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Home Jersey

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Everything posted by Home Jersey

  1. Home Jersey

    College Bball Thread

    It's definitely possible UConn does not win it all, and I hope Purdue loses ASAP. But a Clingan vs Edey match up would be fun to watch. I tend to think UConn would win by 10+ at least. Hopefully PU doesn't play after tomorrow though.
  2. Home Jersey

    College Bball Thread

    Arizona practically giving this game away to Clemson.
  3. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Yeah ... this is just a really weird battleground. a VeryOnline segment of the Twitter fanbase seem to be frothing at the mouth over Woody's true fan comments, as if they've been personally ordained by Christ himself to Hold Everyone Accountable TM
  4. Home Jersey

    NCAA MBB Coaching Carousel

    Funny comments from Kelsey at the time stamped moment about his wife/recruiting ability. Seems like a self aware guy, very high energy. Not very familiar with his coaching style but on the surface I'd buy the idea he gets things going there in due time.
  5. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    It actually surprises me in so many ways, this phenom going on within our fanbase. It's as if all nuance is dead. Very tribal. Cannot conceive of a world where people share what they hear and situations evolve. Just because someone shares what they hear and the situation evolves then plays out differently, does not mean that it wasn't true at the time they heard/shared it. I've never seen you or Jerry frame a post in a definitive way unless you were sure of it, and those things have happened. Even actual paid media people who break stories for a living, have been "wrong" about what they reported would happen (EX: ISP had the scoop on Essegian going back into portal). Most of the time they are right/consistent... and most of the time, what they are hearing is aligned with what our posters hear. This righteous indignation - as if speaking negatively about Mike Woodson's job as HC - is a personal affront, is weird. The desire to "keep receipts" as NGW has put it, tell others what they're allowed to say or feel, that maybe they'll "allow" you to root for the team next year if you keep being positive (this is all on Twitter, not here, to be clear) ... is f***ing weird, and tiresome. Do people not have a right to be skeptical? I didn't realize you lose your right to be a fan if you acknowledge glaring issues. Don't think that was the case until Mike Woodson decided to tell everyone it was.
  6. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Yeah. I'm sure if we end up with a good-great portal haul and if Barrel Rick is correct about Mullins/other 25 recruits, everyone will be happy about that. What sucks is half the fanbase now feeling like they are empowered to "keep receipts" and mock you for rooting for your team, just because you had a different opinion on the coach. It probably says a lot about how divided society is these days. And if Woody does land a great portal haul + land a 2025 class... if he has a good season, sure, bring him back the year after. What is a "good" season? What are the odds based on the whole picture? To say it's premature to laugh at "the angry mob" is an understatement. Let's see how next season goes. Sorry, but recruiting isn't enough to get me excited about the program this offseason anymore.
  7. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Not really. People can recognize a good addition to the team (we have about 6-7 more spots to fill btw) and still not be convinced this is "proof" of some master plan and that everything is hunky dory. Coming into this thread with this take is just funny. Want a cookie?
  8. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Happy to land Tucker, seems like a great talent. 5 star recruits don't excite me right now. The chest pounding will be amusing
  9. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I hope we get news on Mackenzie Mgbako soon.
  10. Home Jersey

    (2024) - SF Bryson Tucker to INDIANA

    FWIW, TD "predicted" Tucker to IU just a few minutes ago. Obviously take with a grain of salt. Because I agree, if no more visits scheduled... I'd think the staff was pressing hard for a commitment before he left. Maybe that happened privately, and they're just waiting for April until the check clears. That does leave a window for something to change. You'd think for all the talk of increased NIL resources, we'd basically be ready to have payment in "cold hard cash" (not literally cash) ready to go.
  11. Home Jersey

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    I know we see things the same way, so I'm not saying this in a combative way. RE: your last sentence, so true. With pretty much a blank slate roster for next year except for a few key players, not sure what exactly is realistic. I know what I expect. I know for all the talk about how talent was an issue this year... and the staff's chosen approach of waiting for the portal to build their roster... they better get as much talent as they can. Don't care how they sell these guys on it, just get them here. Let's see that NIL war chest put to good use. Ultimately I think we're expecting the same thing, which will be probably 2 or 3 impact players and then maybe 3 or 4 role players.
  12. Home Jersey

