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Home Jersey

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Everything posted by Home Jersey

  1. Home Jersey

    Who fills the last scholarship?

    How reliable/connected is Tyler Tachman? Maybe Wilcher deserves his own recruiting thread?
  2. Home Jersey

    Who fills the last scholarship?

    Am I..... willing this recruitment into existence? /s
  3. Home Jersey

    Who fills the last scholarship?

    I could walk out of my front door and trip over a dozen Italian-Americans before I made it a tenth of a mile down the road. I promise you not a single one would be offended by any "stereotypes" in this thread lol
  4. Home Jersey

    Who fills the last scholarship?

    Pitino = Pesci Calipari = De Niro Izzo = Liotta ... you can kinda see it, right?
  5. Home Jersey

    Who fills the last scholarship?

    Yeah, don't think I've seen any substantive reporting/"rumors" connecting us to him... seems that Wilcher is very much looking for a place where he can start from day 1/get a ton of shots, etc... fair enough, that's basically the reason we landed Mack. They won a state championship together, but their play styles could sometimes be in conflict, it sounds like (and another poster mentioned they may also have conflicts off the court, which I'm unaware of, but could easily be true). Guess I jumped the gun and turns out there may actually not be any fire here - not even a little smoke... except from me! Too bad... was brainstorming NIL ideas for that duo.... Had visions of Hoosiers for Good selling T shirts of Mack, Wilcher, and Woody à la GoodFellas. Under the title, picture of the Sample Gates on one side, the other side with local favorite brands. (Yes I am insane)
  6. Home Jersey

    Who fills the last scholarship?

    True. Flip side? Some may call that, the stars aligning... I'm hopeful something materializes here but we'll be fine regardless.
  7. Home Jersey

    IU Basketball News and Notes

    Newton already looks like he's been in a college weight room for a year or two, damn. I know its just a sizzle reel, but Sparks looks like a freakin beast too. Think a lot of people will be very pleasantly surprised by him this year.
  8. Home Jersey

    2023 General Recruiting Thread (BBall)

    Hubert will be gone next year... he might not make it to the end of the season at this rate Edit: /hyperbole ... maybe
  9. Home Jersey

    Who fills the last scholarship?

    No intel, no sources, only my gut instinct (the instinct grows wiser as the gut grows wider, ya know...) From what I've gleaned of MM's relationship with Wilcher, there could absolutely be something here. Expect a lot of smoke, regardless of whether there is an actual fire (or rather, how strong the fire actually is) There is no way we don't minimally have a cup of coffee here, IMO ....... Being from Jersey, I'd be extremely pumped if this happened. Indulge me in getting way ahead of myself and assuming our 2023 class isn't done yet... Hypothetically, let's say MM/SW team up again. That duo needs a nickname. In the quiet time between recruiting news/speculation on this, I look forward to reading ~20-100 pages brainstorming nicknames, criticizing Fife's chicken sandwich condiment choosing, cheese on apple pie, etc.
  10. Home Jersey

    NCAA MBB Transfer Portal

    Somewhat meh about this but if Woody and staff want him, I want him too! Personally would prefer someone with 1 or 2 years of eligibility rather than 3, but if he goes to the league sooner, everyone wins from that point of view. Not great stats last year, but 6'8 and a playmaker? If Woody thinks he can mold him into a pro... then next year's team will be scary good. Bottom line to me - that size is going to create mismatches all over the floor. If he can be a solid shooter (not like he was horrific last year... just a solid improvement) then look out. I like the very little I've seen of his ability to handle the ball and pass it. Very excited to see how we round out the roster!
  11. Home Jersey

    NCAA MBB Transfer Portal

    Would that take them down to 6 scholarship players?
  12. Home Jersey

    NCAA MBB Transfer Portal

    Ant Wright speculating? https://twitter.com/itsAntWright/status/1663969027281022976?cxt=HHwWgMCzxfTAzZcuAAAA
  13. Home Jersey

    2026 General Recruiting Thread (Bball)

    Wow. "I most definitely want to go to Indiana just because my brother is there, so that's one of them [schools he'd like to see get involved in his recruitment]." 2026 is a while away, but I say sign him up... (only half kidding)
  14. Yes, I think he has a higher release point on his jumper now/more fluid motion. This film breakdown is from October 2021, so fair to say there's been a good bit of development since then. Find it interesting he speaks so highly of his shooting now, whereas the current narrative (from Goodman, at least) seems to be that he may not be able to spread the floor super effectively. I think its more likely he just had a few bad games on his last EYBL circuit. Not worried about it. He is a top 10 talent and committed to his craft. He was playing pick up with Kyrie the other day, we just hired Calbert as Head of Player Development. Consider me extremely optimistic
  15. Home Jersey

    Music Thread

  16. Home Jersey

    2023-2024 IUBB Schedule

    Just ordered my tickets for the Empire Classic. Let's gooooo Hoosiers Edit: I may have an extra ticket for the Sunday games, if anyone is interested feel free to DM me
  17. Home Jersey

    (C) Kel 'el Ware - COMMITTED TO INDIANA

    I just started listening and man the guy who is driving the interview with Kel'El is.... something. Is that Eric? Edit: The way he talks about Kel'El pronouncing his name, weird exchange with Mom, then talking about how he saw a movie that made him think Little Rock is "so scary" and asking him if it's true? Yikes man.
  18. Home Jersey

    NCAA MBB Transfer Portal

    Possible I've missed some news the last few days - but seems the rumor mill is pretty quiet re: the last scholarship? Feels like I've mostly seen speculation but not really reporting. I know these things take time so not worried, just eager for some IUBB news like we all are lol. Maybe things will start to heat up around the deadline to withdraw from the NBA draft process
  19. Let's gooooo! This is huge for the team next year and says a lot about the state of the program long term. Couldn't be more optimistic about where we're headed... about as great of an offseason as we could've possibly hoped for.
  20. Home Jersey

    Medical - Summer Work

    Are you in the Bloomington area? If so, Cook Medical comes to mind. https://www.cookmedical.com/ From their site: "There are common themes across every medical specialty we support: patients who want to get better and doctors who want simpler, more effective options. That is why we work hard to invent, manufacture, and deliver a unique portfolio of minimally invasive medical devices to healthcare systems around the world." it is a competitive process for their internships, but I think I recall them having a program for high school students/being open to giving them hourly/part time roles that are very much about learning... this was c.2012-14 though, so take with a grain of salt. If its not in the Bloomington area... sorry, no clue!
  21. Home Jersey

    NCAA MBB Transfer Portal

    Assuming there isn't a potential transfer prospect going through the NBA draft process waiting in the wings for us (that the staff feels really good about), I'd be pretty happy to round out the roster with Cam Spencer. He makes winning plays, shoots well, and I think his strengths compliment Trey's fairly well. Our 2 spot wouldn't be the most talented in the NCAA, but it would be solid... and considering the rest of the roster, I think "solid" would be all we really need. Especially considering behind TG and Spencer, would be CJ Gunn and Jakai Newton. Not as if we'd be totally devoid of athleticism/length/depth. IF... we land a combo guard who opts out of the NBA draft process, it will be hard not to have sky high hopes/expectations. Maybe it's Woodson/the staff, maybe its the NIL environment/support from Dolson, maybe its the transfer portal.... IDK... I'm just glad we're not trying to get excited for Grant Gelon/Jeremiah April kinds of pick ups anymore.
  22. From personal experience, I don't think Love would have the same issue at IU in terms of credits transferring in. That said, I'm not personally "rooting" for this recruitment and don't think it will pick up steam again. If it does though, I have full trust in Woodson and staff.