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Home Jersey

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  1. Home Jersey

    IUWBB vs Oklahoma - Monday, 03.25.24 @ 6:30 on ESPN2

    God awful call on Garzon.
  2. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Until we know what half our roster will look like for next year, the discourse on IUBB right now is just like being inside the head of an angry guy ruminating on everything that's wrong with the world lol. Even when we do know what the other half of the roster looks like, until the new season actually tips off (and probably until January 2025 realistically) people will remain skeptical at best, excessively critical at worst. Ugly, toxic, etc. It's hard when a lot of fans just want to fast forward to the end of next season before March Madness is even over
  3. Home Jersey

    NCAA MBB Coaching Carousel

    I don't eat that stuff and spend my money how I want, wouldn't tell you how to spend yours. Thanks
  4. Home Jersey

    NCAA MBB Coaching Carousel

    Trilly says at 1pm Dusty and UL had the contract terms agreed to and UL were setting up for the press conference.
  5. Home Jersey

    NCAA MBB Coaching Carousel

    Watching a conference rival hire a young-ish basketball manager alumni of ours who built FAU up... while we do... not much... does make our athletic program feel pretty impotent.
  6. Home Jersey

    NCAA MBB Coaching Carousel

    Well... Dusty at UM, to my mind, pretty much means if he does end up being great... he will never end up coming to IU. Probably less than 1% chance. And if he doesn't end up being great, which is very much possible, well... we're not missing out in that case. I am not sold that he will be great (nobody is a guarantee and all that) but I definitely would have preferred him not be in the B10.
  7. Home Jersey

    NCAA MBB Coaching Carousel

    SIAP. Dusty pivoting to UM
  8. Home Jersey

    NCAA MBB Coaching Carousel

    TD just confirmed Dusty to UL on Discord
  9. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Seen Kentucky fans arguing on Twitter about keeping Calipari or not. Some say anybody can win at Kentucky. Others point out Gillespie couldn't and reference the fact from 99-until 2011 they didn't make a final four.... A 12 year stretch? Practically double that and I wonder how they'd be feeling. I'm resigned to the fact he's getting another year but man the unserious nature of our program is deflating when you're watching March Madness without the Hoosiers mens team. Love rooting for our ladies though. Since he's here I'm hoping we "hit a grand slam" (eye roll) in the portal and they surprise me next year. That said, fire / retire Mike Woodson. Good grief.
  10. Home Jersey

    College Bball Thread

    Wisconsin kid with the nightmare scenario of missing two point blank bunnies under the rim in a row... so embarrassing lol
  11. Home Jersey

    College Bball Thread

    Total meltdown by FAU. Yeesh.
  12. Home Jersey

    College Bball Thread

    You'd be hard pressed to find a coach that has done less with more than Cal.
  13. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    There is no planet on earth where Woody gets us to the tournament next year, let alone a S16 or E8, and IU "fires" him. Barring something extraordinary happening, I think it's fairly certain whenever Woodson leaves, it will be him "retiring." If the crux of your question is do we see him leaving after next year if we finish top 4-5 and finish in 2nd round? Who knows... I'd think so, because he could leave with his head held high (whether you agree with those standards/expectations is a different conversation)... not because he's being pushed out the door. But who knows... so much time until the end of next season.
  14. Home Jersey

    College Bball Thread

    Duquesne playing better than I expected
  15. Home Jersey

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    My sophomore year I lived at 301 Varsity Lane. What a glorious community it was, truly.
  16. Home Jersey

    IUFB Offseason Updates

    Are there any good/recent overviews of how the team looks by position group for next year?
  17. Home Jersey

