to go down a rabbit hole, but the Tyme account also was using Tweet Hunter Pro. The user was asked about it and tweeted that he had no idea how it got on his account and he was removing access. When I googled that service, this was the result: "Tweet Hunter is an all-in-one Twitter growth tool, designed to help you grow and monetize your Twitter audience. Our goal is to make is as easy as possible for you to create high-performing content, build an audience around your topics of expertise, monetize and attract opportunities. Tweet Hunter helps you at every stage of growing a Twitter account. Whether it’s to create more and better tweets and threads, increase their reach, improve the business ROI they drive, or even engage with other people. We have developed an advanced, Twitter-dedicated AI engine as well as custom features that exist nowhere else in the market." 7 Day free trial, then $49/mo. There is no way that you set that up by accident, considering it's a paid service. We already know Tyme is unique from other IUBB burners on twitter/actually connected to someone. I don't personally think the IU administration is paying for an army of bots to defend Woody, but I think somebody with ties to Woody is helping push back on criticism of him. Woody would be unaware of anything going on in the background to that end, if anything of that sort is actually happening. I don't think it's all an army of bots, (though it's Twitter, so there certainly are plenty of them) but one key influencer (Tyme) offering a counter narrative and trying to amplify it with paid tools and private group chats, etc. Get a few bigger accounts (real people) to buy into their message and then from there, their work is largely done and the discourse plays out for the fanbase to take sides. The vitriol likely coming from bots / being a byproduct of the building tension that already exists throughout today's society. It's an election year. And apparently you're "woke" (according to shrekbag) if you don't think Woody is a good coach. Not sure how that one adds up... I totally agree that the offseason doldrums and complaints are repetitive. But as you say, can't win games in the offseason. It is easy to say something negative because we're coming off a very negative season. Some people are able to be more optimistic than others coming off that year. Some are more forgiving than others. If everyone was singing kumbaya, we believe in you Woody, you are the best HC we could ever have... the program would not be in any better shape and the conversation here would be just as not insightful as it is today. There is nothing of true substance to discuss at this point of the year for IUBB other than the non-con schedule today. We don't need to prepare to speak on the state of the program. The team needs to prepare to win. In the meantime, some will be more content to be hopeful and others will reserve praise until further down the line.
  9. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Liars? Burners? IMO, nah. We just have a huge, passionate fan base. Everyone has their own standards for what is good or acceptable to them and their own temperament in terms of how they respond/form their views over time. To each their own. A generally decent rule of thumb that I think applies here no matter where you fall on Woodson … never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
  10. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    We have some people in this thread mad about booing last year. We have others mad about comments from Sr night months ago. Classic July for IUBB. November can't get here soon enough.
  11. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    If you consider winning 6/10 games success, I guess what you said made sense. How many blowout losses too?
  12. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Hang the banner! EDIT: This is a dreadful statistic. Not evidence of success or building momentum... "Just win" ... we can all agree on that. Let's see it.
  13. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I am pretty sure I recall in Trilly’s discord people were mocking Tyme because he allegedly had a free discord with very few members. I would not be surprised if after his tweets became more popular, his discord grew, became private, and probably included some of these younger more popular IU accounts. Then they amplify his message in one way or another. Paid for or not, I don’t know. Organic or not? I think depends on how you look at it… Personally I wouldn’t say it’s normal behavior. But I don’t attribute it to Woody personally as if he’s asked for this. I think it’s more of a reflection of his insecurity that his inner circle is projecting online as they attempt to take back the narrative and the IU fan base has a ton of crazy fans with burners.
  14. Yep. I don't know the financials since they weren't disclosed, but IIRC, we were top 10-20ish in NIL spending. Presumably the Hysterics had a decent amount to do with that. Our NIL spending seems to have become top 5-10ish based on Woody's funds from the Cooks and Simons. It's good to have a bigger war chest obviously. Shrinking it by cutting off the relationship with a grassroots $ NIL collective is curious. Cutting ties with the bozos was good though. It never should have gotten as far along as it did, especially because there are way better groups we could've been working with. Big donor support > grassroots funding. Sucks but a reality from a fundraising POV. It kind of seems like Woody just used these guys (hiring his daughter then allegedly acting like that is pretty nuts... and I don't doubt it one bit). Now he got what he wanted and they became more trouble than it was worth, so he lashed out. Spoke his mind. Then there was a little backlash to deal with so the PR machine got rolling. The article just doesn't move me. He is who he is.
  15. Home Jersey

    IUWBB - News and Notes

    Absolutely fantastic news.
  16. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Isn't it obvious that if he were better at his job (winning games) people would give him a longer leash when he does/says things that are questionable? Yes this is questionable - how does it help the program to end the NIL relationship and discontinue their fan events? You think it's hilarious that they were made to fly out there to be told they weren't welcome? Wow. Interesting you assume people are just complaining about him no matter what he does... Seems to be the same mindset he has towards non-true fans. We just want him to show accountability and do his job better, since he's our coach for next year.
  17. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Idk. Maybe Woody should have flown to LA to meet them. Enjoy a candle lit dinner. Go shopping on Rodeo Drive. Some pillow talk maybe.
  18. Home Jersey

    (C) Kel 'el Ware - COMMITTED TO INDIANA

    He's such a great kid. I think the Heat culture will be perfect for him to develop in. Going to be cheering him on. Could be our next All Star alum some day... has the talent for sure.
  19. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I'd be way more excited to watch this roster play if it were for a different staff. Hoping for the best, expecting to be underwhelmed and disappointed when he comes back another year or 2/3. Next season could be a very good year, for sure. Doesn't mean CMW is suddenly a great CBB coach. Right now it's easier to say CMW sucks coming off season we had (though he allegedly called it a good season? Lol). Next year, it could be easier to say CMW is great if we finish top 2/3 in the B10 and make a S16 or similar sort of season. He has a long enough track record as a HC in basketball to say he's a known commodity... the ceiling is pretty clear. Would be great to surprise to the upside, instead of the downside. Rooting for it. I'm more excited for IUFB this offseason.
  20. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    That's why we're going to have next year! Lol. I never call people it, but you certainly are true to username. I appreciate it. Go Hoosiers EDIT: For clarity, you can't offer up something that hasn't happened yet as proof that he doesn't suck. Lmao dude.
  21. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Why keep a prick around if he can't win anything worth a damn?
  22. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Over the fact he sucks as a coach and is an arrogant prick? Are you new here? Lol
  23. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Just get rid of the guy already. Scott too.
  24. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Silver lining to this, is HH funds will be diverted to women's basketball. That may be the most Woody ever does to support our ladies program and CTM.
  25. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    This is a great post, and you said exactly what I was thinking in the bolded parts. As these collectives become more cemented fixtures around the program/donor community, there is the potential for them to serve a useful, functional purpose as being the de facto "voice of the fans." They're positioned to have actual influence around programs that extends beyond a particular coaching staff, which is WAY different than the traditional media needing to be in the good graces of the current staff to get scoops, exclusives, etc. I don't think its fair to make that comparison or say that Woodson is necessarily the "hand" that was feeding the Hysterics. There are legitimate reasons to stop doing business with collectives, but is having a candid conversation about the state of the program one of them? Hard to view it as anything other than pettiness stemming from insecurity. Yes they have been annoying. By all other metrics, most of which you already covered, they have been a net positive for the program. The HC getting his feelings hurt and being allowed to run them off - to the long term detriment of the program - is just a real shame. I do not have confidence in this staff's ability to lead a locker room to success on the court or help them grow from boys to men.