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Obviously just speculation because we're filling in blanks based on reports, and haven't actually landed anyone yet... but for the sake of conversation, I'm squinting really hard to envision an outline for the roster and what a best case scenario would look like... Retain Mgbako. In the backcourt, land: Conwell, Perkins, Hickman (who knows if possible to get all 3? I tend to doubt it but would love to be pleasantly surprised). Play Gallo heavily in the rotation, with Leal and Cupps playing spot minutes. On the wing, add Bryson Tucker - hopefully without overcommitting on playing time. I'd like to see him get similar minutes to Malik's first year, not that they are similar players, but I'd anticipate a similar level of impact from him as a freshman, albeit done differently on the court. From the little bit I've seen (ie, I could be very wrong - not a professional basketball scout), I'd be surprised if he is an instant starter type of freshman. Have Newton and Tucker compete for minutes on the wing alongside/behind MM. Find a role playing 5 that can help protect the rim and you're comfortable playing up to 25-30mpg based on match ups (I'm sure easier said than done but of the thousands of players in the portal, there have to be some out there... Bradshaw and Booker come to mind). Conway, Perkins, Hickman, Gallo, Leal, Cupps, Newton, MM, BT, MR, AB or XB would be eleven. Two spots to fill... ideal to find a sharpshooting wing and a back up big... hard for any program to fill a roster with 13 players who could come in and instantly contribute though. I will reiterate - that's a "best case" scenario, not what I think is necessarily likely at all. Your top 8 would probably Conway, Perkins, Hickman, Gallo, MM, MR, the portal 5 and IMO either Tucker, portal wing/big. I'm hoping for the best but expecting the worst when it comes to Newton's recovery from his knee surgeries. Not sure how that roster would stack up in the CBB landscape, but it would look much improved from this year. Here's to hoping the #TrueFanClub has something to be happy about soon. Be careful though... if you said anything negative on Twitter, NGW and his buddies have let everyone know they're "keeping receipts" for when you "switch up" lmao. Gimme a break
  13. Home Jersey

    College Bball Thread

    Wondering how a Clingan vs. Edey match up would go. I tend to think Clingan would hold his own while UConn would have a gameplan that works better overall. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.
  14. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Some utterly funny behavior out of NGW on Twitter today. Tweeting out a gif like he is Trilly Donovan and scolding the Sheriff Woody account for posting an eyes emoji and screenshots of Bryson Tucker's 247 profile saying "you don't get to post **** like this after your meltdown" (ie wanting Bruce Pearl). I just can't get over what a superiority complex this guy has... it's brutal
  15. Home Jersey

    College Bball Thread

    It's honestly unlike anything you'd ever imagine for a Big East school. That is why they mostly play at the Prudential Center... Walsh Gymnasium is way less nice/impressive than a lot of high school gyms. Probably every HS gym in Indiana lol. It's extremely dated, but space is hard to come by in their city and it's a relatively small school, so very unlikely they'll get investment to make serious upgrades. That said, it's a really fun place to watch a game. You're basically right on top of the action, similar to Cameron Indoor in that sense (but way smaller). Plus, tickets were cheap - $20/pop usually, not sure about for the NIT games. NIL is very challenged there too. Tough job to be successful in, especially in this era. I think Shaheen will get them back to the tournament but could see him moving on to bigger and better things after a certain point.
  16. Home Jersey

    (2024) - SF Bryson Tucker to INDIANA

    Yeah, all good points. My big concern with Malik at the 5 is that he does not rebound well enough right now. Mgbako I think can be a good rebounder at the 4, but he is also not a high level/consistent rebounder as of now, and he will likely still play at the 3 IMO for at least a good amount of time if he does in fact stay. That said, I think Malik showed a lot of improvement this year and if he makes a similar jump next year, I could see him playing some time at the 5 and it working well... plus, Mack will be a great sophomore if we're able to keep him. My "sunshine pumping" hot take is that I'm hopeful Gallo shoots better next year (I'd take 33% on low-ish volume... just enough to keep defenses honest.). In 2022-2023, he shot 46%, I'm sure the volume was low and his 3PT/FG%s have been low otherwise. But in his last year of eligibility and with a hopefully more focused role, I'm hoping he can be more efficient.
  17. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Yeah, was speaking somewhat tongue in cheek. If I'm going to get excited about anything, it probably won't be until January if they're playing well.
  18. Home Jersey

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Sure, there's 6 teams in the NIT right now and the CBI tournament is wrapping up now, so that's 8 total. Probably a few more. My point still stands, and you are still pedantic as hell lol. Surprised people on your ignored users list can still quote you
  19. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Mack would fit more of what we need, but personally I'd opt for Perkins if we had to choose. Proven production in the B10... would love both though. So many roster holes, can't wait to start fillin em! #TrueFanClub
  20. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Por que no los dos? "Tyme" assured us our bankroll could buy whoever we want.
  21. Home Jersey

    (2024) - SF Bryson Tucker to INDIANA

    Believe he was going to play for G League Ignite which has since folded if I'm not mistaken
  22. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Yeah I feel the same way for the most part. How they start the season is going to matter a lot, for many reasons. There's just no way he's announcing before next season that it will be his last no matter what IMO.
  23. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Tucker fits the profile of one of Woodson's spring 5 star commitments. Looks likely, that's good. We just have to fill so many roster spots, I can't get excited about "our haul" yet, especially if Tucker and Perkins end up being the big gets.
  24. Home Jersey

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    The alternative is that... fans could root for the team they support... to win. I want Woodson gone too but if as you say we miraculously have a solid team with a good season, I'd hope half the fans could get behind the team even if they don't think the coach is what's best for the program. I just don't think it's realistic to hope that he makes any announcement about next season being his last no matter what before the season even starts.
  25. Home Jersey

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Yeah, I could have worded my post better. I don't mind casting a wide net, but the fact they don't have a good track record of evaluating talent makes me think they don't actually know what they want/are looking for. Just someone rated highly who will say yes, because they trust their ability to put players in the best position to win. That's how the approach feels to me.