    NCAA MBB Transfer Portal

    A lot of interesting things about next year... I am skeptical that either of Woody's offensive/defensive systems have major changes. I don't see us playing a ton of 4 out 1 in based on the fact we could have tried that last year after TJD and Race left but chose to recruit Ware (who was a phenomenal pick up) and pair him with MR. As for Woody's comment of the college game being inside-out, I do think a lot of hyperbole and bias has colored those comments in a way. A lot of good college teams play inside out and there is a reason for that. The key IMO is giving the green light to shoot 3s when it makes sense and just my .02, I felt that part of the game was actively discouraged this year. Granted, we didn't really have the guards/shooters to do that effectively. We made our bed and had to lay in it. Early in the year, Woody also was asked a lot about using Ware on the perimeter. He'd usually respond along the lines of "the big fella" being 7' tall, he should play in the post and rebound, etc. With MR as your 4, you're basically locked into needing a 5 who can A) rim protect and rebound at a very high level B) stretch the floor more consistently. Toward the end of the year I think we saw some better action with Ware and MR. Too little, too late though. The year before, with TJD and Race... our scoring droughts and spacing were rough. I hope a lot of lessons have been learned and we get a competitive group together. Eager for good news.
  18. Home Jersey

    NCAA MBB Transfer Portal

    The Rutgers fans I know have very split feelings on Cliff... some happy to see him go, others will miss him. IMO pretty big loss for their program... Between Mag, Cliff, and Simpson transferring, doesn't seem like those two 5 star freshmen will have much of a supporting cast. Will be interesting to see how they do next year, what Pike does with them. Personally, I'd prefer we pass on Cliff and don't see it as a natural fit. Maaayyyybe if he splits time with MR at the 5. We could definitely do a lot worse, though.
  19. Home Jersey

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    I agree with what you said in the bold, though I think we'll end up with a slightly different mix. I feel very differently about the proposition that we can take up to 6-7 "need be" ... I want a full roster of players. That should not be hard at a place like IU. They don't all have to be stars, or even major contributors... the ability to play a small role would be wonderful. After the season we just had, where XJ's extended time off the court from injuries forced GC into major minutes before he was necessarily ready. I do not want to be anywhere near the same position next time. Field a full roster. That should literally be the absolute bare minimum, IMO.
  20. Home Jersey

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    I'd love to see it, but I wouldn't bet a dime on it. Seems to me, his system is his system. I hope he gets the right players for it... though I don't love watching it or the results it produces.
  21. Home Jersey

    Indiana Players Now In The Portal

    I think that duo could do some serious damage at Ball State
  22. Home Jersey

    NCAA MBB Transfer Portal

    I think the foot injury from earlier in the year really hampered his development. He looked less explosive than he did in HS/AAU for sure. But was a top recruit, potential is clearly there. A lot of these kids just need 2-4 years in college vs 1... He'd be a great pick up! Surprised because I thought he and Cal got along very well. Wonder what DJ Wagner will end up doing, I assume he'd want to portal too. Maybe follow grandpa's footsteps to Louisville or dad's to Memphis
  23. Home Jersey

    NCAA MBB Transfer Portal

    Trilly says Aaron Bradshaw from Kentucky is hitting the portal. Surprising to me. No reports of IU being involved, but I would love to see it. Mgbako's AAU teammate. Was injured earlier in the year. Kel'El Ware/TJD plan? Not going to lie, I'd be surprised if anything materializes here... but a guy can dream
  24. Home Jersey

    Indiana Players Now In The Portal

    IMO we don't necessarily need them all to be top 50 guys or coming from a P5 school... plenty of mid-major players who can contribute at this level, especially in the backcourt. I would like a few of the top 50/P5 transfers to land here, because they are important too... just not the end all be all. Problem is, the staff doesn't seem very interested in evaluating talent. So do you trust them to go out there and identify under the radar types who fit their system and will mesh together? I don't, and honestly, that doesn't seem to be their recruiting strategy which as far as I can tell appears to be chasing stars and rankings. Hope it works out. Edit: removed a reference to the staff not being capable of developing talent. They are with big men certainly, in TJD and Ware.
  25. Home Jersey

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Hey... Kelley is a great school... but it ain't Stanford. Could still be a good fit. Not familiar with his game, just by looking at stats assume there are better options out there. But as you said, not writing him off for academics and he definitely has some game. With Bama landing a commitment today....... I really hope we get one soon too. Or very strong indication we'll land a quality player after they're done in the tournament. Not holding my breath though. Hope I'm wrong.....